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Discussion - What are your all-time favorite zones to farm/quest in? (1 Viewer)


the Degenerate
Oct 18, 2023
We all have preferences in our leveling routes and certain zones that we are particular to. Personally, I still have a particular fondness for Crushbone. I just feel like it is the epitome of classic EverQuest and it always felt like the little kid playground at McDonalds in virtual form. It has just enough personality that it's a very memorable place. When I was in my teens and really into EQEmulator I even recreated that whole zone and turned it into a high level hub. (I know they did this with that one event but that one just scales the zone up, I had recreated it entirely and put custom quest lines through it.) I used to spend many hours just hanging out there and PvPing with a lvl 20 twink when I was young as well and I swear it was one of the most populated PvP brackets on the server, lol.

I wish they'd have just left the old zones alone instead of trying to update them because every revamped zone feels totally out of place if you play on a TLP. The new Orc models aren't horrible, but I feel like the fully redone zones like FP/Commonlands in particular just lost that old classic charm that they used to bring with their revamps. Like... yes, the graphics were N64 quality but they had so much life and personalization within it that made it feel extraodinary. My little brother who is 10 years younger than me has always looked at EQ and just been like, "ew, those are horrible graphics" and it's kept him away, but I see beauty in their dated design so I might suffer from nostalgia goggles. It seems like they tried to keep the original enivornment or feel of the zone while updating the graphics but they failed significantly on that goal.

Anyways, a little derailed; what's some of your favorite places to hang out in Norrath? Nowadays my favorite place to hang out is the guild neighborhood, lol. I'm one of the only people in EQ history to actually give a fuck about their housing and build significant stuff. I might be a little neurodivergant. 😅
I'm not sure I'd say its my favorite, or that I even liked it, but I do have some odd nostalgia hits for Solb due to helping friends with cleric 1.0's back in the day.
We all have preferences in our leveling routes and certain zones that we are particular to. Personally, I still have a particular fondness for Crushbone. I just feel like it is the epitome of classic EverQuest and it always felt like the little kid playground at McDonalds in virtual form. It has just enough personality that it's a very memorable place. When I was in my teens and really into EQEmulator I even recreated that whole zone and turned it into a high level hub. (I know they did this with that one event but that one just scales the zone up, I had recreated it entirely and put custom quest lines through it.) I used to spend many hours just hanging out there and PvPing with a lvl 20 twink when I was young as well and I swear it was one of the most populated PvP brackets on the server, lol.

I wish they'd have just left the old zones alone instead of trying to update them because every revamped zone feels totally out of place if you play on a TLP. The new Orc models aren't horrible, but I feel like the fully redone zones like FP/Commonlands in particular just lost that old classic charm that they used to bring with their revamps. Like... yes, the graphics were N64 quality but they had so much life and personalization within it that made it feel extraodinary. My little brother who is 10 years younger than me has always looked at EQ and just been like, "ew, those are horrible graphics" and it's kept him away, but I see beauty in their dated design so I might suffer from nostalgia goggles. It seems like they tried to keep the original enivornment or feel of the zone while updating the graphics but they failed significantly on that goal.

Anyways, a little derailed; what's some of your favorite places to hang out in Norrath? Nowadays my favorite place to hang out is the guild neighborhood, lol. I'm one of the only people in EQ history to actually give a fuck about their housing and build significant stuff. I might be a little neurodivergant. 😅
I spent a lot of time on lguk back in the day, loved that place and seeing how many camps a rl friend and I could lock down (manual boxing)
Anyways, a little derailed; what's some of your favorite places to hang out in Norrath? Nowadays my favorite place to hang out is the guild neighborhood, lol. I'm one of the only people in EQ history to actually give a fuck about their housing and build significant stuff. I might be a little neurodivergant. 😅
Have you heard of Vinney Cordi (Armourcarr)? He was the housing GOD of EQ. He made houses that have have hidden doors, mazes, outdoor areas, and mystery rooms all inside of a house. Some of them were even interactive.

Make a level 1 character on server Zek and go check out his houses in Cedar County Meadows. Many of us have donated to the upkeep for the houses he made there so they will never disappear. Vinney passed away around this time last year. RIP
Have you heard of Vinney Cordi (Armourcarr)? He was the housing GOD of EQ. He made houses that have have hidden doors, mazes, outdoor areas, and mystery rooms all inside of a house. Some of them were even interactive.

Make a level 1 character on server Zek and go check out his houses in Cedar County Meadows. Many of us have donated to the upkeep for the houses he made there so they will never disappear. Vinney passed away around this time last year. RIP
any writeups or galleries? or just have to see in person?
I spent a lot of time on lguk back in the day, loved that place and seeing how many camps a rl friend and I could lock down (manual boxing)
Lguk was a favorite of mine as well. One of my favorite things was working with random strangers to take down massive zone out trains. I... Uhh... May have also caused a few of those as well :dance:
My fav area is probably South Karana or Highpass Hold. Both are filled with mystery, lots of epic weapon needs, and top notch music. I still swing by the Brad memorial in EK when traveling out that way.
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I was a kunark baby so loved dreadlands and sebilis..

I also loved playing in the devastation zone where the mobs would fight each other over zone control. As a sk it was fun training them into each other!!!
I would have to say the Serpent Spine expansion, I liked it because it released the Drakkin race with the breath weapon quest and was one of the few expansions that had zones from newbie all the way to max level at the time all covered. The music is good the quests were good the zones were big and beautiful, lots of new crafting etc. I just remember that time as being some of the most fun and best grouping times because so many people were making new characters with the Drakkin race but I remember farming the lone breath weapon mobs was a nightmare when 400 people all needed the same mob at the same time, other than that it was their best expansion imo.
I spent a lot of time on lguk back in the day, loved that place and seeing how many camps a rl friend and I could lock down (manual boxing)
i used to do the same with my chanter friend. except i would pull as the cleric with DA and run from assassian room down to the arch magi room, or frenzied depending on where we wanted to camp.

i love all the froglok slaying zones...
Way back in the day I really enjoyed Emerald Jungle. It felt like it was really a remote jungle with a spooky feel to it.
I once woke up my ex talking in my sleep about "the frogloks zone that way" and gestured my arms sideways - i *think* it was cause of the zone to EJ being diagonal lol, she had no idea wtf i was talking about
I once woke up my ex talking in my sleep about "the frogloks zone that way" and gestured my arms sideways - i *think* it was cause of the zone to EJ being diagonal lol, she had no idea wtf i was talking about
I got reminded of the many times people would wake me up to get " I already [insert healed or rezzed] them!" and me rolling back over asleep.
Have you heard of Vinney Cordi (Armourcarr)? He was the housing GOD of EQ. He made houses that have have hidden doors, mazes, outdoor areas, and mystery rooms all inside of a house. Some of them were even interactive.

Make a level 1 character on server Zek and go check out his houses in Cedar County Meadows. Many of us have donated to the upkeep for the houses he made there so they will never disappear. Vinney passed away around this time last year. RIP
That's really cool, thank you for exposing me to this. Sounds like I could have been good friends with him. RIP
I once woke up my ex talking in my sleep about "the frogloks zone that way" and gestured my arms sideways - i *think* it was cause of the zone to EJ being diagonal lol, she had no idea wtf i was talking about
I did something similar, around Christmas 2018 when TBL came out I was doing all the crafting recipes and I fell asleep foraging and in my dream I was literally foraging and was walking around with bags of Emerald oranges and Timorous coconuts and my wife woke me up and I looked down and exclaimed in a panic "Where is my bag of coconuts!" and she said ISIS blew your nuts off in Iraq dear... and I had to try to explain to her that I thought I was still dreaming for a second. Now she sometimes jokes, "are you still dreaming that you have a sack of nuts? You know you can buy em in PoK now right?"

I don't know what's worse, having an ex or having a gamer wife that's higher level than you that teases that you have no balls...
Dog Turtle GIF
Discussion - What are your all-time favorite zones to farm/quest in?

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