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Recent content by condain

  1. condain

    Question - Corpse Release

    I would like to know this too,
  2. condain

    Request - Someone Create More Mission And Paragon Luas

    I love the epic plugin that I am seeing, as well as artisan prize. what about something to get the Jann mask?
  3. condain

    Lua - Quest Lua

    I don't know about anyone else, but I was wondering if there is something out there or something in the works that would monitor active quests to ensure that everyone in your box group is on the same step. maybe combine it with other lua that monitors achievements. Please post and let me know...
  4. condain

    IRL - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

    Dear RedGuides members, As we embark on this joyosus holiday seaon, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for every one of you. Our adventures together in Norrath have been filled with excitement, challenges, and most importantly, the bonds of friendship. May this Christmas bring...
  5. condain

    IRL - new to Redguides

    welcome to the group, hope you have fun
  6. condain

    Question - Is there new LS Chase Loot?

    do we have a list that can be copied and pasted into a Loot.ini file for all chast loots in LS expac???
  7. condain

    Discussion - How many could I box?

    with this system your equipment bottle neck will be your ISP or internet connection. then assuming your internet can handle the bandwidth, then it becomes up to the user to figure out how to run that many characters. many people do not enjoy playing the game with raid level numbers. find what...
  8. condain

    Work in Progress 120 NoS Wizzy Kissassist file

    [General] KissAssistVer=12.002 [SpellSet] LoadSpellSet=2 [Buffs] BuffsOn=1 BuffsSize=20 Buffs1=etherealist's unity Buffs2=shadow harvest|mana 80 Buffs3=harvest of druzzil|Mana|50 Buffs4=anodyne gambit rk.II|mana 30 Buffs5=${InvSlot[Chest].Item.Name}|mana|95 Buffs6=summoned: dazzling modulation...