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Recent content by Dudduts

  1. D

    Question - Wizard dps

    Any advice on a good spell lineup? I'm currently leveling my wizard in my PL group... he's 112 but be 115 soon.. I'm right now just basing my ini on one's I found in the ini library. But any recommendations on top spells and order to use? Or a good ini if you use one? Thanks in advance!!
  2. D

    Problem - MQ Version Mismatch

    Oh ok. Thanks!
  3. D

    Problem - MQ Version Mismatch

    So we cant use MQ2 Plugins on Test Server?
  4. D

    Problem - MQ Version Mismatch

    Haven't found any recent fixes in the forums (i may have overlooked it) but I'm going to ask again if that's ok. I usually play live, but wanting to try Test Server. I have EQ updated (and Test selected) and i have MQ Updated (with Test selected). Under Last Installed it says "Patch Day -...
  5. D

    Question - Maybe strange set up?

    Makes sense! Could be a good upgrade having an enchanter
  6. D

    Question - Maybe strange set up?

    Thinking about coming back after a break and trying test server for the first time.. I was thinking about trying something different (I know not the most efficient). How would a Paladin and 5 shamans be? All with MQ2 plugins.. Can have 1 shaman on heals (prolly the hybrid setting) and the...
  7. D

    Question - 6box Combo Question

    Very true.. thanks for the input Sic.
  8. D

    Question - 6box Combo Question

    Hey guys, not sure if this is the proper place to put this, but I was curious if anyone has tried something like 5 Beastlords (with MQ2Bst) and, lets say a cleric healer.. Would that be any good at higher levels? Ive heard of stuff being not very pet friendly, but would the shear power of 5...