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Recent content by WhyteTech

  1. WhyteTech

    Question - Rangers - why so unpopular?

    Id say they are awesome. They came out during a period that all the hybrids got niche filling buffs similar to that. Paladins got Brells something, Rangers Got Predator line. no idea what SKs got. I think it was to bring them "in line" with Beastlords at the time, as BSTs were always chosen over...
  2. WhyteTech

    Question - Rangers - why so unpopular?

    As a Ranger Main through Depths of Darkhallow from launch. Rangers were kinda always joked upon because of how underwhelming they were. Never enough melee dps. Couldnt tank effectively. Couldnt range until Shadows of Luclin well. Not really good compared to their parts, warrior and druid...
  3. WhyteTech

    Plugin - MQ2GroupInfo

    If it helps, the command (so you can make your own) is: /dgge /nav id ${Me.ID}
  4. WhyteTech

    New to TLP Tips/Advice

    Oh! https://www.eqprogression.com/ Think the dude dropped working on the site, but this is a massive great source of information on TLPs based with the modern dev changes (to internal code structure and junk).
  5. WhyteTech

    New to TLP Tips/Advice

    Both. Redguides compile of MQ wont even let you connect to the TLP servers without relaxed truebox on it, both as an effort to reduce bans and in respect of the devs rules of the server. And I agree with the above. A fresh TLP, especially with one that has this much built up hype (25th...
  6. WhyteTech

    News - Welcome to the Anniversary Tower!

    The items, they adapt to player level when you buy them. My 100s have required lvl 100 ones I believe, or 95 ones. Same items, less stats.
  7. WhyteTech

    Discussion - Dbg eq 2024 AMA Thread.

    Didnt see this one, musta missed it.
  8. WhyteTech

    Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin

    I guess, hot take, given the discourse here.... The upgrade to this has been awesome for me, and I havent experienced ANY of the issues above. I was actually gonna suggest an potential feature request. Can we sort the "Autologin>Characters" by "last login date" if possible? Like, I made new...
  9. WhyteTech

    Toast - Level 2 Access - Mega thread

    Hope it worth it mate, apparently I got reported for my suggestion outward asking for names to send months access to. guess i won't be doing that again lol. Enjoy tho!
  10. WhyteTech

    Toast - Level 2 Access - Mega thread

    I can donate some Months for people, just give me some names
  11. WhyteTech

    Discussion - Helping On FV

    I play on FV and always wanted to find the Boxing community on it. I help the guild im in, and push to help everyone I encounter. "Use my powers for good" mentality. I push to help folks succeed, and do what I can to enrich their enjoyment in the game. It sucks I have to be so secretive about...
  12. WhyteTech

    Plugin - MQ2Boxr

    I think the major change is from /rg to /rgl This is the best log/evidence of the above I can provide. @Derple Seems to be the person working on the LUA version, they could perhaps provide more input?
  13. WhyteTech

    Toast - Red Guides 1000 Messages In. Five things I've learned.

    Been seeing your posts everywhere lately, and I typically find your input valuable. Thanks for being here and contributing!
  14. WhyteTech

    News - Fippy Fest on June 15th, 2024

    Which, really dumb to not release WHERE it will be hosted or how much in person tickets will be. really hard to determine if I'm gonna do FFXIV fan fest system stepup to try to get tickets without that information.