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Recent content by 519helvis

  1. 519helvis

    Question - Hello All

    Welcome back! there are a lot of class specific plugins now that you can use for a yearly fee . kissassist is still the standard imo, not sure how long you have been gone; but a lot of the goodies here are now in lua form which is pretty darn awesome. if you want to check and try things out you...
  2. 519helvis

    Strategy - How many characters per account

    i have 1 toon on tank and heal accts than bard accounts ill have an enchanter. than DPS accts ill have one of each on them ... all gold status cause test is awesome
  3. 519helvis

    Serious - Tip the MacroQuest Developer: brainiac

    there are still a few of us on test, as always thanks for all you do Order reference: EYZ3N/1 Transaction reference: 120454781625 Date and time of payment: 05/25/24, 06:17 PM
  4. 519helvis

    Question - (EQ Quest) Trust is Earned, Outsider

    as far as i recall the guards are on a timer after you hail them and click the text etc. you have to speak to different guards to complete that step. its been a few months pardon me if im incorrect. if other players are around perhaps they hailed before you did
  5. 519helvis

    Problem - Lag

    pardon me asking but have you shut off ALL chat filters? in options and in each chat window etc? after the latest DX11 "fix" i had to shut everything off on raids as it was locking up my monster of a comp with only 2 groups in the instance ,,, for me it was the chat filters
  6. 519helvis

    Discussion - Anyone Playing on "Test" Server?

    chiming in =) test is wonderful for so many reasons but its very important to note the one turd in the punchbowl. downtime on test is frequent and it interupts the builds from our fine folks here at rg. you need to have patience if you play on test fulltime. all of the above comments are very...
  7. 519helvis

    Request - Slow getting started ... but getting there

    walk dont run .... take your time, if you go to quick you'll either miss something or slip and fall haha. be sure to enjoy it and have fun its a big learning curve at first but once you get the basics down it will change your eq world ... a lot of us say we quit eq when we joined redguides and...
  8. 519helvis

    IRL - Has anyone else had an issue with mobs being unattackable except by pets?

    personally i think its there low budget fix to stamp out boxing =P
  9. 519helvis

    Toast - I'm glad I'm Not A Parent

    its actually a very solid tactic ... my kids behave in public cause they know i have no problem embarassing the crap out of them haha
  10. 519helvis

    IRL - in the next Expansion I want.

    no lag on raids would be nice
  11. 519helvis

    Question - Getting all mission challenges on HaF

    be sure when you sick your pet on your mage that you are attacking on the mage as well even though you will be out of range ... it will buff your pet as in normal combat etc ... ive done this before and like the sex panther cologne in anchorman it works all the time 60% of the time oh and do...
  12. 519helvis

    Discussion - What is your EQ Kryptonite?

    evolving items, i love them and it gives me something to work on in the group game when our crew isnt raiding. ive done the NoS cloak and LS neck now on over 14 toons. i wanna farm the tbl ones and level them up for fun now lol
  13. 519helvis

    Tip - So you don't think collections are worth it?

    they're even better if you play fulltime on test, do the collection on a live server than copy them over as many times as you like! collections are awesome
  14. 519helvis

    Contest 6th Annual EverQuest Software Awards. Win Krono & Prizes For Voting

    grats to all the winners! and as always hats off to the best box community in norrath
  15. 519helvis

    News - if you want to run mq on test dont use the dpg launcher

    a hotifx for some "dx11 fixes" was pushed through without bringing the server down, so if you play on test DO NOT run the DPG launcher. MQs autologin will bypass it for now so you can box to your hearts content. If you end up patching EQ you will not be able to run MQ on test this has been a a...