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Guide - Replicating UI File Contents (1 Viewer)

Feb 3, 2006
Don't do this without backing up your UI files!

Step one. Log in one toon and setup UI. Have no other toons logged in.
Step two: Log out toon normally and it will save the UI.
Step three: Load up VSCode and paste this code in a blank powershell file. PS1.

# Define the source file path
$sourceFile = 'C:\Games\Everquest\UI_TOONNAME.ini'

# Define the directory containing the existing files
$destinationDirectory = 'C:\Games\Everquest\'

# Read the content of the source file
$content = Get-Content -Path $sourceFile -Raw

# Get a list of all files in the destination directory that start with 'UI_' except the source file
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationDirectory -File | Where-Object { $_.Name -like 'UI_*' -and $_.FullName -ne $sourceFile }

# Replicate the content to the filtered files
foreach ($file in $files) {
    Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Value $content

Write-Output "Content replicated to all files starting with 'UI_' except the source file successfully."

Update the Source file and destination path.

Step four: Run the script.

Step five: Log in and verify.
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Thanks Burd, this was a complete solution that saved me a lot of time. Hopefully we don't have to do this again, but I'll settle for "hopefully we don't have to do this again next patch".

I guess the silver lining is I took the opportunity to organize my UI slightly better?

Coincidentally, thank you for using the same install directory as me so I had to type less words to make this work.
Guide - Replicating UI File Contents

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