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Question - Triggering alliance with rogue (1 Viewer)

Apr 30, 2020
So i have one rogue. am thinking of adding another to replace my druid cause hes a mana drain slacker. But that wont trigger alliance,. i understand there is a way to do it, what are your guyses thoughts?
You need X amount of procs during that debuff, so depending on your group make up and how many you have attacking with melee with poisons (not all poisons work also) and then if they proc, all effects if it goes boom or not
it takes 4 poison procs from others, I usually give my other melee Spiders bite which procs it.

though I do notice now in the description it says poison procs of other rogues, so wonder if they fixed it to be rog only procs.
Question - Triggering alliance with rogue

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