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Question - Looting assigned loot from the advloot window (1 Viewer)

May 8, 2019
Is there a command that my driving toon can send to a box to have it loot something/everything(?) that has been freshly assigned to it in the advloot window?
/dexe boxname "loot freshly assigned loot from advloot window"

Basically I want a toon to be able to simulate hitting the green checkbox button that shows up next to an awarded loot item in the advloot window.
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I use the loot all button option in the advanced window and then choose to have a confirmation box from options. Since the conf box pops up, I send a group wide command of /yes. Prevents misloot and still keeps you moving.
I use the loot all button option in the advanced window and then choose to have a confirmation box from options. Since the conf box pops up, I send a group wide command of /yes. Prevents misloot and still keeps you moving.
Won't that have me loot lots of trash as well? Or do you filter all that out beforehand by checking Never Loot on the box advloot window? It would be ideal during a quest to enter a new zone (that has no advloot settings) and just pick and choose what I want if that's possible.
Is there a command that my driving toon can send to a box to have it loot something/everything(?) that has been freshly assigned to it in the advloot window?
/dexe boxname "loot freshly assigned loot from advloot window"
use the mq enhanced /advloot command, can read more about it in the wiki

Won't that have me loot lots of trash as well? Or do you filter all that out beforehand by checking Never Loot on the box advloot window? It would be ideal during a quest to enter a new zone (that has no advloot settings) and just pick and choose what I want if that's possible.
It sounded like you were already filtering it from the tank =)

lootly and lootier assist but I'm not sure if there is anything that will automatically assign certain items to certain toons
use the mq enhanced /advloot command, can read more about it in the wiki

If I'm tracking, that looks somewhat close, I would still have to manually count and do something like "/dexe boxtoon /advloot personal 3 ag" for each item before assigning it to the box toon. I would rather simply have the toon loot something/everything currently assigned to it if that is possible.
I added an edit above:
Basically I want a toon to be able to simulate hitting the green checkbox button that shows up next to an awarded loot item in the advloot window.
It sounded like you were already filtering it from the tank =)

lootly and lootier assist but I'm not sure if there is anything that will automatically assign certain items to certain toons
I do the assigning from my driver toon to boxToon. I want to be able to smack a button on my driver toon to have boxToon loot what has been freshly assigned to it in the advloot window.
I added an edit above:
Basically I want a toon to be able to simulate hitting the green checkbox button that shows up next to an awarded loot item in the advloot window.
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I do the assigning from my driver toon to boxToon. I want to be able to smack a button on my driver toon to have boxToon loot what has been freshly assigned to it in the advloot window.
I added an edit above:
Basically I want a toon to be able to simulate hitting the green checkbox button that shows up next to an awarded loot item in the advloot window.
I believe mq2lootmanager may be what you are looking for.
I use only this addon for managing loot. My boxed toons will accept anything assigned to them. It is automatic, however. If you absolutely needed it to be a button press, you'd simply load/unload the plugin with a button (seems rather inelegant, however, so there may be a better way).

change the advloot settings to loot all that goes into their loot window its a setting that is not turned on by default.


nr 7 in this window, set that on your non master looters.
Question - Looting assigned loot from the advloot window

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