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Recent content by Maximprime

  1. M

    Discussion - returning player - whats a good duo?

    How does necro not benefit from enchanter? I get mana reiterate procs all the time on my dots. I think it also procs twincast
  2. M

    Question - Staff of Forbidden Rites

    Thanks. I would give you a red cent but I am all out for the day. Sorry
  3. M

    Question - Staff of Forbidden Rites

    Would love a further explanation of how this is done to give it a try!
  4. M

    Question - Debating coming back, current top classes question

    Oh so this will only be live then if it's just weapons getting stronger. TLP servers shouldn't see a change?
  5. M

    Question - Debating coming back, current top classes question

    I just made a necro and leveled it to max, but only in SoD era. so should be OP for awhile longer haha
  6. M

    Question - Debating coming back, current top classes question

    Damn 60% increase surely that will have to be tuned down a bit.