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Question - It's probably past time I learned to PL (1 Viewer)

Nov 17, 2023
So in the way back years of 99-2002'ish I had a friend who was much better than I ever have been at EQ, with or without VV.
He helped power level a few of my toons so we could play together.

Now that I am running multiple boxes myself I find I don't have much luck in powerleveling anything and I tend to start the entire group from 1 and they all level together naturally.

I am now at an impasse. I have a group SK, SHM, BRD that has done well but I am trying to add a BST just for fun.

This is on test so I have the BST /testbuff to 25, the rest of the group is 48-50.

What would be the best approach to PL the BST to get in the XP range for the rest of the group?
Make 2 more chars. Group with bst. Get three Mercs. Let the mercs do all the work and you can get to 50 in a very short time. Don't even need to get any gear or weapons for the three toons. Can do almost all of it in blightfire if you want.
choose a zone with a level spread from maybe 23 - 30 or so, or where certain areas are generally that level range. Buff beast with as big of buffs as will stick, likely 47 and under. SK pulls, faces away from mob so he does no damage, beast beats on back of mob till it gets under 50, then sk turns, kills mob. bard/shm can jump in as well under 50. I believe DS damage is basically neutral, you just have to make sure that any ds on sk doesn't do more than 50% of total damage to mob. repeat. Any time SK loses aggro, taunt it back onto him.

If you had a way of effectively memblurring (Enchanter, at those levels), you can beat the mob down to just before it starts running, memblur it, then have beast kill while it's running away (snare is nice there as well)

The method Postleaf suggested might be more efficient, though, you only need to get the beast up to 34 to group with level 50. Even without making the extra toons, you can likely get those 9 levels with just a tank merc running beast solo through blightfire, maybe a bit into gorukar mesa in a few hours.
Well I had forgotten about the extra XP this weekend. Set the BST with a DPS merc and RgMercs in Hunt mode loose in the moors. He ran around destroying mobs while I ran the other crew. Only took a few hours and he is at 35
Well I had forgotten about the extra XP this weekend. Set the BST with a DPS merc and RgMercs in Hunt mode loose in the moors. He ran around destroying mobs while I ran the other crew. Only took a few hours and he is at 35
People often report that the tank merc in aggressive is actually the better call at lower levels, damage wise.
Glad you are getting it done though!
I also made a set of toons, across multiple accounts my first time through the level up pool, to use as anchors to help level up new toons. Set one at 75, another at 85 and another at 100. 2 lower level ones are monks, higher level one is a rogue and they do the DPS. While not the fastest way to do things, it is pretty consistent and good enough for a lazy man. Get the newbie to 50 with the tank merc method, then group with the 75, swap the lowbie to a cleric merc, and use the tank merc on the level 75 toon. Get between 65-70, then swap the 75 toon out for the 85 toon and get to within 5-7 levels again and swap out to the 100 toon. I always fight low Blue's doing it this way and look to swap out when those mobs start to con yellow to the lowbie.

To be fair, I haven't bothered to do this in a very long time. I now no longer play enough in the past 5 years to maintain all of my group concepts so I just maintain 2 groups and the second group is falling behind as I parked them in ToL back when it was released and haven't continued. I do have a third group that I keep intending to get up to date as well, but after 8 years, I know I just don't have any interest in doing the work to upkeep them all anymore :P
Question - It's probably past time I learned to PL

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