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Question - War cleric bard or sk shm bard trio (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
I was wondering if SK/SHM/Bard or War/Cleric/Bard groups are viable from classic EverQuest tlp all the way up to live servers. I know you can snare with the Bard, get some proc weapons for the Warrior to slow/snare, etc. For boxing, I feel the Warrior is much easier, but in raids, I wonder if War/Cleric/Bard performs the same as SK/Cleric/Bard? For the highest group content when geared, which group would perform better?
Im gonna go with both are viable. Personally, my group base is sk/sham/bard. so im obviously biased but i did do war/cleric/bard when i first came back. Having shaman for buffs and debuffs is kinda nice. although u can get by without it using a cleric healer and bard for doing everything else. I really enjoy the sk/sham combo though. theres alot going on in that duo. anyway,. best of luck. can always try both combos:) RG makes it fun with MQ

Im gonna go with both are viable. Personally, my group base is sk/sham/bard. so im obviously biased but i did do war/cleric/bard when i first came back. Having shaman for buffs and debuffs is kinda nice. although u can get by without it using a cleric healer and bard for doing everything else. I really enjoy the sk/sham combo though. theres alot going on in that duo. anyway,. best of luck. can always try both combos:) RG makes it fun with MQ

Thanks so your saying sk cleric bard works well? Also ? In the long run?
If you’re planning on raiding with all 3 I’d go war/cleric/bard due to clerics being much better healers till 100 plus and I feel like sks don’t shine till pop …
If you’re planning on raiding with all 3 I’d go war/cleric/bard due to clerics being much better healers till 100 plus and I feel like sks don’t shine till pop …
if you are planning on raiding *current* content , then war/cleric/bard and preferably shaman too. war/cleric/shaman is a rock solid raid tanking foundation (SK in the same group as DPS with lich sting also helps heaps too)
You want to pair the SK with the Shaman. The Shaman instant heals are great with the SK. There is a reason so many people play SK and Shaman because it's a good combo. I can't speak to warrior. But Pally works well with a cleric. I do Pally 2hander with cleric and SK sword and shield with Shaman that is the best way to go for beginners
I was wondering if SK/SHM/Bard or War/Cleric/Bard groups are viable from classic EverQuest tlp all the way up to live servers. I know you can snare with the Bard, get some proc weapons for the Warrior to slow/snare, etc. For boxing, I feel the Warrior is much easier, but in raids, I wonder if War/Cleric/Bard performs the same as SK/Cleric/Bard? For the highest group content when geared, which group would perform better?
I don't pay tlp but there are lots of variables in there when your're talking about different era's and raids. I play both combo's in current group and raid content and they are both viable. I think it will also depend on the remainder of your group makeup as to how well they do and the group over all.

In our raids, the warriors usually have both in their group and do the main tanking while the SK's typically stack both as well and do the off tanking. I think in modern content raids you will find having both shm/clr in a group with either tank is very useful, if not necessary. For group content, either will perform well. Just stack complimentary dps with em and watch em go.

As for brd, brd = always good =)
Starting level 1 with no other healers. Shaman might be a bit rough. One thought about snare. Troll innoruuk shamans can get the dark elf cleric regent symbol of innoruuk necklace that has a clicky darkness. It's been nerfed to shit over the years, but could still be useful if you are going to level up instead of heroic.
Extreme difference. without BRD you lose a ton of utility and mez and adps.
shm/clr in just a trio is kind of a waste IMO.... I mean, it will work, but you are leaving alot of dps and abilities out
Thanks I am leaning toward war cleric bard and just add some friends but I think sustain will be okay with war cleric bard tho especially raid geard
Thanks I am leaning toward war cleric bard and just add some friends but I think sustain will be okay with war cleric bard tho especially raid geard
Oh yeah! That will totally work.
Chanter is my favorite single class to play.... but bard is a close second, only class I've made repeatedly and done that darn epic repeatedly was bard :P
Back in the day when I started boxing it was necro, mage, bard. I had found at that time, I would mainly just sing with the bard and use adps but had a couple quick macros to switch to off target, shoot a charm and send the charmed pet in to help dps. Though that wasn't with MQ and I didn't actually raid.
Question - War cleric bard or sk shm bard trio

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