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Recent content by BlueBug

  1. BlueBug

    Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin

    Ahhh ok. I hadn't seen your post Frogger. Thanks you 2. I have a secondary storage PCIE drive. Might try moving a second installaion to there and see what kinda difference that makes. BB~
  2. BlueBug

    Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin

    Hello all. I have a very minor issue that I"m assuming ( I know I know) is AutoLogin- Using the latest way I click Open Config under AutoLogin. The MacroQuest box pops up, under the AutoLogin tab there is where I launch my toons. On raids as I getting a lot of video lag and I noticed for each...
  3. BlueBug

    Question - Map font

    Thanks NodramaLama, I was. I must have seen you post in the past and forgot about it! Appreciate the help! BB
  4. BlueBug

    Question - Map font

    I don’t know. I’m gonna. Check it out though! BB~
  5. BlueBug

    Problem - Chat spam

    I'm just gonna bump this lil' thingy right here. Hope it's not too soon. Not being able to load up mq2easyfind is starting to really suck! It's such a great tool for boxing, I didn't realize how important it was until I did~ LOL BB~
  6. BlueBug

    Toast - Journey Back To Middle Earth

    Nope. Nope. Nope. This series was bad. Bad like coming home early and finding your wife having a threesome with the neighbor and his dog. This series was even an insult to canine cocks bad, never mind the neighbor banging your wife. This was so bad it's like seeing the dog doing anal with your...
  7. BlueBug

    Question - Map font

    Eh, i *do* have huge ass monitor thanks to RedGuides!! That is probably the issue......because if it isn't that means my eye are getting old like the rest of me. BB~
  8. BlueBug

    Problem - Chat spam

    Any, ah, resolution for this? Thanks BB~
  9. BlueBug

    Question - Map font

    Ok, preface here. I'm showing my age; don't judge~ Is there a way MQ or EQ side to change the font size on the in-game map? Even when I wear glasses to play (NOT bifocals!!) I find if difficult to read the map. The labels are WAY small and I find myself leaning in reealllll close to the monitor...
  10. BlueBug

    Problem - Chat spam

    Ok, I unloaded the EasyFind lua window and MQ2EasyFind and it stopped. Guess it's something to do with that. /shrug Thanks! BB~
  11. BlueBug

    Problem - Chat spam

    Thanks for the reply. It occurs on toons even in the background that do not have the map open. Also, I unloaded Magellan and it continues, so guess that's not it. If it's map related I guess I'll try unloading EasyFind lua. Mebbe that's it? BB~
  12. BlueBug

    Problem - Chat spam

    Since last night I've been getting the following chat spam- "The zone path cannot be opened because there is no active path" Shows up about every 5 seconds or so. It only starts after I use Magellan or Follow Me. I'm not sure if I've done something to cause this. Any assistance on fixin' it...
  13. BlueBug

    Toast - Journey Back To Middle Earth

    This series was a wet chunky fart. I forced myself to finish the 1st season but it was a complete waste of my time. Amazon completely ruined the thought of Middle Earth. BB~
  14. BlueBug

    Strategy - nameds
