
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki
(Redirected from Command:/nav)

This command is added by MQ2Nav

Syntax Key
Notation Description
Text without brackets or braces Required items
<Text inside angle brackets> Placeholder for which you must supply a value
[Text inside square brackets] Optional items
Vertical bar (|) Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one
{Text | inside | braces} Set of required items; choose one
Ellipsis () Items that can be repeated
Syntax /navigate <settings> | <navigation> [<option=parameter>]
Description Navigates your character to locations, spawns, way-points and more. To configure via GUI, /navigate ui Common abbreviation: /nav


Category Option Description
ui ui Displays the MQ2Nav Tools UI Window
settings help Displays a list of commands
save | load save / load to the config file
reload Reload the navmesh
recordwaypoint "<waypoint name>" ["<waypoint description>"] Create a waypoint at current location. Abbreviation: rwp
listwp list waypoints
navigation target navigate to current target
id <#> navigate to target with ID #
loc[yxz] Y X Z navigate to coordinates
locxyz X Y Z
locyx Y X navigate to 2d coordinates
locxy X Y
item [click] navigate to item (and click it).
door [<ItemName> | id <#>] [click] navigate to door / object (and click it).
setopt [<option> | reset] Set the default value for options used for navigation. See "navigation options" group on this page. Pass "reset" instead to rest them to their default values.
spawn <Spawn search> | <option> Navigate to spawn via Spawn search query. If you want to provide options to navigate, like distance, you need to separate them with a | (pipe).
waypoint <waypoint> Navigate to waypoint. Abbreviation: wp
stop Stop navigation
pause Pause navigation
ini <key> <value> Write a setting to the ini and reload settings
navigation options distance=<num> Set the distance to navigate from the destination. Abbreviation: dist. this can be added to navigation commands above to alter their behavior
lineofsight=<on|off> when using distance, require visibility of target. Default is on. Abbreviation: los this can be added to navigation commands above to alter their behavior
log=<level> Adjust log level for command. can be trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, or off. The default is info. this can be added to navigation commands above to alter their behavior
paused Start navigation in a paused state. this can be added to navigation commands above to alter their behavior
notrack disable tracking of spawn movement. By default, when navigating to a spawn, the destination location will track the spawn's position. This disables that behavior. this can be added to navigation commands above to alter their behavior
facing=<forward|backward> face forward or backward while moving. this can be added to navigation commands above to alter their behavior


  • To display the MQ2Nav UI Window

/nav ui

  • To display a list of available commands

/nav help

  • To save navigation settings to the config file:

/nav save

  • To reload the navmesh:

/nav reload

  • To create a new waypoint with a name and description:

/nav rwp "My Waypoint Name" "This is a description of my waypoint"

  • To list all available waypoints:

/nav listwp

  • To navigate to the current target:

/nav target

  • To navigate to your target by ID:

/nav id ${Target.ID}

  • To navigate to a specific set of coordinates:

/nav locxyz 100 200 300

  • To navigate to an item and click it:

/nav item click

  • To navigate to a door or object and click it:

/nav door "Door Name" click

  • To navigate to the nearest visible spiderling and get within a distance 5 whether visible or not,

/nav spawn "Spiderling" | distance=5 lineofsight=off

  • To navigate to a specific waypoint:

/nav wp "My Waypoint Name"

  • To stop navigation:

/nav stop

  • To pause navigation:

/nav pause

  • To set the distance to navigate from the destination:

/nav target distance=5

  • To adjust the log level for the command:

/nav target distance=15 log=debug

  • To start navigation in a paused state:

/nav target paused

  • To disable tracking of spawn movement:

/nav target notrack

  • To face backward while moving:

/nav target facing=backward

See also