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Recent content by Leo

  1. Leo

    Question - Mage mod rod loop

    What are you using for your mage? is it a Kiss ini file?
  2. Leo

    Question - Do you know why SK and Shaman work better than SK and Cleric

    That's crazy, I see sham healing and doing 600k to 800k dps. Especially if the group's overall dps is a lil low, those dots can really add up.
  3. Leo

    Discussion - Group Comp For Missions Focus: Caster vs Melee

    My fav so far is pal shm brd mag nec wiz but I've run a bst in place of a nec and it's cool too. So I'd make a shm and wiz and go Pal shm brd bst mag wiz.
  4. Leo

    Question - Bard vs Ench

    I think it depends on what you want. Enchanter is better CC which is really noticeable if you pull more than 4 or 5 mobs, but a bard can do this job just not as quickly as a chanter. For ADPS with casters, enchanter will provide more for burns but a lot less outside of burn situations. Bard adps...
  5. Leo

    Question - SK+Pally - Would you ever?

    It can work, I've run SK and pally in same group. With the 4 you're thinking of, I would add a shm and wiz to that mix and watch stuff melt, particularly undead. The other option would be to add shm and nec, having the necro turn non undead mobs undead and watch the pally slay some stuffs.
  6. Leo

    IRL - Playing a new class is fun? Who knew?!

    Most end game pally single target heal spells do heal target of target now.....
  7. Leo

    Question - Monk ini for kissassist? lvl 125

    Here's one I modified and seems to do okay.
  8. Leo

    Question - Whats the Best DPS Class out there right now?

    Yea LS saw a pretty significant bump for monk dps. Wizzies got a bump as well.
  9. Leo

    Question - Whats the Best DPS Class out there right now?

    lol I dunno, I see Monks topping a lot of the raid parses now :) just sayin.
  10. Leo

    Question - Bard Songs for Caster group

    I've also experimented with this type of set up and it chews through mana fairly quickly. However, if your bard is geared enough that it can make it to the repop of your Rallying Solo cooldown without running out of mana then yea this would be significantly more adps for the group. My bards are...
  11. Leo

    Question - Bard Songs for Caster group

    yea 4 dots, 2 insults, aria, and war march are the best bang for your buck. As others have stated, if you find you're running out of mana too quickly then reduce the number of insults you use or take them out altogether. I twist in this order: dot 1, dot 2, dot 3, dot 4, aria, war march, insult...
  12. Leo

    Plugin - MQ2DanNet

    I believe you need /dex charname /cast 4
  13. Leo

    Question - Silver Account Item Question

    So you can still mem the spells in the spell slots, you can't scribe them unless you have the rk 2 unlocker purchased. But if you're not subbed even if you have the rk 3 spell on spell bar it only hits for the rank 1 spell dmg even though it might say rank 3 or the rank 2 dmg if you have the...
  14. Leo

    Discussion - Bards - gear (augs) and stats

    Hey, bards are awesome! Most just dual wield the best weapon ratios you can find and stack Hdex like the rest of the melee classes.
  15. Leo

    Discussion - Helping On FV

    I love me some FV, moved there from Zek around 8 years ago and have never once been tempted to look back! I'm also willing to help anyone out on FV that needs it.