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Recent content by RoadRash333

  1. R

    Question - Playing EQ on M2 Mac mini

    I got it to work! I deleted bottle and started over and made this version Windows 7. I also noticed that I had DXVK clicked on, so I shut it off. Not sure what of the the two worked, but It's working just fine now! Cybris, you are a beast! I've been wanting a Mac option for over a year and...
  2. R

    Question - Playing EQ on M2 Mac mini

    First of all THANKS for the response!!! Followed this to a T. Everything appeared to work just fine. However when the game loads and I get to the server select and then hit play and go to what should be the character select screen. I get game music playing, but the character select screen is...
  3. R

    Question - Playing EQ on M2 Mac mini

    Hello. Has anyone figured out how/if you can play EQ on an M2 Mac mini? If so, could you please explain or walk me through the process? I don’t care if I need anything extra like an emulator, parallels, play on Mac, etc. I’ve tried and can’t figure it out. I’ve ran it on my PC since it was...