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Recent content by ctaylor22

  1. ctaylor22

    Plugin - MQ2Nav Release Thread

    Is there a way to provide the beginning XYZLocation and Destination XYZLocation when using the ${Navigation.PathExists[]} check?
  2. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - More Power! Well for some DPS casters, but not everyone.

    First off Thanks to @Leo and @TRS80 for testing and helping. This fix mainly benefits Mages but there may be others. Some DPS entries were getting shutdown at the beginning of a fight because EQ is returning a NOT TAKEHOLD message. An example would be the Chaotic Magma and Fusillade of many...
  3. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - A few fixes and added a command

    There was an issue with Target switching spamming the call to attack. Thanks go out to @LrdDread for the assistance. DanNetOn second argument was not getting populated properly. Summon Corpse routine was not using the correct Book spell for summoning level 125 corpses. This should be fixed...
  4. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Fix to yesterdays update

    Thanks everyone for your support.
  5. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Kiss Assist Update to .033

    Updates for some requested changes. 1. Added more detail to the combat routines debug messages. 2. Removed the check for the "Rain of Fear" expansion from the AggroCheck routine. 3. Added a check for Healers that Melee to reacquire their melee target before leaving the CheckHealth routine. 4...
  6. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - several changes/updates.

    Cures now has its own casting Interrupt. It is no longer part of the healing check. Added an additional check for 32(Cure Interrupt) New Mage Packs are now part of the Pet toys routine. Add to Ignore routine fixed an issue when trying to add by ID. Added a change to the Med routine to allow...
  7. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Timer Event Fix

    This update is just a correction to a syntax error found in the Timer event when using Tribute.
  8. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - chainpulling fix

    A quick chainpull fix by @battlenet
  9. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Some functionality control changes and some fixes.

    The big change for this version is that you can now use MQ2SpawnMaster for determining Named mobs. The Macro does not need MQ2SpawnMaster loaded to work. KissAssist reads the MQ2SpawnMaster.ini file for the current zones entries and adds them to an alert list that is used to match Spawns names...
  10. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Misbehaving BLs and Mages

    This could of happened with any character using a pet and using DPS. The issue was that after mob death CombatReset was not getting executed, and the next mob coming into camp was being considered the same as the last mob killed. This action was causing the Master of the pet to send in the pet...
  11. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Fixed syntax error

    A syntax error was found in the CheckGroupStats routine. My Bad.
  12. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Bard singing changes and begfor condition checking

    Recoded the BardsDoWhat routine to better determine when a Bard needs to be doing what. This should fix the bard singing DPS spells when not in combat. Also added condition checking for Begfor entries in the buff routine, this only affects the Beggar and not the caster/giver. You know what to do.
  13. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Minor bug fix

    New routine Had error, should be fixed now. You know what to do.
  14. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Bard logic fix

    My bad. This should fix the syntax error for bards.
  15. ctaylor22

    Combat Assist KissAssist - Several fixes and refinements

    Medroutine got an update. If medding gets interrupted before completion, then the group is re-checked for who is the lowest on mana/endurance, when medding continues. Summoning items, for Berserkers only. Added a check for CombatAbilityReady and not just if the character has the CombatAbility...