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Patch - Patch Notes for 5/21/14 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
*** Call of the Forsaken: The Tower of Rot ***

- Call of the Forsaken: The Tower of Rot has been released! A mysterious tower looms over the Dead Hills, and a long-forgotten presence comes to life within its walls. As cultists and treasure hunters seek the source of rot within the tower, will you arrive in time to claim a powerful artifact that can help send Lady Lendiniara back to her world?
- Continue your adventures through Call of the Forsaken in the all-new zone, Tower of Rot!

*** Highlights ***

- The Plane of War raid is now a permanent addition to the Plane of War.

*** Items ***

- Weapon drops from rare NPCs in Plane of War now have a type 4 slot instead of type 7.
- Items available in the "War Games" mission in Plane of War now have a required level of 10.
- The Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem is now No Trade and Lore.

*** Tradeskills ***

- The "Make All" interval has been increased to prevent the process from prematurely stopping due to a server throttling check.

*** Quests & Events ***

- The Brothers Zek - The Plane of War raid is now a permanent addition to the Plane of War.
- Beyond the Barrier - NPCs involved in this quest in Dead Hills will no longer ignore pets or mercenaries.
- Hate Rising - Mission - The mission now properly requires Call of the Forsaken to participate.
- Sprucing up Shakey - The Enchanted Crystal Harvester will now disappear when it breaks during the task.
- Sprucing up Shakey - The Crystal Harvester recipe can no longer be failed.
- Sprucing up Shakey - The ingredients needed to make a Crystal Harvester are now tradable.
- Plane of War - Completing the final task in Castle Tamriel will now properly flag you for Tower access if you have completed all tasks in Castle Rulnavis.
- Plane of War - Players who have completed all required tasks will be flagged for Tower access when entering the zone.
- Plane of War - Krepp's Tagging Marker now works properly.
- War Games - This anniversary mission now awards Commemorative Coins.
- Magically Delicious - The reward for completing the task is now 20 coins, up from 5.
- Magically Delicious - 5 pages are required per zone, down from 8, and they are now guaranteed drops.
- Magically Delicious - If a character is in a state where they do not have Jimothy Junior but can no longer spawn the "hidden" fight to acquire it, they will be able to trigger the fight again upon starting a new "Magically Delicious" task.

*** Spells ***

- Beastlord - Salve of Sevna, Yubai, and Blezon now heal for more and are more efficient.
- Enchanter - Spectral, Arcane, and Phantasmal Unity will no longer generate as much hatred as before. In addition, they now have a shorter casting time but a much longer recast time.
- Enchanter - Polyspectral, Polyarcanic, and Polyiridescent Runes are slightly less effective and cost slightly more mana. Unity spell costs were also adjusted to match this change.
- Magician - Renewal of Volark, Sirqo, and Hererra now heal for more and are more efficient.
- Magician - Weapons summoned by Grant Spectral Armaments, Grant Manaforged Armaments, and Grant Frightforged Armaments have changed:
-- Damage procs have increased in power and have had a small hate override added.
-- Angering procs now add a percentage of hate instead of a flat amount.
-- Jolting procs now subtract a percentage of hate instead of a flat amount.
- Necromancer - Gelid, Chilled, and Algid Mending now heal for more and are more efficient.
- Paladin - Splash of Sanctification and Splash of Purification now have a much lower chance to cure detrimental spells that are not cured by removing counters. Splash of Cleansing has had this chance added to it.
- Offensive cast proc spells now have a range of 300.
- Updated all spells which use Remove Detrimental and Cancel Beneficial spell effects to use a new method. The chances for those spells to affect their targets have not changed unless otherwise noted.
- Weave of Recovery and Weave of Reclamation now restore mana over time.

*** NPC ***

- In Plane of War, the Judicator's debuff, Weakened Defenses, now appears in the short buff window.
- In Zhisza, Zott will now update the "Search for Bram Bandyboot" quest when you agree to [try to find him].
- Bjorak Stonefist, the Blood Flower merchant in Kael Drakkel, can no longer be attacked.

*** AA ***

- Wizard - Arcane Fusion's crit chance has been reduced due to the spell landing for critical damage more than intended.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- When using Ctrl-Left Click to transfer items from one bag to another, or Ctrl-Right Click to swap contents between bags, the item moving process will now try to fill or swap as many items as possible. Previously, the moving process would fail if there were more items in the transferring bag than the receiving bag could hold. This new filling process also applies to type-specific bags such as your bandolier, which will now receive appropriate type-specific items from a transferring bag that may contain an assortment of item types.
- The commands /assist main, /assist group and /assist raid now function at larger distances, similar to regular /assist.
- The command /stopcast now works while mounted. Additionally, ducking while mounted will now stop your casting.
- Screen gamma is now correctly restored when entering offline mode or using /exit.
- Receiving a title longer than 31 characters will no longer crash the client.
- Fixed an issue that was causing various zones to be overpopulated with NPCs.
- Fixed an issue causing the lines of data within map files to reverse their order every time the files were saved.
- Illusioned AFK players will no longer display as male humans when the Hide AFK option is turned on.

*** UI ***

- You will no longer see one-time alerts displayed each time a character logs in. Alert history can be reviewed in the Alert History window (Alt-H).
- The Quest Journal's "zone" column now correctly sorts by zone name.
- Added label type 360, which can display the percentage of power remaining for the currently equipped power source.
- The Retrieve All button was added to parcel merchants.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team
Patch - Patch Notes for 5/21/14

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