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Recent content by Vesayen

  1. V

    Question - party comp

    Are you playing on TLP or live? As someone else who only previously played EQ to get a necromancer to the 40s I found live overwhelming and decided to start on Oakwynd TLP. I did a war/cleric/enchanter/mage/bard/druid combo. My only regrets are I wish I started with a shadowknight or paladin...
  2. V

    Question - Alternate Persona, am I missing something?

    As a multiboxer playing on TLP the ONLY benefit I see to having personas is possibly my main tank. I could do warrior main for raid gear, then switch to SK for 6 box group content, and don't have to redo keying/flags to every raid on two different characters. On the other hand if its a free...
  3. V

    Discussion - Is EQ a true 'Sense of Accomplishment' game for you?

    I find EQ1 has a "hilly" learning curve. It's hard to get started on a brand new account with 0 plat, especially on a freshly launched TLP server. You're thrown in an initially unintuitive UI, lots of windows overlapping other windows/etc, and a deeply complex game. Then once you have the...