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Recent content by Councilman

  1. C

    News - Hotfix 22/5

    Thank you for posting this
  2. C

    News - Hotfix 22/5

    You didn't sound grumpy. You pay for the service, you shouldn't feel bad for wondering when it is going to be up and running. Unfortunately, there is no way to know when the developers are going to have it up and running again. All a part of the game.
  3. C

    Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua?

    I would love something that would monitor melee warnings and after seeing 4 or 5 "You can't hit them from here." messages in a row would back up 35steps and call off pets to get the mob to move towards you. Mobs getting stuck in the world are a pain.
  4. C

    Question - 2 Groups with MQ no raid

    Thank you Durango, I do the same thing. I was just wondering if there was a better way. I appreciate the response.
  5. C

    Question - 2 Groups with MQ no raid

    I have 8 Accounts and would like to set up 1 account with a Tank, CC, and Healer. My 2nd group is DPS and whichever toon I'm leveling. I am currently using a mix of MQ and KA. Is it possible to do this with only MQ without being in a raid?
  6. C

    Question - NoS mesh

    OMG. I have been running the Meshupdater.exe and it wasn't showing the new meshes. Thank you for the info!
  7. C

    Question - NoS mesh

    Any idea when they might be added?