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News - James H Foster II (TreeHuginDruid) 1973-2019 (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
James Foster, aka TreeHuginDruid passed away on August 15th. His sister let us know, and gave us permission to post the following,

To whom it may concern:

I am sorry that I do not know your actual names. This is Danielle, I am the sister of James H Foster II, whom was known to this community as TreeHuginDruid.
It was his wish that I make an announcement to the leaders of several community boards of gaming sites he was active in, to inform them of his passing.

James battle with cancer in several forms for the past 10 years of his life. When things started to look good and remission was achieved in one diagnosis, he was beset by tragedy by having it come back again.. sometimes in another form.

His last diagnosis in 2018 gave him 6 to 12 months of time left. He managed to push his time left in the world to the limit and lost his battle on August 15th 2019.

He left very explicit instructions for me to take over his email accounts associated with websites he belonged to and formally announce his passing.
He wanted to express his deep love and affection for this site especially since he stated this was the last major project he was involved with before taking time off to enjoy the remaining time he had.

James spent the last 18 months of his life exploring the world, spending quality time with his young daughter Marisa, and appreciating the wonders of life that he would be leaving behind.

He mentioned that his love for fantasy games ( a love he has had since childhood ) had defined his passions and goals for his spare time. His final words in regards to this site ( which he held most dear ) was that he had an incredible sense of pride and fulfillment being a part of this community and helping its members in the limit capacity he could.

He was a proud man, who dedicated his spare time for 20 years to numerous game related projects on many different platform and projects.. across several communities.

It would be a nice gesture if you could alert the community of his passing, and perhaps leave that notice available for others to see in the future. I know he would have appreciated it.

I love and miss my brother very much, so he entrusted me to take care of these final wishes for him.

Thank you kindly, Danielle Tammaro

TreeHuginDruid will always be one of the biggest names in the MQ2 scene. You'll see his work on macros, utilities, and changelogs not just here, but any related site from macroquest2 to mmobugs to guildchecker.com. He spent hours every day on Skype with Maskoi and ctaylor22 developing KissAssist, and still found time to answer support tickets for it on a system he designed and ran. THD simply loved helping people as his record here will attest, and he was always thankful to the folks who offered help or appreciated his work.

We talked in 2018 before he left to spend time with his 8 year old daughter, and I let him know that on every patch day we'll keep an eye out for the dev's toon. I am so sorry for his entire family, and also for this community.

Goodnight my friend,

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This is lovely way to remember this awesome human. Id love to hear from some of the people who know him well too. We are nothing without the contributions and generosity from folks like TreeHuginDruid
TreeHugginDruid was a good friend. James was always enthusiastic about helping and contributing to the MQ2 Community. He was generous and posted his MQ2 work on different sites throughout out the community. James wrote the PetTank and PetPuller features of KissAssist. He had a great sense of humor and never put up with any of my prima donna behavior while working on Kiss.

James passing hit me hard because he had beat his second round of cancer a few years ago. When he was well enough he was always visible and helping people on Red Guides and other sites in the community.

I really miss him a lot. He spent the last year traveling and being with his daughter so I didn't talk to him much during this time. I am glad he chose to live his life outside of EQ and spend time with those really important to him, his family.

James I will miss your laughter coming over my speakers in Skype the most. I hope everyone's memories of you are as good mine.
This is really sad :( I always hate to see good people taken from us too soon.

Best wishes to his family.
Guess I shouldn't hold it against him that he bailed on the LDoN project early since I now know why.... I woulda bailed on it too if I only had a year left to live!

I'm glad he got to enjoy his remaining time left, I think he made the right decision.
Very sad news, I remember TreeHuginDruid's Avatar from the MacroQuest2.com website many years before i knew of RedGuides and re kindled my love of EQ.
For a non programmer such as myself, it was a constant struggle gathering and compiling all the plugins and getting it working after a patch..(remembering how to create a /plugin folder to put that bloody cpp file).
It touched me reading the post on Plazmic long ago and this is another great loss for the MacroQuest community.
RedGuides has re united me with EQ and for that i am grateful. and all the developers and members who make this site so great, Thank you

Condolences to all that knew him and to his family.

Peace out TreeHuginDruid, Sir may you rest in peace.
I'd noticed he was missing from the forums, so sorry for your family's loss.

His work on KissAssist's PetTank and pet pulling were game changers for me when I first joined RedGuides. I appreciated that Tree would always try to help people get those things set up if they had a question.
Never knew him but I have interacted through his posts for years
thank you for all the years of interaction and contribution you made to my and thousands of others alter lives
I pray for peace of the hearts of your family and I know your body now has peace from its torment
We all will see you again
rest in peace and thank you
I remember working with him on kiss when I was busy testing it out with him and maskio... We spent many late nights trying to break all the hard work in making it... This hits me hard... I can not express how sad I am for his little girl... May you now rest easy my friend
oh wow, so sad to hear this, I've interacted with TreeHuginDruid quite a few times over the years and always found him to be a really nice guy, it hits doubly hard to hear he lost his fight with cancer as he's a similar age to me and I've just watched another friend pass due to cancer recently, leaving behind a young family.

If nothing else, take a min and make a small donation to a cancer charity of your choice, as I will do now in honour of TreeHuginDruid, RIP m8, you will be missed and god speed.
My condolences to your family TreeHuggingDruid. you helped many people over the years here and will be missed by us all. Rest in piece .
RIP a true legend. I was never quite active here but was on the other site. His name was all over the place for his good work.

Thanks for posting and condolences to his family and friends.
James was a riot to work with, and I enjoyed his company. We spent many hours in skype working on projects together. I have missed him, but most of all I will miss his knothole jokes. Thank you for the friendship and time you spent with us. Rest and be at peace.
Very sorry to hear this. Condolences and prayers for all the family and friends. Appreciate all of the effort and many contributions to the community. He will be missed. RIP.
RIP, he was a great guy that helped so many. As someone with an 8 year old daughter I feel the most for his family. I couldn't imagine their loss from not only such an amazing individual, but as a father.
That is sad to hear. I remember he fixed an old macro he made years ago that I was trying to use. Lots of really good people here and he is way up there for everything he has done to help people here like me that has a very basic grasp of how to use MQ2. Thanks a lot for you patience TreeHugginDruid, rest in peace.
I am so very sorry for the loss of TreeHuggingDruid, its sad too always lose someone of the community; also someone who had such a big impact on each of us. While I didn't know TreeHuggingDruid like most of you, I have read a lot of the information put here on the forums, macros, and general knowledge; all of which had a lot of the same common name popping up TreeHuggingDruid. I always take the time to read the names contributing and putting in the work, I truly appreciate the time he gave too each of us. I know personally, I wouldn't have ever continued playing EQ without this community. I have taken breaks, but I have returned because of the people, and that's truly what counts. Keep a warm seat and cold brew waiting for us TreeHuggingDruid, until next time!
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Online communities / gaming are a strange beast, you don't know people but you feel connected to them. You don't always speak directly with people but you see their work and activity as you go about your own business. His name is one I recall seeing from my earliest ventures to MQ2 and his name is everywhere, showing just how much his presence has influenced the whole community.

The effort he made for his message to be passed on to the community is a testament to his character as a person.

My thoughts go out to his family and those who know him personally and worked with him and am sure he will be sorely missed.

Rest well, TreeHuginDruid.
Really cool guy, he was the first person to ever teach me about MQ2.
He helped me setup my first characters and teach me the basics of writing an INI.

My condolences to his friends and family
Oh gee, this brings a few tears to my eyes. I'll miss his comments and work. He often made me smile or think. I didn't know him personally, but the mark he left on the extended Everquest community was huge. It also drives home what a real and personal impact this game has had on the people who've stuck with it for up to twenty years. He'll be missed. All my best will toward his family, his sister, and his young daughter. Tough on all who are left behind.
News - James H Foster II (TreeHuginDruid) 1973-2019

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