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Recent content by Peppe

  1. Peppe

    News - Free June 2024 item

    All I want is ToL ftp, any moment now :D
  2. Peppe

    News - Hotfix 22/5

    The Everquest's hotfix did not fix my problem with the game Everquest, sad face :( Now I has to manually switch between the resolutionens everytime I wanna play the game. Bummer. The UI is all skewed, the mouse cursor is not on point unless I do the res thingy.. really annoying when you enter...
  3. Peppe

    News - Hotfix 22/5

    Much needed fix, I was forced to reset my res on in the game or else the UI was all off point, the settings did not stick so I had to re-apply em everytime I logged in to the game.
  4. Peppe

    Problem - Lag

    ah, would be a new record 519 toons :P
  5. Peppe

    Problem - Lag

    Are you using 519 toons?
  6. Peppe

    Toast - The Guild Hit 90 Online Last Night

    I got my brother to try out the game Everquest, I hope he wants to continue.
  7. Peppe

    Problem - Crashes once again

    Thought saving the environment and recycle the thread :P
  8. Peppe

    Problem - Crashes once again

    For some reason my Everquest game has started to eat +2GB RAM on each toon, one toon 3D object=30FPS less in the game.. game is unplayable with 6 toons, 40fps and struggles.. And this is in the less populated zones. Even when I try with just my main and there are 5 other players.. my FPS goes...
  9. Peppe

    IRL - in the next Expansion I want.

    I want good old DX9 back, DX12 is a massive failure. Heck, even 32-bit can I take back.. the 64-bit was like.. nothing improved. All talk no work.
  10. Peppe

    Problem - Crashes once again

    Did you do a DDU process on the graphic card drivers? Search on Youtube how to, if you don't know how.
  11. Peppe

    Discussion - Shaman, Bard, Enchanter all same group

    I'm actually also trying out a new group. Shadow knight, Enchanter, Bard, Mage, Cleric, Zerker. Enchanter has really nice life leech spells for melee users. See how this support group will help my main group.
  12. Peppe

    Discussion - Another group makeup question

    I would keep the cleric, cleric's is much better than shaman when it comes to heals.
  13. Peppe

    Rogue and Berserker or Wizard and Magician.

    Rogue. Beastlord is also great, but Rogue class has upper hand, my op.
  14. Peppe

    Discussion - What angle do you prefer? (In the game Everquest)

    Just for the cause of science. FPS. VS Third-person. I prefer 3rd person view.