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Here are the commands for: KissAssist, MacroQuest, MQ2AdvPath, MQ2AutoAccept, MQ2AutoLogin, MQ2Bzsrch, MQ2Camera, MQ2ChatWnd, MQ2CustomBinds, MQ2DanNet, MQ2EasyFind, MQ2GroupInfo, MQ2HUD, MQ2ItemDisplay, MQ2Labels, MQ2Lua, MQ2Map, MQ2MoveUtils, MQ2Nav, MQ2PluginManager, MQ2PortalSetter, MQ2Posse, MQ2Rez, MQ2TargetInfo and MQ2XTarInfo

Software Command Syntax Description
KissAssist /addfriend /addfriend Adds current target to MQ2Posse list, which is used in AFKTools. Basically it performs a /posse save
/addignore /addignore [<text>] | [<spawnid#> [1|0]] Adds target, <text> or <spawnid#> to the MobsToIgnore list - accepts partial names and checks against TLO:Spawn. "Double quotes" are required when passing names with spaces. For spawnid#, see examples. Modifies KissAssist_Info.ini
/addimmune /addimmune <text> Adds <text> to the MezImmune list - accepts partial names and checks against TLO:Spawn. "Double quotes" are required when passing names with spaces. Modifies KissAssist_Info.ini
/addpull /addpull <text> Adds <text> to the MobsToPull list - accepts partial names and checks against TLO:Spawn. "Double quotes" are required when passing names with spaces. Modifies KissAssist_Info.ini
/afktoolson /afktoolson Toggles usage of your AFKTools entries on/off. Note: AFKTools utilizes MQ2Posse .ini section: [AFKTools]
/assistat /assistat <#> Sets/resets Mob HP% assist at setting e.g. /assistat 50 will assist at 50% Mob HP .ini section: [Melee]
/autofireon /autofireon Toggles AutoFire on/off (Ranged Attacks) .ini section: [Melee]
/autorezon /autorezon Toggles AutoRez on/off (auto/battle rez feature) .ini section: [Heals]
/backoff /backoff [on|off] Controls "backing off". Will toggle with no parameters. ON = stop attacking. OFF = resume attacking. Backing off turns off attack, melee, stick, and if ReturnToCamp is set, it will also return to camp. This is a great way to stop your puller without having to pause or end the macro, see examples.
/buffgroup /buffgroup Forces the caster to re-cast group buffs. .ini section: [Buffs]
/buffson /buffson Toggles buffs usage on/off. .ini section: [Buffs]
/burn /burn on | off | <targetid#> [doburn | on] With no parameters, will toggle [Burn] on or off. Burns are turned ON by default when starting the macro. So if you do a /burn off on a character and then issue the /burn command, the character will NOT execute the burn routine. .ini section: [Burn]
/campfire /campfire [on|off] Turns campfire usage on/off. No parameter will toggle. "On" will summon campfire if 3 or more Fellowship members are in range and a campfire is not already present. .ini section: [General]
/camphere /camphere [on|off] Turns on|off ReturnToCamp. No parameter will toggle. Turning on will reset your camp loc .ini section: [General]
/campradius /campradius <#> Resets CampRadius to the specified number. .ini section: [General]
/chase /chase [on|off] | [charname] ON will abandon camp and have your group follow the MA - good for manual pulling, or Hunter mode. CharcterName is optional, and can be used to change who you want to chase. The chase(WhoToChase) no longer has to be the MA. .ini section: [General]
/chasedistance /chasedistance <#> Sets/resets ChaseDistance to the specified number. .ini section: [General]
/chaseoff /chaseoff Turns Chase off. Updates ChaseAssist=0 in .ini file.
/chaseon /chaseon Turns Chase on. Updates ChaseAssist=1 in .ini file.
/debug /debug <command> [on|off] [log] | help Controls debugging for KissAssist. No parameter will toggle. See examples. Will load MQ2Log if necessary.
/dpsinterval /dpsinterval <#> Attaches a timer in <number> seconds to DPS spells with 0 duration after they are cast. .ini section: [DPS]
/dpsmeter /dpsmeter [on|off] Turns built-in Kiss DPSMeter on and off. No parameter will toggle. .ini section: [General]
/dpson /dpson <0-2> Controls DPSOn setting. 0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is absolute descending order sorted by mob % health. See settings for more information. .ini section: [DPS]
/dpsskip /dpsskip <#> Halt DPS (spells) at <#> % Mob HP .ini section: [DPS]
/dpswrite /dpswrite [on|off] Turns on or off writing Kiss DPS Parsing to KissAssist_DPS.ini (or MuleAssist_DPS.ini)
/healson /healson <0-4> Controls healson setting.

0=Off 1=On 2=Group only healing. 3=MainAssist only. 4=Self only. - Mainly used by SK's to not waste time checking others for heals.

.ini section: [Heals]
/interrupton /interrupton [on|off] Toggles spell casting interrupt detection on/off. If On KA will cast again upon interrupt.
/kasettings /kasettings load [<section> [0|1]] For reloading all or some sections of your ini file without restarting kissassist. The last parameter controls error skipping. See examples.
/kisscheck /kisscheck Will check your character's .ini for any errors.
/kissedit /kissedit Edits .ini file in game, alias for /notepad kissassist_${Me}.ini Will load MQ2Notepad if needed.
/looton /looton [1|0] Turns Looting on/off, if you're not using advloot or another loot handling system. Useful for when KA turns off looting because your bags are full.
/mac kissassist /mac kissassist [<role>] [<assist>] [<health%>] | [<options>]... KissAssist startup command. Can set the basic role, assist, and assist health %, but also advanced options such as using a custom .ini, debug mode, etc. See examples.
/makecamphere /makecamphere Sets current location to Return To Camp location.
/maxradius /maxradius <#> <#> determines how far from camp the puller will pull. .ini section: [Pull]
/maxzrange /maxzrange <#> <#> determines how far above/below you will pull from. .ini section: [Pull]
/medcombat /medcombat [on|off] Turns on or off medding during combat. .ini section: [General]
/medstart /medstart <#> <#> determines the % mana/endurance to begin meditating .ini section: [General]
/meleedistance /meleedistance <#> <#> determines melee distance to engage .ini section: [Melee]
/meleeon /meleeon [on|off] Turns melee on or off. Doesn't modify .ini
/memmyspells /memmyspells Reads the entries from your [Spells] section and mems the spells to your current spell set. See /writespells .ini section: [Spells]
/mercassistat /mercassistat <#> <#> determines the % mob health at which to send in the merc .ini section: [Merc]
/mezon /mezon <0-3> Controls mezon setting. 0=Off/1=Single & AE Mez/2=Single Mez only/3=AE Mez only.
/movewhenhit /movewhenhit [on|off] Toggled pet move on/off. See settings for more information. .ini section: [Pet]
/mycmd /mycmd <command> [param]... Command to control any custom commands you or others have made. A detailed guide on adding custom commands can be found here.
/peton /peton [on|off] Toggles pet functionality on/off .ini section: [Pet]
/pettoyson /pettoyson [on|off] Toggles PetToys functionality on/off
/pettoysplz /pettoysplz Request Pet Toys. - See [Pet] Section
/rebuffon /rebuffon Toggles buff watching on/off .ini section: [Buffs]
/rezalloff /rezalloff Turns off rezzing all PC Corpses. Using this command resets the corpse list.
/rezallon /rezallon Turns on rezzing all PC Corpses.
/setbackoff /setbackoff on|off Turn backoff on or off. See /backoff
/setpullarc /setpullarc <anglewidth#> [<direction>] This command allows you to set your pull width and the direction you want to pull from. An angle width of 0 will disable directional pulling. Valid directions are n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw, or any number from 1 - 360. If you leave the direction blank your current heading is used.
/stayhere /stayhere Tells the Group to stop following, and waithere, but DON'T make camp.
/switchnow /switchnow [0/1] [#] Switch to your MA's Current Target. First parameter is for locking onto(1)/releasing(0) the target. 0 is default. Second parameter can be a spawn ID. Both parameters are optional
/tbmanager /tbmanager add|remove [<spawn#>] Manage characters you want to buff in special situations. If no character <spawn#> is given, it will use your current target. This list is dynamic and resets upon kiss restart.
/togglevariable /togglevariable <setting> [1|0] Changes any valid variable in KissAssist. See examples.
/trackmedown /trackmedown <stickoff#> <usenavonly#> <ignoredistance#> Runs to the current WhoToChase Target. When in range, /chase is activated. See examples. Alias: /trackme
/writespells /writespells Writes your current spell set to the .ini file. .ini section: [Spells]
/zoneinfo /zoneinfo Displays the entries from the KissAssist_Info.ini file, for the current zone.
MacroQuest /aa /aa { list (all | timers)] | [info <abilityname>] | [act <abilityname> } Used to retrieve information on AA Abilities, or to activate an AA ability.
/advloot /advloot {personal | shared} {setallto | <item>} <loot option> [<quantity>] "/advloot" by itself will toggle the Advanced Loot window. It can also set loot options for all items in the personal or shared advanced loot window. MacroQuest extends this native command to allow item-specific control.
/alert /alert { add | remove ] #(alert list) [pc|npc|corpse|any] [radius #] [range <lower> <upper>] [spawnname | id #] [clear <#(list)> } Used to manipulate alert lists which "watch" for spawns.
/alias /alias <aliasname> <command> | <aliasname> delete | list | reload Add command aliases
/altkey /altkey <command> Execute a command while telling the window manager that the alt key is pressed.
/banklist /banklist The /banklist command lists bank contents to chat buffer.
/beep /beep [filename] Using the /beep command will 'beep' the system speaker, or optionally play a .wav file.
/beepontells /beepontells [on|off] Toggles 'Beep On Tells is' On | Off in-game. When set to 'On' will produce a system audio 'beep' when a tell is received.
/benchmark /benchmark Produces a list in MQ window of MQ Benchmarks (parameters); number of observations, total time and average time per parameter.
/bind /bind list | eqlist |[~]<name> [<key_combo> | clear] Produces a list of MQ keyboard-binds or EQ keyboard-binds. Can also be used to set keyboard-binds for MQ or EQ commands; movement, combat, etc.
/break /break In macroscript, end a /for or /while loop immediately.
/buyitem /buyitem <quantity#> Will buy the specified quantity (# number) of the currently selected item
/cachedbuffs /cachedbuffs [cleartarget | reset] Clears cached buffs for current target or all
/call /call <subroutine> [param [param...]] Used to Call a Subroutine (and 'pass' parameters if required), while a macro is running
/caption /caption list | type <value> | update <#> | MQCaptions [on|off] Set custom captions (names & titles). You can also limit how many captions are updated to improve performance. The default setting for /caption update is 35.

Player1 through Player4 in MacroQuest.ini are directly related to which /shownames level you use.

  1. Player1 is linked to /shownames 1
  2. Player2 is linked to /shownames 2
  3. Player3 is linked to /shownames 3
  4. Player4 is linked to /shownames 4
/captioncolor /captioncolor list|<name> [off|on] | <# # #> Allows you to change the color of the captions that appear above the heads of PCs and NPCs, based on various factors.
/cast /cast [ <#> | list | <"spellname"> | item <"itemname"> ] [ loc <x y z> ] Casts the spell in the specified gem. MacroQuest adds additional functionality: cast by spell name, use items that have a "click" spell effect, and cast splash spells at a specific location.
/cecho /cecho <text> EchoClean function. Writes text to the MQ Chat channel without color formatting. Echoes the provided text verbatim.


  • Escape codes are not supported.
  • Reverse echo and cecho (color is now clean)
/char /char Extends EverQuest's /charinfo to display character bind points. The alias /char must be used if you want MacroQuest's information included.
/cleanup /cleanup Closes all open windows. Common abbreviation: /clean
/clearerrors /clearerrors Clears each of the last errors in the MQ type.
/click /click left | right [<mouseloc>] Clicks the left or right mouse button at your target or the location specified.
/combine /combine <pack#> Activates the Combine button on the designated container e.g. <pack#>
/continue /continue Used in macro, while running, when in /for or /while loop to try the next iteration.
/convertitem /convertitem <item name> Triggers convert on the item
/crash /crash Create a synthetic crash for debugging purposes
/ctrlkey /ctrlkey <command> Execute a command while telling the window manager that the control key is pressed.
/declare /declare <varname | varname [array extents]> [type] [global | outer | local | bind] [<default element value>] This creates a variable or array of a particular type with a particular scope, and a default value if desired. The parameters must be given in order, but any after varname may be skipped to use the defaults.


  • The default type is string
  • The default scope is local
  • The default value is nothing (empty string, or 0)
These variables can be of any type that exist in MQ2DataVars. The variable will then have access to the members of that type.
/delay /delay <#>[s | m] [<condition to end early>] When used in a macro, fully pauses the macro for the amount of time specified, or until condition is met. Time can be specified in 10ths of a second (a number by itself) or in seconds (number followed by an "s") or minutes (number followed by "m").
/deletevar /deletevar <varname> | * global Deletes the variable varname. Using * global will delete all global variables
/destroy /destroy Destroys whatever you have on your cursor with no confirmation, even if you have "Destroy Confirmation" enabled in your EQ options. Use with care.
/doability /doability [1-10 | list | <ability>] Activates a key from the "Actions" window. MacroQuest extends this command to list and use abilities by name whether they're on the "Actions" window or not, and also includes all melee disciplines.
/docommand /docommand <command> Execute <command>, parsing MQ Data first. Useful for executing commands using MQ Data that do not parse immediately, as well as executing a command stored in a variable.
/doevents /doevents [flush] [custom event] Runs the first event of any type in the queue, flushes all queued events, or runs/flushes just the custom event.
/doors /doors [filter] Lists all doors in the zone, or those that match 'filter'.
/doortarget /doortarget [id # | filter] "Targets" a Door or Switch for further manipulation (eg. /face door). The targeting of doors, switches, will not show up in the target window. This is because the EQ servers started monitoring for targeting that is not possible through the normal client, MQ will show indication of your /doortarget
/dosocial /dosocial [list | "social name"] List all your current socials by name and number, or activate them by name. Used to activate a social by name as long as it is in your social window, without having to change hotbar pages, or call a social by name from a macro.
/drop /drop Drops the item currently on the cursor.
/dumpbinds /dumpbinds <filename> Dumps all current binds to filename.cfg file
/dumpstack /dumpstack For debugging macroscript, dumps the current line in the macro.
/echo /echo <text> Echos the specified text (or variables) to the MQ chat window.
/endmacro /endmacro Stops the current macro.
/engine /engine <type> <version> [noauto] Allows for switching engines. Valid Engine types are: parser
/eqtarget /eqtarget [<name> | group <1-6>] Targets <name> or group member <#>. Functions identically to how Command:/target worked prior to loading MacroQuest.
/exec /exec <application [parameters]> [bg|fg] Executes the specified command as if from the command line.
/executelink /executelink <link text> Will simulate a click from raw link text. <link text>: valid link text
/face /face [predict] [fast] [nolook] [away] [ alert # | loc y,x,z | heading angle | item | door | id # | name ] Turns your character to face a target, door, item or location at comparable speeds to pressing the left, right, lookup, and lookdown keys. Some of the options are listed below:
/filter /filter [ skills | macros | mq | mq2data | target | debug | money | encumber | food | name | zrange ] <option> Opens the "Options" window to the "Chat" tab. MacroQuest extends this command to allow filtering more messages, such as the annoying "You are out of food and drink" alert.
/flashontells /flashontells [ on | off ] Used to turn flashing of the Everquest window 'on' or 'off' when you receive a tell.
/for /for <varname> <initial-value> to|downto <final-value> [step <interval>] This runs all commands between the /for line and the /next line, after which it increments/decrements the varname number by step number (default is 1) before running through the commands again. It will keep doing this until the varname number equals the to or downto number. You can end a /for loop immediately with /break or try the next iteration with /continue.
/foreground /foreground Moves the Everquest window to the foreground.
/framelimiter /framelimiter [command] {options} Frame limiter tool: allows adjusting internal frame limiter settings.
/getwintitle /getwintitle Gets the Window Title
/goto /goto <:label_name> This moves the macro execution to the location of <:label_name> in the macro.
/help /help [ normal | emote | guild | voice | chat | macro ] Will list help and commands for the specified option. MacroQuest adds the option macro, which lists all MacroQuest commands including those of your loaded plugins.
/hotbutton /hotbutton <name> [<color>] [<line>:][<cursor>:][<text>] Create or edit a hotbutton named <name>, optionally change the color <0-19> and/or the body <text>. MacroQuest adds extended options to include line <1-5>: that <text> appears on, and whether it ends up on your cursor [0:] after creation or not.
/hud /hud [ normal | underui | always ] Defines how the HUD is displayed
/identify /identify Displays further information about the item on the cursor, similar to the spell Identify and item lore displayed by MQ in the item stats UI window.
/if /if <formula> {commands} [else {commands}] This will run all commands between the braces ( {} ) if formula evaluates to something other than 0.
  • Formulas are numeric operations ONLY. You must use MQ2Data string comparison to turn string comparisons into

numeric operations (eg. Using .Equal or .NotEqual).

  • You can use && and || freely within formula, which will be evaluated down to a single term before proceeding.
  • Multiple commands may be included within the braces.
  • There is no need to use ${Math.Calc[]} in /if statements, since the formula is automatically converted into

numeric operations.

  • Else and else /if can be used to further refine how/which commands are run.
  • This will not work on some older versions of MQ2 (IE Jan 25, 2004) You will get a "Failed to parse /if command"
/ini /ini "filename" "keyname" "valuename" "value" Outputs string data to an INI file.
/insertaug /insertaug <item> Inserts augment into specified item. Accepts "Name in Quotes", item ID #, and slot numbers.
/invoke /invoke <command> Allows you to perform actions with special DataType members.
/itemnotify /itemnotify [ < slotname | # >] | <bag slot> <slot # in bag> | <itemname> ] <notification> Similar to the /click function, but does not involve the use of the mouse.
/items /items <filter> Lists all ground spawns and environmental containers in the zone that match filter.
All items will be listed if no filter is supplied
/itemslots /itemslots Lists available item slots
/itemtarget /itemtarget <itemname> "Targets" a ground spawn or environmental container. The item targeted will not show up in the target window.
/keepkeys /keepkeys [ on | off ] Keeps keys that were pressed with /keypress, in their current state when a macro ends. /keepkeys with no arguments displays the current on/off state.
/keypress /keypress name [ hold | chat ] Press the key "name"; where name can be an eqcommand or key-combination.

This is used strictly for keys that are mapped by the EQ client, however /keypress will work with EQ binds as well as MQ binds (see /bind).

  • /keypress does not actually press the key, it merely emulates the key being pressed, so it will not interfere with typing.
  • /keypress usage outside of a macro is not recommended nor consistent
/listmacros /listmacros <partial filename> Lists all files in the "Macros" directory that match <partial filename>. Results are sorted alphabetically.
/loadcfg /loadcfg <filename> Loads the specified .cfg file. (To use .cfg files, see this guide)
/loadspells /loadspells [ list | <spellset> ] Loads the specified spellset.
/location /location Returns your Y, X, Z coordinates. MacroQuest extends this command to add the direction you're facing from a 16-wind compass.
/loginname /loginname Displays the login name of the account you are currently logged into.
/look /look [ [ - ] angle ] Changes the angle you are looking. Angle can be any value between -128 (directly down) and 128 (directly up). The default for angle is 0 (straight ahead).
/lootall /lootall Loots everything on the targeted corpse
/macro /macro <filename> [ <param0> [ <param1> [...]]] Starts running a macro. Optional parameters can be added to the end of the /macro line, and the parameters will be passed to Sub Main within that macro.


  • Calling a macro from another macro will end the calling macro.
  • Invoking a /macro from within a macro will cause the first line to be skipped in the new macro.
/makemevisible /makemevisible Issuing command will make you visible.
/memspell /memspell <#> "<spellname>" Attempts to memorize "spellname" into gem #. Any spellname with more than one word must be surrounded by quotes.
/mercswitch /mercswitch [<index> | <type>] Change your mercenary by index number. MacroQuest adds the <type> option. A list of your mercenaries, their types and indices can be found in the "Switch" tab of your /merc window.
/mouseto /mouseto [ + | - ]<X> [ + | - ]<Y> Places the mouse at the exact x, y coordinates on the screen. Adding a + or - will move mouse to a relative position.
/mqanon /mqanon [option] [anon_options] Anonymization tool; filters specific text from display output. Be aware that Anonymization will only anonymize IN GAME! The character select screen will not be anonymized!
/mqconsole /mqconsole [clear | toggle | show | hide] Brings up an external MacroQuest console
/mqcopylayout /mqcopylayout <charname> <server> [res:WxH] [nohot] [noload] [nosoc] [none] Intelligent copying of EverQuest's UI layout. By default all options are copied at the windowed resolution.
/mqlistmodules /mqlistmodules [<name>] List loaded modules in the MQ directory to help with debugging stuck and/or broken dependencies/plugins. <name> is a filter.
/mqlistprocesses /mqlistprocesses [name] List running processes that the MQ launcher cares about to help debug stuck and/or broken dependencies/plugins.
/mqlog /mqlog [ <text> | clear ] This will log text to a log file in the "Logs" folder.
/mqoverlay /mqoverlay [reload | resume | debug | stop | start] Simple controls for the imgui overlay in MacroQuest. If imgui crashes, it can be resumed with this command.
/mqpause /mqpause [on|off] | chat [on|off] Pauses/resumes a macro. Not using a parameter will toggle pausing on/off. Common abbreviation: /mqp
/mqsettings /mqsettings [ <section> ] A command to toggle the MacroQuest Settings window (you can access it from the EQ button as well).
/mqtarget /mqtarget [ clear | mycorpse | myself | <spawn search> ] Adds the ability to target your corpse, yourself, and most importantly the result of a Spawn search. If you require the original /target without MacroQuest's interception, use /eqtarget.
/msgbox /msgbox [<text>] Creates a windows message box with <text>, user clicks "ok" to close.
/multiline /multiline <delimiter> <command> [<delimiter> <command> [...] ] Executes multiple commands using a single line, with each command separated by a delimiter of your choosing.
/netstatusxpos /netstatusxpos <#> Updates the x coordinate for the NetStatus indicator
/netstatusypos /netstatusypos <#> Updates the y coordinate for the NetStatus indicator
/next /next <varname> This runs all commands between the /for line and the /next line, after which it increments/decrements the varname number by step number (default is 1) before running through the commands again. It will keep doing this until the varname number equals the to or downto number. You can end a /for loop immediately with /break or try the next iteration with /continue.
/no /no Clicks "no" on in-game dialogues and popups. Technically not a command, this is an alias that's included by default.
/nomodkey /nomodkey <command> Releases all ctrl/alt/shift keys while executing <command>
/noparse /noparse <command> Prevents any MQ2Data from being parsed when used in command.
/notify /notify <windowname> 0|<controlname> [ <notification> [] ] This is used to interact with UI windows instead of using the mouse (/notify cannot be used to interact with objects).
/pet /pet <action> [<target>] Control all pet actions. MacroQuest extends the <target> options to allow attacking by spawn #.
/pickzone /pickzone [<#>] Opens the Pick Zone window. MacroQuest adds the option to zone into a specific pick zone number.
/plugin /plugin <name> [ load | unload | toggle ] [noauto] | [list] The plugin command primarily controls the loading and unloading of plugins. By default Loading a plugin will add an entry to the [Plugins] section of the MacroQuest.ini file so it will automatically load next session, and unloading the plugin will remove that entry.
/popcustom /popcustom [<#color>] [<#seconds>] <message> Creates an in-game overlay message
/popup /popup <text> Displays text in the center of your screen. Currently the text is a fixed font and color. If you desire a custom color or display duration you may perform this modification using a new command via the /popcustom commnd
/popupecho /popupecho [<#color>] [<#seconds>] <message> Creates an in-game overlay message just like Command:/popcustom, but also writes it to the MQ window.
/profile /profile This runs a macro just like /mac does, but when the macro ends it will output a csv file of every subroutine that has been called, and how long it took. The file will be in Macros/profiles, named for the macro and the time it started.
/quit /quit Immediately closes the game similar to /exit, but MacroQuest extends /quit to work at the character select screen.
/ranged /ranged [<spawnID#>] Performs a ranged attack on spawn ID #
/reloadui /reloadui Reloads your UI, basically a shortcut for the EverQuest command /loadskin 1
/removeaug /removeaug <aug> <item> Removes the specified augment from the specified item. Accepts "Case Sensitive" names in quotes or item ID #.
/removeaura /removeaura <name> Will remove the specified aura. Partial names accepted.
/removebuff /removebuff [-pet|-both] [=]<name> Will remove a buff or song of the given name, with or without quotes. Can work on current toon, -pet, or -both. By default it does a partial match, but you can force an exact compare with the equals sign.
/removelev /removelev Will remove any levitation in the buff or shortbuff window.
/removepetbuff /removepetbuff [=]<name> Will remove the specified buff or song form your pet, with or without quotes. By default it does a partial match, but you can force an exact compare with the equals sign. Same as using /removebuff -pet
/return /return [value|${varname}] Returns to the line immediately following the call. Can return values or variables.
/screenmode /screenmode <#> Where 2 is normal and 3 is no windows. 1 is Unknown. Experimental.
/selectitem /selectitem <name> Selects items in your inventory when you have a merchant open. Partial match accepted, /selectitem "bottle of" will select a "bottle of vinegar". Exact match also accepted, /selectitem "=bottle of vinegar".
/sellitem /sellitem [#] Sells the selected item. If # is specified it will sell that # of a stacked item.
/setautorun /setautorun <command> Creates an ini entry in Macroquest.ini that performs a command automatically after entering world. This may be deprecated in favor of .cfg files.
/seterror /seterror [<error>] Sets MacroQuest.Error to the specified error. If no error given, /seterror will clear MacroQuest.Error.
/setprio /setprio {1-6} Sets process priority where 1 is low 2 is below normal 3 is normal 4 is above normal 5 is high and 6 is real time. The default value is 3.
/setwintitle /setwintitle <title> Sets the current EQ Window title. It will parse MQ variables.
/shiftkey /shiftkey <command> Execute a command while telling the window manager that the shift key is pressed.
/skills /skills [ <skillname> ] Lists the skill level(s) that match skillname if provided, or all possible skills if no parameter given.
/spellslotinfo /spellslotinfo [ <spellID#> | "spell name" ] Displays spell slot information in the console. Accepts spell ID or "spell name" in quotes.
/spewfile /spewfile [on|off] Enables or disables the output of debug spew to the \Logs\DebugSpew.log file.
/squelch /squelch <command> Executes <command> while preventing MQ output from that command.
/substitute /substitute list | <orig> [delete] | [<new>] Allows you to create custom midline substitutions. They can be called from any alias or commandline by using the percent sign (%).
/target /target [<name> | group <1-6>] Targets <name> or group member <#>. MacroQuest currently intercepts this command but this is deprecated, so MQ users please use /mqtarget, or for original function /eqtarget
/taskquit /taskquit [<name>] Leave your shared task. MacroQuest extends this command to add support for solo tasks with <name>. Exact match only, quotes not needed.
/timed /timed <#> <command> Executes command after a specified duration, given in deciseconds.
/tloc /tloc Returns your target's location. Technically not a command, this is an alias that's included by default.
/unload /unload Unloads MacroQuest
/useitem /useitem <slot> [subindex] | <item name> Activates the use effect on items, either by exact item name or slot number. MacroQuest extends <item name> to allow partial matching.
/usercamera /usercamera 0-7|on|off|save [<charname>]|load [<charname>] Switch to the specified camera (see notes), or load and save the positioning of the user 1 camera.
/varcalc /varcalc <varname> <formula> Sets a variable directly to the numeric result of a calculation (formula). Keep in mind that the type of the variable may itself reject this value depending on what you give it. This will not work on strings!
/vardata /vardata <varname> <new datatype value> Sets a variable directly to the end result of a datatype string. To use this, do not put ${} around the outer data to parse.
  • This is more efficient than using /varset as it skips a step. For example, /varset first converts the MQ2Data to text, and then back to MQData. /vardata converts directly through MQData.
/varset /varset <varname> <new value> Sets a variable directly to a new value. Keep in mind that the type of the variable may itself reject this value depending on what you give it. To clear the value of the variable, you may omit the new value.
/where /where [ pc | npc ] [ <name> ] Returns the direction and distance to the closest spawn.
/while /while <condition> { <commands> ⮒ } Executes commands while the expression condition evaluates to true. Note that } must be on a line by its own. You can end a /while loop immediately with /break or try the next iteration with /continue.
/who /who [<name | class | race>] [all] [afk] [lfg] [corpse] [count] [guild] [<"guild name">] [ <level> [<level>] ] | [<Spawn Search>] [concolor] [sort <option>] Search for characters in current or all zones. MacroQuest intercepts the current-zone version of this command and instead gives options to Spawn search and sort.
/whofilter /whofilter <lastname | class | race | body | level | gm | guild | ld | sneak | lfg | npctag | spawnid | trader | afk | anon | distance | light | holding | concolor | invisible> [on | off] Toggles the display of the specified spawn(s) when using /who
/whotarget /whotarget Displays a /who lookup for the targeted player. MacroQuest extends this to include NPCs.
/windows /windows [ <name> | open ] Lists available UI windows (they are usable with /notify). An easier way to search windows is with the Window Inspector, found in the Command:/mqconsole GUI.
/windowstate /windowstate <window> [open|close] Toggles windows open/closed. Use /windows for a list of windows.
/yes /yes Clicks "yes" on in-game dialogues and popups. Technically not a command, this is an alias that's included by default.
MQ2AdvPath /advpath /advpath [option] [value] Handles plugin status and activity, this command is most handy for macro developers.
/afollow /afollow [spawn <#>] [Option]... Controls what and how you're following.
/play /play [option]... [setting] Plays a previously recorded path. Includes ability to change paths and execute commands.
/record /record [save|checkpoint] <name> handles path recording, including optional checkpoints. Alias: /arecord
MQ2AutoAccept /autoaccept /autoaccept [option] [setting] Controls, displays status, and configures MQ2AutoAccept
MQ2AutoLogin /loginchar /loginchar [ <server>:<character> | <profile>_<server>:<character> | <server>^<login>^<character>^<password> | <server>^<login>^<password> ] Will open a new EverQuest instance and login the specified character. Example: /loginchar vox:bobby
/relog /relog [#s|#m] Will log character out, and then log back in after specified time. Default time is in seconds. Example: /relog 5m
/switchcharacter /switchchar <name> Will log out your current character and log in the specified character on the same account/server.
/switchserver /switchserver <server short name> <character name> Will log out your current character and log in the specified server/character on the same account.
MQ2Bzsrch /breset /breset Stops and resets the bazaar search.
/bzquery /bzquery The same as clicking the "find items" button on the bazaar window
/bzsrch /bzsrch [ [trader|class|race|stat|slot|type|price <low> <high>|prestige|augment] <param> ] [<item name>] Issues commands to search the bazaar that are available in the bazaar window. For example, if you'd like to only see bard items that have the words "lute of the howler" in them, you'd type /bzsrch class Bard "lute of the howler"
/mq2bzsrch /mq2bzsrch Displays help text for the command /bzsrch
MQ2Camera /camera /camera [distance | info | attach | detach] [<setting>] Adjust your MQ2Camera settings. If no parameters will output usage examples.
MQ2ChatWnd /mqchat /mqchat [reset | autoscroll {on|off} | NoCharSelect {on|off} | SaveByChar {on|off}] Resets window and INI settings, as well as configures INI settings.
/mqclear /mqclear Clears all text from the MQ window
/mqfont /mqfont <#> Sets the font size in the MQ window, from 1 to 10. Default is 4.
/mqmin /mqmin Minimizes the MQ window
/setchattitle /setchattitle <custom string> Sets the title of the window. By default it's "MQ"
/style /style [!]0xN Set the style bit corresponding to 0xN or unset it if ! is supplied. See EverQuest documentation for further details about WindowStyle.
MQ2CustomBinds /custombind /custombind [ list ] | [add|delete] <bindname> | [set|clear] <bindname>[-down|-up] [command] This command is used to add, delete, list or change custom key bindings. You'll also need to /bind a key.
MQ2DanNet /dexecute /dexecute <name> <command> Executes a command on peer's client. Short version: /dex
/dgaexecute /dgaexecute <group> <command> Executes a command on all clients in a group (including own). Short version: /dgae
/dgexecute /dgexecute <group> <command> Executes a command on all clients in a group (except own). Short version: /dge
/dggaexecute /dggaexecute <command> Executes a command on all clients in your current in-game group (including own). Short version: /dgga
/dggexecute /dggexecute <command> Executes a command on all clients in your current in-game group (except own). Short version: /dgge
/dgraexecute /dgraexecute <command> Executes a command on all clients in your current in-game raid (including own). Short version: /dgra
/dgrexecute /dgrexecute <command> Executes a command on all clients in your current in-game raid (except own). Short version: /dgre
/dgtell /dgtell <group> <text> Echo text on console for all peers in group. Short version: /dgt
/dgzaexecute /dgzaexecute <command> Executes a command on all clients in your current in-game zone (including own). Short version: /dgza
/dgzexecute /dgzexecute <command> Executes a command on all clients in your current in-game zone (except own). Short version: /dgze
/djoin /djoin <group> [all|save] Join a group, and optionally write to [General] or [server_character] (all or save, respectively)
/dleave /dleave <group> [all|save] Leave a group, and optionally write to [General] or [server_character] (all or save, respectively)
/dnet /dnet [<arg>] Set variables such as network interface, change settings in the config file, toggle debug mode, and output group/peer information. No option will
/dobserve /dobserve <name> [-q <query>] [-o <result>] [-drop] Add an observer on name and update values in result, or drop the observer.
/dquery /dquery <name> [-q <query>] [-o <result>] [-t <timeout>] Execute query on name and store return in result.
/dtell /dtell <name> <text> Echo text on peer's console. Short version: /dt
MQ2EasyFind /easyfind /easyfind [search term] | group [command] | stop | reload <file> | ui | migrate | nav [nav command] Finding locations in the current zone.
/travelto /travelto [zonename] | [zonename] @ [easyfind command] | group [command] | activate | stop | dump Find a route to the specified [zonename] (short or long name) and then follow it.
MQ2GroupInfo /groupinfo /groupinfo [option] [on|off] Triggers the buttons, controls the display of specific buttons, and adjusts other .ini settings.
MQ2HUD /backgroundhud /backgroundhud {on|off} Turns background updates ON or OFF. When OFF, the HUD will only appear on the active screen, saving CPU cycles on each background client.
/classhud /classhud {on|off} Toggles loading the HUD section for your class. You must have a [class] section in MQ2HUD.ini, and the full name of the class is used e.g. [Magician]
/defaulthud /defaulthud Loads the default HUD, named [Elements]
/loadhud /loadhud <HUD Name> Load the specified HUD from the configuration file. e.g. /loadhud elements
/unloadhud /unloadhud <HUD Name> Unload the specified HUD, e.g. /unloadhud elements
/zonehud /zonehud {on|off} Toggles loading the HUD section for the current zone. You must have a [zone] section in MQ2HUD.ini, long names are used.
MQ2ItemDisplay /inote /inote [add|del] <item#> <comment> Add a custom note to an item
/itemdisplay /itemdisplay [ [ lootbutton | lucybutton ] [on|off] ] | [reload] Controls display of the advanced loot buttons and lucy button on the item display and spell windows
MQ2Lua /lua /lua {run | stop | pause | info | conf | reloadconf | ps | gui | parse} [ <params> ] Controls Lua scripts and Lua settings. Detailed help for each option is available by adding "help" as a param. e.g. /lua run help
MQ2Map /highlight /highlight [reset | <spawnfilter> | size | pulse | [color # # #]] Highlights the specified spawn(s). Accepts partial names or any terms from Spawn search.
/mapactivelayer /mapactivelayer [0 | 1 | 2 | 3] Changes active map layer.
/mapclick /mapclick [left] [ list | <key[+key[...]]> clear ] <command> Run a command when you click a spawn on a map.
/mapfilter /mapfilter <type> [ <param> [<param>]...] [color [<r g b>]] [show|hide] Controls spawns and other markup displayed on the in-game map. Passing a type without any parameters will either toggle show/hide or disable. There's a nice GUI for these filters in /mqsettings
/maphide /maphide [<spawnsearch> | reset | repeat] This will hide spawns from the map, using Spawn search. Hidden spawns are in effect until you reset /maphide, or the mapped spawns are regenerated (such as changing certain map filters).
/maploc /maploc [size <10-200>] [width <1-10>] [color <r g b>] [radius <distance>] [rcolor <r g b>] [<yxloc> [<zloc>] | target] [label <text>] | remove [<index> | <loc>] Places a big X on a location. Helpful when you're given a loc and want to see it on the map. It's as simple as /maploc 1 2 3
/mapnames /mapnames {target | normal} <namestyle> | reset Controls how spawn names are displayed on the map, from minimal information to a very log name with ID#, class, race, level, etc.
/mapshow /mapshow [<spawnsearch> | reset | repeat] This will show spawns on the map, using Spawn search. Shown spawns are in effect until you reset /mapshow, or the mapped spawns are regenerated (such as changing certain map filters).
MQ2MoveUtils /calcangle /calcangle Displays lots of basic numerical information related to moving such as Dist values, angular distance, 3D distance, melee range, stick range, speed multipliers. This command is useful to help determine what to set plugin options such as arc values or AllowMove, backup dist, etc.
/circle /circle [option]... | toggle <setting> | set <setting> {on|off} Autofaces character to run in a circle with a given radius
/makecamp /makecamp [option]... | toggle <setting> | set <setting> {on|off} The makecamp command will create a camp spot for you to return to after combat, or to establish boundries for your character to prevent them from moving beyond a certain radius. Using makecamp with no parameters will set up a camp at your current location, using default values.
/moveto /moveto [option]... | toggle <setting> | set <setting> {on|off} The moveto command will move you from your current location to a specific location or target. You can combine any number of these parameters together inline to enable multiple options for the moveto.
/rootme /rootme [off] Roots the player in place, unable to move. this is not any form of actual debuff, just a plugin implementation of locking a character in place.

Supplying the optional off parameter disables the root.

Other commands will not function when rootme is active.
/stick /stick [option]... | toggle <setting> | set <setting> {on|off} /follow-like command, works for any pc|npc. Default distance is melee range. /stick with no parameters will stick you to your current target, using max melee range.
MQ2Nav /navigate /navigate <settings> | <navigation> [<option=parameter>] Navigates your character to locations, spawns, way-points and more. To configure via GUI, /navigate ui Common abbreviation: /nav
MQ2PluginManager /pluginman /pluginman Will show the mq2pluginmanager window if it's not visible. Will display debug information on failure.
MQ2PortalSetter /portalsetter /portalsetter <zone> Accepts long or shortname for zone, and will port you so long as the portal NPC has it available. You must have the merchant window open for the Teleport NPC in order to use this command.
MQ2Posse /posse /posse [option] [setting] Set alerts, radius, and commands around player detection.
MQ2Rez /rez /rez [ accept|safemode|voice|silent ] [on|off] | [ pct <#> ] | [ setcommand <command> ] | [ help|settings|release ] Configures settings related to if and when you accept a rez, as well as notifications.
MQ2TargetInfo /targetinfo /targetinfo [perchar | distance | info | placeholder | sight | reset | reload] [on|off] Toggle settings on the targetinfo plugin
MQ2XTarInfo /xtarinfo /xtarinfo { perchar [on | off] | distance [on | off] |reset | reload} MQ2XTarInfo deals with the Extended Target Window