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Recent content by Marnan

  1. Marnan

    Question - (EQ Quest) Trust is Earned, Outsider

    I'm not sure it's any consolation, but you aren't alone. Might be a bug that has to be fixed: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/dirk-kollimar-in-timorus-falls.298123/
  2. Marnan

    Guide - Augs and Trophies SK115ish

    Just to add, the Tower of North Ro has some nice and very easily obtained Type 7s. There is a wonderful shield augmentation mixed in. Depending on where you are on the gearing up process, there is a lower level (but nice) augmentation and then the ones that break at some point over 115 I think...
  3. Marnan

    Question - How long does it take you to complete both LS missions?

    This is where I am. Or was, I'm holding off a bit using MQ until I get a better sense of the scope of DBG's current vendetta.
  4. Marnan

    Discussion - Group Comp For Missions Focus: Caster vs Melee

    This is not a min-max group that I suggest below, but you'll be able to handle all group content, including missions and named once you're geared up. First, your core that you've already got, Paladin (Tank); Beastlord Bard; and Mage Then I'd add either a shaman and a wizard or a druid and a...
  5. Marnan

    Question - 6th toon spot. Thinking BST, PAL or CLR.

    I like the beastlord of the three choices. Beautiful ADPS and complements your swiss army knife approach. If I was leaving those three classes, I'd go wizard for the ports and really sweet DPS these days. Druid would also work.
  6. Marnan

    Discussion - Running Missions with team of 4 with a healer and dps merc

    I do not believe they do. But I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm wrong.
  7. Marnan

    Discussion - Running Missions with team of 4 with a healer and dps merc

    If I'm just grinding, I'll do six to maximize my experience gain. But when I'm playing I usually box a three man team: SK, Bard, Shaman or SK, Rogue, Shaman, or SK, Rogue, Wizard ... with appropriate mercs to fill out the other three. I'll set two of my toons on auto and play one. My SK just hit...
  8. Marnan

    Contest 6th Annual EverQuest Software Awards. Win Krono & Prizes For Voting

    So much incredible software for a 25 year old game.
  9. Marnan

    IRL - For those of you who play on Test what do you like and dislike about it? For the rest of you what are your thoughts on Test?

    I've always enjoyed Test. If you put some time into it, you can usually find people to group with at least intermittently. I think everyone should try it out at some point to see if it's right for them. Having said this, I still spend the bulk of my time on Bristlebane, my home server.
  10. Marnan

    Discussion - Without cheating - is "Brell's Rest" an indoor or outdoor zone?

    I have no idea. I voted Indoors, because it has that Pirates of the Caribbean feeling of being under a fake sky. It feels absolutely indoors as you wander through it, a huge indoors cavern.
  11. Marnan

    Music - Rob's Song of the Day Mega-Thread!

    Nowhere Fast, Streets of Fire! Wow that brings back memories. I was in tech school when that movie came out. Saw it with a cute blue-eyed, blonde in the movie theater. Was blown away; such an MTV generation movie. Married that girl.
  12. Marnan

    Question - Other Game to Play?

    Flirting with Lost Ark, 267 hours into the game, it's kind of fun. I'm enjoying the balanced PVP even if I get my ass kicked mostly.
  13. Marnan

    Discussion - Most iconic class + single game item combo?

    Iconic for me was a cleric walking around in purple Hate armor or a bard in all blue. While not technically one item, you knew the work a player had put into their class back in the day when that meant something. As for class plus one item, for me personally, it had to be cleric plus water...
  14. Marnan

    Funny - Tell me you’re and old gamer without saying you’re an old gamer.

    My first video game was Pong in the early 70s. My first computer game was by a dude named Scott Adams, adventure land. I loaded it using a tape drive onto my 4K memory TRS-80. When I first started EverQuest, it was through AOL on a dialup modem. The first evening I played, I drowned and...
  15. Marnan

    For Grinding in Great Divide Mission (Not a General Purpose Build)

    [General] KissAssistVer=12.001 [SpellSet] LoadSpellSet=2 [Buffs] BuffsOn=1 BuffsSize=6 Buffs1=Unified Hand of Righteousness|Dual|Righteousness Buffs2=Aura of Divinity|Aura Buffs3=Aura of the Reverent|Aura Buffs4=Ward of Righteousness|MA Buffs5=Shining Aegis|MA Buffs6=Divine Guardian|MA...