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Discussion - Tutorial (1 Viewer)

Sep 23, 2015
Just made a new team (yeah I know lol), and sent them through the tutorial. It was quick and easy 10 levels. Especially the first 5 with POKTutorial. Anyways I noticed something that I had depended upon from earlier teams. You could open the barrels that are scattered all over the place and get not only small bags but also backpacks. And this time no backpacks at all. Did anyone see where this change was documented? Now don't get me wrong here, I could care less, I just noticed the difference is all. And all I could think of was that DBG is cheaping out on such small stuff as this, and yet they can't fix quests that are (and have been for years) broken. Almost reminds me of other game companies and their news lately.

I know this is not news to anyone, but it seems that the "I don't give a shit about the game I just want to maximize profits" attitude is going to catch up to a lot of companies here soon. I, for one, will not pre buy a game at all. They would be lucky if I spend any money on a new game until I see reviews on it, at least after the first 3 months it is out. They all seem to like to beg for funding (I am talking millions of dollars here). And then turn out a bug infested piece of crap and say it is the best game ever. It is all hype geared to get the most out of the people who actually are stupid enough to buy it in the first place. One of them was so buggy that they were forced to give refunds for it, just 2 weeks after release. I mean I still remember the "if you don't like it, don't buy it" thing. I still lol whenever I think about it now. He sure didn't last long after that, did he?

And as an aside (I just feel like typing tonight), the whole reason why I made a new team was to:

1. Wanted to change out my BST on my Evil team with a NEC.

2. And wanted to make an all Melee (well except for healers) team. I never played one before. I seem to gravitate to "caster" teams. <shrug> Because they work well for me. So I went with Pal, Shm, Brd (with Sic's and CWTN's new Brd plugin YEEHAW), Nec (just til level 50 then switch teams), Dru, and Rog. And make a Bzk to replace the Nec later. That was the plan anyways.

So I was looking over my accounts spreadsheet tonight and discovered I had messed up. If I don't mess up at least once a day I KNOW something is wrong. I put the Necro on the same account as my Enc on the team I want to switch it (the Nec) to. Notice I said above here that I wanted to switch the Nec with the Bst. Yeah...well shit. I have no clue as to why I did that. Just dumb I guess. But all is not lost. I can make a new Nec (on the right account this time) and make the new Bzk (to take the Nec's place). And level them both up at the same time. Sorta like killing 2 birds with one stone, right? Sheesh, I can only shake my head at that screw up, lol.

I am doing all this because of another recent revelation, on my part. I had started my Evil team on a set of FTP accounts (I know now what a dumb move that was). There are just so many restrictions to running anything serious on FTP accounts. Like, you can only have 3 Overseer missions at a time on FTP, instead of the normal 5. I know (like I said above) that in itself, is not a big deal, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth about the game. You know what I mean? Just made me uneasy. I mean you level a group up to 85 just to find out it was a waste of time.

But the biggest kick in the ass was finding out how terri bad toons were at level 83-84. Man my Pally was the absolute, worst tank in the world. I mean talk about paper thin armor class. He would go down like a sack of potatoes. As a matter of fact I changed his name to Potato, hehe. On FTP you don't get auto AA's at 51. And let me tell you, those AA's are really important. Makes all the difference in the world. I mean he had 250 AA's and it wasn't even comparable to a paid account in terms of toughness. So I decided to give up the FTP accounts and start over on my paid accounts. Got my new Evil team up to 62 and told myself, that I was going to use this opportunity to get some Epic's. So after hours of research (I had never done any epic's before) I decided I needed (wanted) a Nec on the team instead of a BST. So that leads us to the present. You live and you learn, and in this game I have always said "if you ain't dying, you ain't trying". I know I am rambling, it's late.

Anyways thanks for reading.

Discussion - Tutorial

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