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Question - /Notify (1 Viewer)

Feb 5, 2014
Does anyone happen to know the /notify command to loot a single item out of the loot window?

Tried and several varieties
/notify LootWnd LW_LootSlotTemplate rightmouseup

Was just goofing around and trying to see if I could write a Lua for NOS raid to go to corpse and loot a single crystal from the corpse.
from ninjadvloot.inc

Sub LootItem(int i,DoWhat,WhichButton)
/if (${Debugloot}) /echo DEBUGLOOT Enter Sub LootItem ${i} ${DoWhat} ${WhichButton}
/declare CorpseItemID int local ${Corpse.Item[${i}].ID}
/nomodkey /shift /itemnotify loot${i} ${WhichButton}mouseup
/delay 5s ${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open} || !${Corpse.Item[${i}].NoDrop}
/if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
/delay 5s ${Cursor.ID} || ${WhichButton.NotEqual
/if (${DoWhat.Equal[Destroy]} && ${Cursor.ID}==${CorpseItemID}) /destroy
/delay 5s !${Corpse.Item[${i}].ID}
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /call CheckCursor
/if (${Debugloot}) /echo DEBUGLOOT Leave Sub LootItem

Question - /Notify

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