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  • After updating VV from today's 4/19 emergency patch on EQ, the MQ2 gives a wrong date message and won't load on EQ. I have redownloaded and updated, and rebooted to no avail. Just an FYI and question is this a RedGuides issue or something I'm doing wrong on my end?
    Everquest patched today
    is there a memory leak or something i have 64 gigs of ram and im getting hangs and stuff and random crashes here and there , seems its getting harder to run this even with upgrades on computer
    can only run 3 box crews where as a few years ago i could get 5 to 6 crews on one machine
    Redbot: just want to know if there is something up with the MQ2 program? I have just come in logged on and there is no MQ2 when I log into the Char Screen. Has the system Crashed?
    You may need to start the program again. Go to the install directory and click MacroQuest2.exe
    I noticed I was charged on my CC for my annual renewal earlier this month. I'm not currently using the program, could you please cancel my subscription. I hope you can refund pro rata from my request today also.
    Hello i am new to this site .. I have looked every were but still no luck i am trying to find some info on How to get Vs 2010 to compile Eq live ( Open source Mq2 ) mainly trying to learn how to do my own compile i have tried all the wiki's but none of them work and when i go to build my compile i get a Mq2main.dll failed build Ect ect .. If you know any were to look or if you could possibly give me a quick walk through would be appreciated .
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