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Discussion - RedGuides 3.0: What do you want to see? (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
We're rebuilding RedGuides this month in order to bring you a mobile-friendly site that's organized and well documented. Here are some of the big changes planned:

  • Removing Tapatalk
  • Moving plugins and macros to their own non-forum section (but still linked to the forums)
  • Overhaul of current documentation for every major plugin/macro. I'll start begging for technical writers later this month.
  • Changing our software from vBulletin to Xenforo
  • Posts / PMs / Redcents will be retained, of course.
  • Discord integration

What changes do you want to see on the web-side of RG? What are things you DON'T want changed?

Thanks for any input.

(I know forum stuff isn't all that exciting, so in June/July, we're focusing on lowering the learning curve for KissAssist, and a much needed upgrade to our Update software. )
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why removing tapatalk ?

  • It's now messy and hard to navigate. Maskoi & I quit using it after they changed the navigation.
  • Updates are rare these days.
  • Their support is poor and slow. Critical threads on their own forum are frequently closed or deleted.
  • Tapatalk has in the past opened several possible security holes without alerting webmasters of the vulnerability for months.
  • Tapatalk is granted rights to everyone's content, even if they don't use tapatalk.
  • Pop-ups and banners are added to the site for mobile users, which are a pain to remove each patch.
  • It inserts advertising into the site, which we don't want.
  • Their general business strategy. Tapatalk went from building a great product for forum users, to a "middle-man" system to build up their own community/brand. Congrats to them, but it's not what we signed up for.
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An improved search function/format with respect to result(s) population. Sometimes it problematic, and more so if you are new/newer to the website.

I started actively using Redguides beyond sales a year ago... working between RedGuides, MQ2 and other sites seems cumbersome.

...that, or I am an idiot (which I have acknowledgeD previously).
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Please give me the option to see who's downloading one of my files back. Lost that at some point down the line. Would like to see that again in the rebuild. Makes it a lil easier to see who the users of my code are and if someone had downloaded the most up to date copy of the macro.

Other than that I like the majority of the existing setup. Specifically the noectunnel style avoidance of threads that I have zero interest in viewing. Missing a nokissassist filter though /laugh
A big ass button at the top of the website next to the Chat (Discord) one that says Redguides MQ2 Vanilla is allowed and sole use of it will not result in your account being banned/suspended from the game... Similar to what Isboxer does:


Although, unlike Isboxer's website, you *should* make an addendum and recommend to people things to avoid doing (that includes using ANY other compile of Macroquest 2) that are specific to Everquest.

Here's some things to keep in mind while playing:

1) Don't stay in 1 camp for 24hrs straight in a popular zone.
2) If someone stops next to your group and "watches" you - talk to them and if they don't answer/if they seem shady - LEAVE.
3) Playing the TANK/PULLER for your group helps you remain safe (If you don't look like a bot group a GM likely won't accidentally ban you thinking you are one)
4) Keep in mind at all times that Macroquest 2 is still a 'taboo' software amongst EQ users. We're actively trying to change that with help from Almar's Guides and by revamping Redguides but it'll take time to change that stigma.

Basically, you want to tell them to play defensively while using Macroquest 2 around strangers or while doing something you think other people would be bothered by (meaning half ass playing; I know A LOT of people here let their group play fully automated WHILE at the computer, just watching TV. Daybreak doesn't allow this but I'm not so stupid that I think we'd actually be able to get people to stop playing this way. *IF* you opt to play this way... Stay the fuck away from other people when you do and be on alert when someone DOES come close. BE RESPONSIBLE). On Isboxer's website they say "don't be an asshole" and you won't get banned, which is basically the same logic in Everquest.

We basically need a direct list of guide lines/rules that's easy to access for people to understand and follow for both the forums & using Macroquest 2 in game.
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^^^^^^ This!

But also, for the love of God, please fix the store!!!!

When you buy anything, it's hard to know how to "configure it". Would like the ability to purchase a 3mo/6mo/1year of RG with Redcents for self or a friend as an option in the store.

I'd like to see people selling/buying krono for redcents. I know you're doing that via auction and such, but making it where users can might be nice - but only if more people would like to participate in the selling part, not just the buying!
How about an interactive GUI that helps folks setup an .ini?

^^ THAT! As a guy who just started using MQ2 within the last few months it would have helped me some if there was an interactive INI Generator. Seriously, you know that if a char of lvl X is going to be fully automated you could create a system that auto generates a base ini and the user can tweak it as needed. Does KA allow comments in the INI (easy to add if not)? If so, there could be some auto-populated comments. This isn't the same thing as a pre-built, user submitted INI. Hmm, thinking about this now, it may be an external site thing and not really a place to put something on a forum.

Honestly though otherwise the site just needs better organization. I mean i'm definitely not the one to point a finger here, but it's really hard to track some things down sometimes. I know I don't like starting new threads on topics but if you can't find the help... Maybe a grand FAQ with some sub-FAQs. Possibly a good FAQ per subject area stickied and updated.
drag an drop of attachments and pictures into a post.

when doing search on the redguides iste dont search through ectunnel stuff.

a user link where people that make macros and such can keep all their macros so i can click their name, and get a list of what macros they make, click to download it, or go to the thread its listed.
I just bought a case of #2 pencils and an old typewriter with the J key missing.... so I guess I will be happy looking into the documentation and plugin info.... not like I have ANY experience in any of them but I can guess at how you could use them...

Seriously though I am just glad after almost 20 years we still have a game and so many cool people here at Redguides to all pitch in to make this place awesome!
^^ THAT! As a guy who just started using MQ2 within the last few months it would have helped me some if there was an interactive INI Generator. Seriously, you know that if a char of lvl X is going to be fully automated you could create a system that auto generates a base ini and the user can tweak it as needed. Does KA allow comments in the INI (easy to add if not)? If so, there could be some auto-populated comments. This isn't the same thing as a pre-built, user submitted INI. Hmm, thinking about this now, it may be an external site thing and not really a place to put something on a forum.

Honestly though otherwise the site just needs better organization. I mean i'm definitely not the one to point a finger here, but it's really hard to track some things down sometimes. I know I don't like starting new threads on topics but if you can't find the help... Maybe a grand FAQ with some sub-FAQs. Possibly a good FAQ per subject area stickied and updated.

As a pretty interesting coincidence, I've been working on something that I think you, and DarkPaladin will find very welcoming. https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/8291cc532d782b83991e3fc700966d17-png.jpg
I would build the website around Wordpress since you'll have a lot of documentation sections, i think you'll find many plugins like Discord, etc. Of course, you'll have a secure foundation of the whole website once Wordpress nice tweaked and maybe used Genesis Framework or the likes.
Thing is there are too many ways to setup any single class... forcing a default or standard is nearly impossible. Take my cleric for instance. I want him to do things in a certain order or favor a certain buff based on the other classes I am going to run with him. I prefer quick smaller heals at the beginning of any fight, others prefer to hold off heals and do bigger heals later to conserve mana. There is no set Cleric setup. The beauty of Kiss is we have a ton of INIs submitted by users and you can read through them and pick the one that suits your needs. No one is wrong as long as the Mob is dead and the loot is in your bags....
Bingo. Hopefully you'll have all the classes' spells and skills available to put in the correct areas Like DPS, Buffs, and Burns and such.)

Oh most definitely. I've been throwing in a few sneak peaks in the Redguides discord. Some previews for the other sections, DPS(https://gyazo.com/82a762c4ca22cf0db776b45766d7d79a) - Presets( https://gyazo.com/3f5b87c0804350d207368fa77fb9b425). The beauty of the presets section, is that it takes the ini's that the community has already release, and makes them much easier to setup. You can instantly preview and import any ini that is available on the redguides forums. Press 1 button to save, and bingo! Your ini will be instantly updated with the premade ini that you selected.

Edit: Yes, I know things are crazy off-centered. I put about 3 minutes in UI placement, but once I'm done it'll all look centered, and proper :)
Coo. I would love to try it soon!)

- - - Updated - - -

Thing is there are too many ways to setup any single class... forcing a default or standard is nearly impossible. Take my cleric for instance. I want him to do things in a certain order or favor a certain buff based on the other classes I am going to run with him. I prefer quick smaller heals at the beginning of any fight, others prefer to hold off heals and do bigger heals later to conserve mana. There is no set Cleric setup. The beauty of Kiss is we have a ton of INIs submitted by users and you can read through them and pick the one that suits your needs. No one is wrong as long as the Mob is dead and the loot is in your bags....

I agree, with a nice GUI, you can pick and choose from dropdown boxes or even have it populate a list and then write the ini for you. Saves you some typing is all.
would love to see an added "+1" or "like" feature for posts within threads instead of the universal "thanks"...sometimes i feel like im some chinese farmer replying with "thanks" in english to everyone even though its not something to say thank you about.
would love to see an added "+1" or "like" feature for posts within threads instead of the universal "thanks"...sometimes i feel like im some chinese farmer replying with "thanks" in english to everyone even though its not something to say thank you about.

domo arigato lmao
The thanks button is for people who just want to let you know others share your view. I take the time to thank someone and then even comment on the post if it moves me or I have something to add in the positive. So to me a +1 would be anything I do as a quote to that post would be a +1.... and you may even get "Likes" to your reply so it is win win!

This is one of the things I love about this place. It does not matter if you have been here 10 years or started yesterday with us. Your voice is heard, your opinion counts! Chime in with a conversation and people will accept you without flamage or irritation. We are a community. I always feel home when I am on Redguides. That being said you got Redbot to thank you post so he may have some evil plan for future posts to be Thanks, Thanks + and Thanks ++. You never know...
A new post editor that does not eat every 3rd char and remembers what the text was if you leave to look at another post or a manual and browse back (like the macroquest2 site.) This editor is killing me.
new post editor & mobile template are great.

  • Import data test
  • fixed redirect bugs in their software
  • added styles that look similar to red light / red dark
  • design a new style
  • move front-page bar to forum list
  • attached/tested our sales software
  • prefix re-organization
  • fixed prefix display
  • test new organization system
  • convert kiss & other major manuals to new system / format

  • test import of feedback / redcents
  • cofigure/hack ~8 more plugins
  • write organization guide to help folks convert to the new system
  • write apology to RG users for changing things
  • go over permissions
there's a big to-do list after launch, but that's for another suggestion thread.

The point is we're getting close, and to smooth things over we have two new plugins at launch from eqmule!
quick question: will there ever be enough Interface/HUD content to justify a forum? If not, which forum should we push UI's into?

My current creations. Everyone is different and will like different things.

I expect that you could bundle - Captions, Hud, UI mods into a section and it will get some love.
Don't add a dislike button, some people here act childish enough already, we don't need to give them more ammo. (Just means more work & aggrivation for the people running the site/community)

Also we need a release date for RedGuides 3.0 =P
Discussion - RedGuides 3.0: What do you want to see?

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