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Discussion - Look over at My group Make up (1 Viewer)

Nov 27, 2019
My take aways, I have been playing with different combos and still cant figure the combo I want to play with. I have returned after 5 years and decided to give MQ2 a shot this time. I boxed manually before my break with 3 accounts. I have created 3 more accounts and leveled them to around 65, then took advantage of the free heroic option. Main account is 100 Sk played manual at all times. 2nd account 100 Shm has 90 Cleric, 3rd account 100 wiz and 90 Berzerker used heroic upgrade, 4th account 90 Ber and 95 Enc no fancy gear, 5th account 90 mage played then went heroic and last account 90 ber again played then when heroic.

I have a hard a hard time with the Zerkers at low level they decrease hps and if they get aggro they just can’t seem to take a round of damage. This happens when I don’t use Enc and I get an add or I’m trying to break up a camp spot. I still haven’t figure out if I want to go Clr or Shm for healing. Not

I have ran Sk, Shm, Mage, Ber x3, I have gone Sk, Shm, Enc, Mage, Ber x2, have done Sk, Clr, Enc, Mage, wiz, Ber. Going to try SK, Clr, Mage and Ber x3 tonight. Haven’t used wiz yet as I had him more for support when I played before, but having 6 accounts now I don’t really need with fellow.

Currently doing All HoT, I had fun with this expansion before my break and I want to complete all and not get caught up in the rush of new and shiny.

Added MQ2Berzerker and that has made it so nice I will keep paying for this for sure, still trying to figure and tweak Kiss Ini files. I find a lot of them are out of date or haven’t been updated much. Some are hard because I’m not familiar with the class. I’m addicted to the conditions part. Wish the learning curve came faster.

Any tips or things you might think will be helpful. P.S. First 3 accounts are 20 year old.
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If you want to do latest xpac progression you will allways want to have a real tank, heal and cc in your group setup. Without this it will be impossible to do the „up to date“ heroics.

Having this you can add 3 more classes of your choice nm what.

My main group is war, cle, enc, mag, mag, dru and does pretty well In ToV.

I have a second group I build up atm with the same war, sha, brd, zrk, zrk, bst. Imo I lack some healing here buthave great burst dps (I know sic runs this setup aswell).

That said nm what playstyle you prefer... allways do tank, heal, cc or sooner or later you will reroll to that setup 😊
I have a similar group setup as some of yours. For me I have SK tank Cleric heals beast for slows and haste although I have a chanty and shammy i can sub in. For my dps I have zerkers...monks..and mages that i can alternate at anytime and a rogue or 2. I play my sk manual all the time. For me the monks were great to box because they can fd off aggro and really good dps. I don't use them for pulling cause I pull and tank and everything on the sk. I subbed in a bard instead of 3 zerks or monks and it made a world of difference on total dps and can pull faster with selos. I think the most important thing is good tank and cleric ..I have used druid heals and shammy but cleric has really saved me when I box. I don't have crowd control most times I am really good at singles but I will admit later expansions the bard has saved me from some bad pulls ..I think it is mostly personal preference...I love the zerker dps but the drawback is the hitpoints being stuck lower due to discs makes it harder to keep the healer focused on the main tank. I use ihc and set the cleric to only heal them below 76 cause other wise they are always trying to heal the big ax sob's lol.
I would consider swapping out the mage for a bard. Since you're going x3 zerker you really want to focus on buffing them up. With a bard you will not only amplify their damage but you also get a slower and mezzer. In your group setup the mage just doesn't bring alot to the table.
I also agree swap mage for a bard. Your Ber will be a bit squishy until you gear them up and get a few thousand AA after auto grant. Getting the defensive AA on the first tab is what I did to keep my Ber from being speed bumps. After that they will have no problem surviving aggro and can tank some trash mobs.
Going for all dps... nice.. I myself use pally bard bst shaman druid and mage or ranger for 6th depending on if he shot mobs... not much my team cant handle group content wise
Discussion - Look over at My group Make up

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