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Question - mixed group and aug question (1 Viewer)

Apr 9, 2020
I have finally settled on a group that I want to take forward. I also haven't bothered with augs pretty much ever, and I know, it's long over due :P

My group is brd/bst/war/enc/mag/pal. For almost all of them the aug stat to focus on is clearly hdex, except the enc and mage.

This is a group game only, so no raid gear is being applied here. My question is what augs for best DPS for the enc/mage? From what I"m reading, it looks like spell damage has become useless, or nearly unparseable, which is the same thing IMO. I don't need defensive capability at all, don't have mana issues, don't die, so I want to max DPS as much as possible. The evoc/conj/etc mana preservation augs are useless in that group as well.

So, what is the best path forward to maximize DPS for the enc/mage who don't have mana issues? I was thinking of hdex, but I can't find any info on sympathetic procs and how it interacts, so maybe that's not the right answer. I'm not entirely sure what hint does besides add mana pool, so maybe that's the answer?
nothing is really gonna maximise dps for them what peoplr normally say for int casters is AC, STA and INT, and for wis caster the int gets replaced with WIS.

for your melee toons, you want AC, DEX, AGI/STA
I would go Hsta or Hdex on the 2 casters, neither are really mana burning, and have tools to recover if mana goes low. Assuming the Pal and Bst are sharing heals, the extra melee resist + HP from Hsta might be best.
I have finally settled on a group that I want to take forward. I also haven't bothered with augs pretty much ever, and I know, it's long over due :P

My group is brd/bst/war/enc/mag/pal. For almost all of them the aug stat to focus on is clearly hdex, except the enc and mage.

This is a group game only, so no raid gear is being applied here. My question is what augs for best DPS for the enc/mage? From what I"m reading, it looks like spell damage has become useless, or nearly unparseable, which is the same thing IMO. I don't need defensive capability at all, don't have mana issues, don't die, so I want to max DPS as much as possible. The evoc/conj/etc mana preservation augs are useless in that group as well.

So, what is the best path forward to maximize DPS for the enc/mage who don't have mana issues? I was thinking of hdex, but I can't find any info on sympathetic procs and how it interacts, so maybe that's not the right answer. I'm not entirely sure what hint does besides add mana pool, so maybe that's the answer?
No offense meant by this. Are you trying to make it hard on yourself? Literally the worst group makeup I’ve seen since the ranger druid group from a few years ago. Is this some kind of a challenge to yourself?
hard? there's nothing hard about EQ and hasn't been for quite a long time. Too many of you over-estimate what's required these days. This group sails through content with ease and I don't even have any augs yet, and the enc/pally are both not fully aa'd.

Now 15 years ago, yah, it would've been a different story.

Guess I should clarify a bit here though...Either knight can self-heal through most, if not all content these days. A warrior in dual-wield stance + paladin heals and group defensive buffs is VERY easy to heal. The beast only heals if the war drops below 40%, and that just doesn't happen unless the paladin dies due to being under geared, which has happened on occasion, but even the bst heals were enough to heal through named encounters. EQ has become a shadow of it's former self ever since they merged the EQ2 dev team into one group with EQ devs. I didn't even need current pally spells and was doing fine with the TOL era spells for healing with TOV era gear on the paladin.

Most difficult thing I face in EQ these days is my ISP connection :P
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hard? there's nothing hard about EQ and hasn't been for quite a long time. Too many of you over-estimate what's required these days. This group sails through content with ease and I don't even have any augs yet, and the enc/pally are both not fully aa'd.

Now 15 years ago, yah, it would've been a different story.

Guess I should clarify a bit here though...Either knight can self-heal through most, if not all content these days. A warrior in dual-wield stance + paladin heals and group defensive buffs is VERY easy to heal. The beast only heals if the war drops below 40%, and that just doesn't happen unless the paladin dies due to being under geared, which has happened on occasion, but even the bst heals were enough to heal through named encounters. EQ has become a shadow of it's former self ever since they merged the EQ2 dev team into one group with EQ devs. I didn't even need current pally spells and was doing fine with the TOL era spells for healing with TOV era gear on the paladin.

Most difficult thing I face in EQ these days is my ISP connection :P
I have maxed out LS raid gear on the classes listed in your group. I’ll going to take them out for a drive.
I'm using t2 group gear, except my bard who has raid. I cna't be bothered to do tradeskills either :P

Also, I was using a druid for years as my group healer. Pally is a better healer than druid, so I've actually stepped up and removed downtime due to druid mana issues. I also built a cleric for that spot, but had been thinking about pally as group healer for years and finally gave it a go. Was a bit rough at first, entirely because my pally gear was way under spec, but now that he's catching up it's nice and relaxed.
Question - mixed group and aug question

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