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Recent content by Klunk

  1. K

    Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent

    Yes I'm crap , i only tend to go on pc when kids in bed and i would nod off if i started messing with programming
  2. K

    Question - Do you know why SK and Shaman work better than SK and Cleric

    So my main was a Mage for years , I raided from around 2001ish my wife used watch me and one day says she wanted to play and made a shammy , For next 15 years we duoed later adding a bard, She even was convinced to raid for a while being the healer and ADPS in the melee group she was assigned...
  3. K

    Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent

    Well i had try of the plugins when i was on TEST for a bit and you have certainly learned well, When i was younger I started in basic , did a little machine code then went on to C++, I used to run a BBS back in the day and wrote little programs for that but that was long ago , sadly my brain...
  4. K

    Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent

    I could do with a programming simulator i used be able program a bit in C about 30 years ago but that's long gone from my head and I'm too lazy relearn ;) Maybe a simulator would push me into it
  5. K

    Question - To upgrade, or not to upgrade. That is the question...

    I started playing again after over a year off after main was banned and started group from level 1 on FV They leveling slow but its fun there is stuff that i will do as they level and i know if i went right to heroic 100 i just wouldn't bother with doing , I raided for about 17 years so the...
  6. K

    Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent

    I play Minecraft with my kids Not through choice ;) I worked in construction for years i kinda secretly like the building aspect if they leave me alone to build , I have also played everquest with them but they loot everything, At the moment we playing Sea of thieves which been a laugh , I...
  7. K

    Discussion - Yet another group build - but hear me out!

    I have just Made a group on a live server SK,SHM, bard,mage,necro and bst to try something different they running on the lua rgmercs only low but seems be going well , I was thinking making a group on test SK,SHM ,Bard ,Wiz and two mages to see how that went
  8. K

    IRL - Ldons worth it?

    yer i was only doing it for exp really, but i had forgotten about forage thanks ;)
  9. K

    IRL - Ldons worth it?

    Hey all. I am leveling a crew from scratch been doing ldons but is there actually anything worth getting now that be handy higher levels, all i can think of is there was a mage AE spell
  10. K

    Strategy - Adding a Beastlord to Caster Group

    What else do you have in caster group rob? i started a group from fresh other day sk,shm,bard,bst,necro and mage group but thinking dropping the necro for a wiz
  11. K

    IRL - FV Population

    Yer ill be careful just seemed a lot botters lol
  12. K

    IRL - FV Population

    3000 members thats a pretty big guild thanks for the info
  13. K

    IRL - FV Population

    Whoa thanks very much ;)
  14. K

    IRL - FV Population

    Hey all Not played for ages just made a group on FV and was surprised how many people there are seems a very healthy population never played on FV before looking forward to it , I just don't want another group banning ;), Any tips for playing on FV?
  15. K

    IRL - i am back

    Hi, How did you manage get banned toons back , I would love get my old main back i presumed they just deleted them?