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Recent content by BlackPlague

  1. B

    Question - Merc goes AFK

    This fixed it, thanks for the answer. I still have to be responsive to the merc's location, but at least I have a solution.
  2. B

    Question - Merc goes AFK

    My healer merc occasionally goes AFK while I'm moving around in a zone. She just stands there staring into space and unless I take the whole group to her, she won't respond. Just going to her myself doesn't seem to wake her up. Invariably this has resulted in some deaths as she wasn't around at...
  3. B

    Question - Execute macro on other box?

    I'm running all boxes on the same machine, so barring a simple command to another box to run an eq macro I assume I would need to create a .mac file which has the commands I want the target box to run and execute it from my main box with /bct charname //macro somemacroname Edit: answering my...
  4. B

    Question - Execute macro on other box?

    Is there a way to execute a macro (by name maybe) on another box? At the moment I'm executing commands with /bct charname //command, but I want to, for example /bct charname //runmacro macroname
  5. B

    Question - Window switch indication

    Couldn't be bothered with ISBoxer. Wrote my own cursor relocation app when an EQ window gets the focus.
  6. B

    Question - Window switch indication

    Most likely. As I said, it's a QoL thing. One other question while I'm on the subject of window swapping. Any way to get the mouse cursor to be active in the focused window?
  7. B

    Question - Window switch indication

    Yes, but it's not a great indicator. To be a bit more clear, I have two screens, one window on each, so I can quickly eyeball action on the non main screen. The second screen is in my peripheral vision, unless I turn my head to view the detail directly. What would be nice is an indication on my...
  8. B

    Question - Window switch indication

    Hi, I've just installed MQ and have auto log in set and window switching done (2 box set up at the moment, more to come as I've just restarted playing EQ after many years break). I'm in love with what this app can do already :) My question is on windows switching. I've set the command keys...