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News - The Outer Brood - EQ's 31st Expansion (1 Viewer)

Jul 11, 2020
Discuss EQ's next expansion.

The Outer Brood will have something to do with Dragons, according to the developers. During a small tease on stream, the team showed off a dragon, which is confirmed to be the biggest NPC in the game. The team's inspiration behind the dragon teased in The Outer Brood was to create a species of dragon that was not Norrathian.

With "The Outer Brood" coming out, I posit they may be adding in a new branch of lore to EQ1 and EQ2 in prep for EQ3.

EQ2 having it's own version on the next expansion of course...
What's live even like nowadays? I haven't played live in so long, I think my highest character is like 85 or 90. I just keep playing TLPs
Kerafyrm is bigger.
Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office
I gotta ask.. what does it say? I can't seem to get in there..
T:LDR: its a mana/end debuff that ALL mobs will get (reg, named, raid, various strength), but, if you have done the quest/task/kills, when you get it cast on you, you click the ""bane" AA and it boost DPS instead of draining mana/end.

We're trying something new this year.

Some of you may have noticed a new entry in the Special AA tab called Aureate's Bane. Some of you may have also noticed a new debuff being cast by TOB rare NPCs called Curse of Subjugation. These two things are connected and are part of a new gameplay mechanic we're introducing for The Outer Brood.

The general overview of the new mechanic is this:

Rare NPCs in all TOB zones will periodically debuff all group/raid members on their hatelists with 1 of 3 ranks of the Curse of Subjugation debuff.

All Curse of Subjugation debuffs drain both mana and endurance over 1 minute, between 8% and 10% total over its duration based on rank. These debuffs are unresistable and cannot be dispelled. However, upon defeating all rares in any TOB zone (typically 8 – 10 total NPCs), you will be granted a rank of the new AA, Aureate's Bane, which can remove the debuffs.

Aureate's Bane is an activated AA that increases melee damage, spell damage and healing for 15 minutes by 3% to 18% for melee damage and 4% to 24% for spell damage/healing based on rank. There is no mana cost, reuse time, or cast limit associated with the AA but it can only be activated when you are under the effect of a Curse of Subjugation debuff. Consequently, activation of the AA also removes and prevents any further application of all Curse of Subjugation debuffs for its duration.

The last thing to share about Aureate's Bane and Curse of Subjugation is that neither the buff nor debuff will persist between zones, meaning this mechanic is limited solely to zones with NPCs that cast Curse of Subjugation, namely TOB zones.

Finally, as mentioned above, the only NPCs that currently cast Curse of Subjugation are TOB rares but we’re also planning to add different versions of the debuff to the rest of our TOB NPCs before the end of beta, including select raid NPCs. For normal zone population, the additional Curse of Subjugation spells will be much weaker, between 2% and 2.5% total resource drain per application. Alternatively, raid NPCs will likely get much stronger versions of the debuff, potentially in the range of 16% to 20% total resource drain per application, but this will depend significantly on how the debuff is ultimately added to a given raid. However, its important to note that these additional versions will all function identically to the initial iteration, meaning all ranks of Aureate's Bane will continue to remove and block all ranks of Curse of Subjugation, including those cast by raid NPCs.
T:LDR: its a mana/end debuff that ALL mobs will get (reg, named, raid, various strength), but, if you have done the quest/task/kills, when you get it cast on you, you click the ""bane" AA and it boost DPS instead of draining mana/end.

We're trying something new this year.

Some of you may have noticed a new entry in the Special AA tab called Aureate's Bane. Some of you may have also noticed a new debuff being cast by TOB rare NPCs called Curse of Subjugation. These two things are connected and are part of a new gameplay mechanic we're introducing for The Outer Brood.

The general overview of the new mechanic is this:

Rare NPCs in all TOB zones will periodically debuff all group/raid members on their hatelists with 1 of 3 ranks of the Curse of Subjugation debuff.

All Curse of Subjugation debuffs drain both mana and endurance over 1 minute, between 8% and 10% total over its duration based on rank. These debuffs are unresistable and cannot be dispelled. However, upon defeating all rares in any TOB zone (typically 8 – 10 total NPCs), you will be granted a rank of the new AA, Aureate's Bane, which can remove the debuffs.

Aureate's Bane is an activated AA that increases melee damage, spell damage and healing for 15 minutes by 3% to 18% for melee damage and 4% to 24% for spell damage/healing based on rank. There is no mana cost, reuse time, or cast limit associated with the AA but it can only be activated when you are under the effect of a Curse of Subjugation debuff. Consequently, activation of the AA also removes and prevents any further application of all Curse of Subjugation debuffs for its duration.

The last thing to share about Aureate's Bane and Curse of Subjugation is that neither the buff nor debuff will persist between zones, meaning this mechanic is limited solely to zones with NPCs that cast Curse of Subjugation, namely TOB zones.

Finally, as mentioned above, the only NPCs that currently cast Curse of Subjugation are TOB rares but we’re also planning to add different versions of the debuff to the rest of our TOB NPCs before the end of beta, including select raid NPCs. For normal zone population, the additional Curse of Subjugation spells will be much weaker, between 2% and 2.5% total resource drain per application. Alternatively, raid NPCs will likely get much stronger versions of the debuff, potentially in the range of 16% to 20% total resource drain per application, but this will depend significantly on how the debuff is ultimately added to a given raid. However, its important to note that these additional versions will all function identically to the initial iteration, meaning all ranks of Aureate's Bane will continue to remove and block all ranks of Curse of Subjugation, including those cast by raid NPCs.
Interesting. Not sure that a great concept, I do like new things..but seems the end results will be harmful for some classes to be wanted.
Is that posted in the beta area or something? I tried logging in with 3 accounts, one was banned one.. stupid me. I didn;t think of trying the only account that has ToB purchased.
Interesting. Not sure that a great concept, I do like new things..but seems the end results will be harmful for some classes to be wanted.
Is that posted in the beta area or something? I tried logging in with 3 accounts, one was banned one.. stupid me. I didn;t think of trying the only account that has ToB purchased.
Yes is in the Beta section, I copied some of it over, but there is a thread there about it.
I haven't raided anything past ToV, are casters or melee kicking ass on raid parses for there to be a 6% difference is damage? On mischief right now, wizard/mages/necros are kicking melee ass.
Interesting. Not sure that a great concept, I do like new things.. but seems the end results will be harmful for some classes to be wanted.
It is a horrendous concept. Petitions is going to multiply by a significant factor.
Named lockout by AFK groups
Warping to steal named
General asshattery around named
Selling named credit
Lag yay we love that

Since this also influences raids there is a motive to keep named locked out.
Then after a while its going to become avoid this expansion since the debuff is a pita. And here is the kicker the combat engine now has to cater for this debuff/buff, not like they have an already overloaded combat engine and have being reducing proc's for the last 2 years.. right ? Oh forgot to mention if this doesn't go to song window have fun managing your 42 slots of buffs that you may have one of them probably saying bye bye with this nonsense (yes lots of people have 42 buffs running, especially during burns)

I haven't raided anything past ToV, are casters or melee kicking ass on raid parses for there to be a 6% difference is damage? On mischief right now, wizard/mages/necros are kicking melee ass.
Aureate's Bane is an activated AA that increases melee damage, spell damage and healing for 15 minutes by 3% to 18% for melee damage and 4% to 24% for spell damage/healing based on rank.
15 minutes is rather significant but to your question topend is usually nec/mage/rog,rng (if humanoids)/mnk/ber (not that many play anymore), the 6% difference just skews it into the caster direction once again. So "melee sucks to be you" is the message.

What I expect to happen, beta it is implemented but nobody can activate it since need named hunting.
Dec Live playersl love it and expansion raids is even more of a joke
Jan/Feb Devs realize its a huge mistake but meh vacation
March/April first nerf lowering damage or making it a pita to use or npc not casting the debuff for "reasons"
July+ It gets nerfed into the ground that it is not even worth clicking the button

PS: during LS I lost my named credits had to go redo 2 zones, nobody could explain what happened and it is not possible for CS to give credit.
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Is the tradable copy of the expansion only available after the launch? I had hoped to bring a second toon into beta but the expansion doesnt show up in the /claim window
Is the tradable copy of the expansion only available after the launch? I had hoped to bring a second toon into beta but the expansion doesnt show up in the /claim window
Has it been 72 hours since you bought it?

Tradable: The Outer Brood * ⁺

⁺ Delivered 72 hours after purchase
The next expansion for EverQuest, The Outer Brood, is set to launch on December 3, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. PST. To pre-order your copy today, click here. All Access members enjoy loads of benefits such as 10% off when purchasing an expansion, so if you’d like to take advantage of this and the benefits, click here.
News - The Outer Brood - EQ's 31st Expansion

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