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Recent content by battlenet

  1. B

    News - Hotfix 22/5

    Unless you have backups - you don't.
  2. B

    Question - Alternate Persona, am I missing something?

    Yeah persona is really nice for changing class. You keep all your clickies, flags, achievements, etc. So early on in a TLP is less of a big deal, but it's still nice to not lose any forward momentum.
  3. B

    Question - Bard vs Ench

    Enchanter. You're going to miss Selo's though.
  4. B

    Software RGManager (beta) discussion

    No need to apologize about it. That's what beta is for. Yeah, an accordion sounds correct. It feels like a lot of work when linking out could accomplish similar results, but if you wanted to keep as much of the actual resource browsing in the app then I think it will be necessary long-term.
  5. B

    Software RGManager (beta) discussion

    I'm glad to know that it's there, but it's incredibly unintuitive and buried under 3 clicks. If you hadn't explained it, I would never have found it. This is in stark contrast to the Add Resources tab where you have a quick way of downloading or purchasing each resource. There is no quick way of...
  6. B

    Software RGManager (beta) discussion

    I'd like to be able to click the Resource I'm curious about and either be taken here to the website so I can look at the overview, discussion, etc or have all that info scraped from the site and expanded in the Add Resource and My Resources panels when clicking on the name of a Resource. If...
  7. B

    Fabulous - how I UI

    It's really got that old school viewport charm to it.
  8. B

    Question - Strange Message

    Magician Rathe's Strength "aura" usually throws those weird strings when it expires for me. Just assumed it was because it was cast on the pet since I've never seen Arcane Distillect do it.
  9. B

    Question - Strange Message

    Looks like an aura expiration message.
  10. B

    Problem - MeshGenerator not generating after certain height.

    Following up - your mesh worked great @deified so thanks. I couldn't figure out why mine looked so different or why the bounding box didn't fix it.
  11. B

    Problem - MeshGenerator not generating after certain height.

    So I shouldn't have disabled that? I guess I read it wrong if that's the case. I had already moved the bottom boundary up in this screenshot. Thanks for the help. Thanks! I'll give it a shot and try to figure out what I messed up in editor.
  12. B

    Problem - MeshGenerator not generating after certain height.

    I'm not sure if this is user ignorance or if it's a bug in MeshGenerator, but I cannot get the top level of Grelleth to generate. The mesh provided through the updater also didn't have this upper floor generated. It's within the bounding box extents. I unchecked "Apply max extents to zones...
  13. B

    Software MQ2Nav Meshes

    I got around to working on Evantil from Rain of Fear as it was initially a miserable experience on TLP. I ran MQ2GroundSpawns for over an hour and had no issues moving up and down the tree, but please feel free to check for yourself before adding to the repo. Thanks! Apologies if I posted in the...
  14. B

    IRL - DarkPaw at PAX East in Boston, March 21 and 22

    What an awesome way for them to throw cash into the fire after just laying off people. They are probably gearing up for an announcement though so that's something.
  15. B

    Question - Necro Wake the Dead VS BST and MAG

    Most similar would likely be Host of the Elements (MAG) Attack of the Warders (BST).