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Recent content by bractos45

  1. bractos45

    News - Our Small FV Guild Added A Chapter

    That's why we said no one's directly blaming him. It's the entire attitude that needs to change, and posts like his do not help that adjustment.
  2. bractos45

    News - Our Small FV Guild Added A Chapter

    It's not about being "scared". It's about how dumb it is to think that because you're ok with doing something that's against the rules, it's also ok to be completely open about it with everyone else. Using the excuse of "well it's cheating, you're gonna get banned either way, so fuck it; I'll be...
  3. bractos45

    News - Our Small FV Guild Added A Chapter

    You're missing this entire point...
  4. bractos45

    News - Our Small FV Guild Added A Chapter

    The server got hit, not just your guild. Cheating publicly is entirely different than cheating in private. Show me some posts talking about other servers that openly. We all need to go back to the shadows; and this isn't the way to do it.
  5. bractos45

    News - Our Small FV Guild Added A Chapter

    Maybe advertisements the wrong word.
  6. bractos45

    News - Our Small FV Guild Added A Chapter

    I actually agree. Talking about FV as openly as some users here do is an open-hand slap to the Devs at DPG. Hence why I've stated before I'm against the "open-use / MQ-friendly guild" advertisements. It comes off as a gigantic "look at us, what are you gonna do about it?!" Not blaming you for...
  7. bractos45

    Discussion - Boxing a class you don't play?

    What I did when starting with a new class; is watch what the INI / CWTN / RGMercs is using on said class. You'll start to notice a rotation of abilities. Then you can create hot buttons based around that to play manually. If your entire group is "botted" pick a random class to just pay attention...
  8. bractos45

    News - EverQuest lvl 50 Heroic Characters avail May 12, 2024

    The lots of people you know doesn't come close to the number of people who aren't paying for it. (Present / Availability biases) I didn't mention potions for a reason, which I still think are ridiculously overpriced, but if you want to spend $45 - $60 to save a few hours of time leveling, that's...
  9. bractos45

    News - EverQuest lvl 50 Heroic Characters avail May 12, 2024

    All I can say is lol. Better Suggestions to get cash flow up: Open up Account transfers. Make bigger bags for cheaper in the marketplace. (Hence the term MICROtransaction, no one's paying $20-$60 for bags, but $4-$5 a bag? I'd fill my toons up with them) Offer up "early access" to the...
  10. bractos45

    Question - ftp to silver transition

    I thought they’d go to silver if you attach a credit card to them / use that to pay for a sub?
  11. bractos45

    IRL - Ban question

    I was able to get an account unbanned from way back in the day. (Probably banned in 2003 or so) Was a massive headache to try and track down all the required information, and when they unlocked it/ I finally did regain access to it, all the characters had been long deleted. Had some cool /claim...
  12. bractos45

    IRL - FV Population

    I'd advise caution when joining an "MQ2 Friendly Guild", one person abusing it can quickly lead to everyone with that tag being reported. Be safe ya'll. Cheers!
  13. bractos45

    Serious - Tip the MacroQuest Developer: brainiac

    Thanks again Brain!! Order reference: 9LWXW/1 Transaction reference: ch_3OMdixL2uRETJoyB0HovODJT Date and time of payment: 12/12/23, 01:42 PM
  14. bractos45

    Problem - 12/5/2023 EQ Windows Randomly Closing?

    Speaking of... Server shutdown imminent.
  15. bractos45

    Question - New caster 6 box

    I recently created the following: SK CLR ENC MAG MAG NEC It's pretty disgusting but super gear / AA dependent for it to hit the big numbers. I prefer the CLR over the SHM for casters since the ENC takes care of hastes and slows already which means one of those two classes are "wasting casts"...