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Question - Is there a way to see the XP% of people in the group? (1 Viewer)

Mar 31, 2023
This one sounds very basic, so I'm not sure if there is a Lua or something already created that I did not find...

But is there a way to see the XP% of the group members, so you know who is about to level?
This one sounds very basic, so I'm not sure if there is a Lua or something already created that I did not find...

But is there a way to see the XP% of the group members, so you know who is about to level?
Boxhud can show that nicely

I am a person who 'can' code.. but I'm not overly familiar with what you just suggested I do.. I don't know what 'Button Master' is... I've learned a LOT over the past year about Red Guides... but every time I ask a question.. it's like a whole new world I need to learn about. NGL... I do enjoy that part of it... but.. yea.. it's exhausting.
I am a person who 'can' code.. but I'm not overly familiar with what you just suggested I do.. I don't know what 'Button Master' is... I've learned a LOT over the past year about Red Guides... but every time I ask a question.. it's like a whole new world I need to learn about. NGL... I do enjoy that part of it... but.. yea.. it's exhausting.
This is ButtonMaster:

I am a person who 'can' code.. but I'm not overly familiar with what you just suggested I do.. I don't know what 'Button Master' is... I've learned a LOT over the past year about Red Guides... but every time I ask a question.. it's like a whole new world I need to learn about. NGL... I do enjoy that part of it... but.. yea.. it's exhausting.
Copy that line of code and paste it into your general chat in game. It will print out the level , pct exp and aa points unused and used for all of your toons connected to dannet. If you don't use buttonmaster you can place the code in a hotkey.
/noparse /dge /dgt Level: ${Me.Level} - Pct Exp: ${Me.PctExp} - AA Unused: ${Me.AAPoints} - AA Total: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}
Copy that line of code and paste it into your general chat in game. It will print out the level , pct exp and aa points unused and used for all of your toons connected to dannet. If you don't use buttonmaster you can place the code in a hotkey.
/noparse /dge /dgt Level: ${Me.Level} - Pct Exp: ${Me.PctExp} - AA Unused: ${Me.AAPoints} - AA Total: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}
mq2status is a bit easier for folks who don't know how/what/where to find all that stuff

bcan /bcga //status xp
or /dgga /status xp

I use this in button master.
/noparse /dge /dgt Level: ${Me.Level} - Pct Exp: ${Me.PctExp} - AA Unused: ${Me.AAPoints} - AA Total: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}
This is exactly how I do it.

I also have
${Me.Platinum} in there to make sure everybody has some cash before I send
/noparse /dgae /allscribe 0 ${Me.Level}
so everybody goes and gets spelled up.

I dont have a want to see the info all the time so I don't use the utilities that would do this for me.
Good catch!

I would say put a /group in there to make sure it only goes to your group, assuming you don't have any other PC's in your group

He might be referring to using the chat window to paste the code to your client for it to run. You can paste it to your console to alleviate concerns.

/noparse /dge /dgt Level: ${Me.Level} - Pct Exp: ${Me.PctExp} - AA Unused: ${Me.AAPoints} - AA Total: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}

noparse means don't execute any code in this command

dge is to execute the following command on all clients except this one.

dgt is to tell the group the following information (this will appear in the console).

So everyone in your group would receive:

/dgt Level: ${Me.Level} - Pct Exp: ${Me.PctExp} - AA Unused: ${Me.AAPoints} - AA Total: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}

I would not use /group to paste the command. You would be broadcasting the raw code.

Don't Do this:

/group /noparse /dge /dgt Level: ${Me.Level} - Pct Exp: ${Me.PctExp} - AA Unused: ${Me.AAPoints} - AA Total: ${Me.AAPointsTotal}
Question - Is there a way to see the XP% of people in the group?

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