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Request - 2 requests for the price of 1, a KA request and the other is MQ2 I think. (1 Viewer)

Mar 24, 2018
Hope requests are not annoying? Just trying to help =)

1) When I am fighting mobs (usually in a HA, not sure if the same thing happens in normal zones), and things go wrong so I evac, once we reload back at the zone in, my mage's pet will charge back into battle. Even if it has to run half way across the zone to re-engage the thing we were fighting, it will do so. I have to hope I can click back off in time. Maybe this is something I could fix by putting it in that auto exec file? I haven't used that yet. But it would be good if KA backed pets off after an evac.

2) This one is a long shot, but it would be cool. I'd love a way to auto position my tank behind the mob as it approaches, so that when the mob turns to me, the group will be behind it and avoid his ripostes and whatnot. "Stick behind" works great on my bard, but I figured it wouldn't work on my warrior because he is supposed to tank in one spot. So for now I just do it manually. But I found a little track that works 50% of the time, which is to wait for the mob to be in my face, and then I use my Battle Leap, and it puts me directly behind the mob. But anyway, if there is no way to automate this, it would be something for my wishlist. Usually I wouldn't care but my group spawn a lot of little weak pets (cleric, wiz, etc) and mostly they die as soon as they reach the mob because of a riposte or whatever else. If I bother to turn the mob to get its back to the group, the pets survive.
1- I think MQ2Melee has a pet attack distance that will auto pull pet back. Maybe check into that if no one else has a fix.

2- you should be able to turn on battle leap in MQ2 Melee. Another option which I don?t think will work is you can issue a stick behind once command for MQ2Melee. That won?t work though if you already have aggro as you will circle the mob over and over I believe. (Could be wrong)

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Easiest way to fix #2 is just start your tank/puller at the back end of your camp and all your melees ahead of them so the puller and/or tank has to run through the rest of your group mates. Then when they engage they'll already be behind the mob.
Personally I disagree with KA on the way it handles using MQ2Melee. I've personally disabled a change to a setting.
Rich (BB code):
/squelch /melee stickmode=0
that is hard coded into KissAssist.mac because if I damn well want to use my own stick methods then I will.

With that said, Tank stickcmd=uw 10

Zerker stickcmd=snaproll right 10

bard stickcmd = snaproll left 10

rogue stickcmd =snaproll behind 10

Now I've boxed in the mob and all melee pushback should be getting effectively nullified. It also presents less appearance that characters are "botted" when used with staggering engage %. IE: tank engage immediately, zerker @98%, Rogue @95%, Bard @99%, which allows the characters to move to engage seperately from each other. Also, other MQ2Melee stick commands allow more precise governing of your characters such that I can limit stick range, IE: KA may turn on attack for a mob coming in at under engage % but stick doesn't engage because the mob is out of range of the stick distance.

If not for KA hard coded to turn off the stick command by default it would fine. But If I choose a plugin over KA's setting then I should think that it wouldn't adjust my settings in said plugin to use default stick settings.

With that said, KA also
Rich (BB code):
/squelch /melee petassist=1
in the code, It stands to reason that this is because KA allows separate engage percentages for the character and the pet. However, again, I'd just as soon not have KA changing settings, and doing it silently at that. I had to dig into the code to find out that these things even happened.

Recap, stickmode = 0/1 for on and off to use the stickcmd from the players server_playername.ini
with that off it uses whatever mq2melee's default action is.

If you aren't familiar with finding lines of code and removing/changing them, after starting KA you can
Rich (BB code):
/melee stickmode=1
to make it use the stickcmd from the INI.

the section of MQ2Melee in the character's server_name.ini you must have
Rich (BB code):
stickcmd=snaproll right 10 uw
how you want to stick so that it knows what to do, otherwise stickmode=1 won't work.

/melee stickrange=40

stickrange is the maximum distance from you that you want MQ2Melee to stick from. So in the case where it's 40 your character will only engage stick if it is within 40 or less from your character when the attack is issued.

I hope some of this helps you get your characters where you want them.
Request - 2 requests for the price of 1, a KA request and the other is MQ2 I think.

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