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Lua - MyDPS (1 Viewer) v0.9



Nov 14, 2023
grimmier submitted a new resource:

MyDPS - Lua DPS tracking window with a scrolling combat window option


by Grimmier

* EMU Server Tested and as far as Project Lazarus I think I got all of the avail damage lines.
* Live servers will be missing some damage messages in their spam and calculations. If you notice something or type missing send me a copy of the line in chat.

## DPS Reporting and Scrolling Combat window for MacroQuest.

This script will monitor your chat for damage output by you and to you. There will be a DPS rport shown in the window under My History tab. There is an...

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grimmier updated MyDPS with a new update entry:


[0.3] - 2024-09-15​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Double counting crit damage Feat: added crit total and crit heals
* Removed the double recoding of dmg from the crit message and the dmg message.
* added a Crit total /battle column to the report.
* added a Crit Heal total column to the report. (Exceptional Heals)
* Now only the table scrolls not the whole window.

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Lua - MyDPS

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