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Question - Impenitent and Impure (High Priest) RELIABLY? (1 Viewer)

Jul 25, 2023
I'm struggling to get this reliably - I have got it a few times but want to be able to get it for guildies as reliably as possible.

I think my problem is that my tank can lose aggro and get called (and thus will get an add because he can't respond). Sure, sometimes it will be the guildy - but I don't want it to be me :))

I run CWTN plugins. My general strat is to get aggro on the Priest and break off for the Rectors and (later) acolytes. I manage dps on the boss by targeting him and taking him down 10% at a time (self-target to stop DPS). At 70% the cures start.

I have him off-target at times (target myself) to give time for cures and to make sure we are not overrun and to control DPS. However, when I get him back on target, my bard may have aggro (typically).

That gives me a chance to need a cure - which is bad.

Is there a better strat? I have considered, for example, making someone else MA (but they need to understand how to target themselves and when to hit attack - which they may not be used to doing).

I am now considering making another of my toons MA and setting up a key to assist me when NOT on the boss.

Any better ideas? Or a better idea as to what might be happening? I'll regularly get one or two adds from failed cures (even using the LEM).

Edit: Oh yes - I've done the full burn a few times but that can also be unreliable in getting the achievement (in my experience)
I have never failed this due to losing aggro...I can't help you there. Are you sure you're not failing from over DPS'ing? Its possible to over DPS and have the same toon get called to go both directions at once....which some of the LEM's aren't equipped to handle.
I can run this pretty relaibly with one warrior set as MT/MA. Once I estabish aggro, and get it down to the empte phase, I do very slow DPS, stopping about every 5% to let the empt happen. If it doesnt fire, I will target the priest for a second, then switch back to myself to stop DPS.

There is a setting you want to turn on if you are using CWTN plugins for the tank. This is how I initialize the tasks right now:
/cwtna CheckPriorityTarget off nosave
/cwtna UseAOE Off nosave
/cwtna /BurnAllNamed off nosave
/cwtna /burnalways off nosave
/cwtna pause off
/war mode manual
/dgza /makemevisible
/dgga /lootly off
/dgga /makemevisible
/dgga /lua run lem
/dgga /timed 10 /lem show
/dgga /timed 10 /lem event 'The_Priest_Cure_Lua' on
/dgga /timed 10 /lem event 'Brood Cure' off

I haven't been stopping every 5% (just every 10%), maybe I should slow it down more.

The other things that jump out at me are CheckPriorityTarget (which I haven't turned off) and I've just noticed that I have BurnAlways running on my bard (doh!).

I'll try those!

Edit: I have now tried those tweaks and they helped. Seem to be maintaining aggro now. Still got an add (think it was my bard) so may tweak the LEM to wait a tad longer before running back.
Last edited:

I haven't been stopping every 5% (just every 10%), maybe I should slow it down more.

The other things that jump out at me are CheckPriorityTarget (which I haven't turned off) and I've just noticed that I have BurnAlways running on my bard (doh!).

I'll try those!

Edit: I have now tried those tweaks and they helped. Seem to be maintaining aggro now. Still got an add (think it was my bard) so may tweak the LEM to wait a tad longer before running back.
What LEM are you running? One based on text triggers that just runs you there and back, or one that runs you there, waits for the cure to actually happen, and then runs you back?
One of the earliest lems that went around had locs too far in the corner that were unstable. Use one that uses the spawn name instead of locs.
I think mine does use locs.

I'll try to find one with names instead (but not finding one yet - so if anyone can share, that would be great!)
As a quick update, I edited my LEM this morning to /nav to the name (rather than a loc) and went a little slower - and it went smoothly. Not to say it always will get the achievement - but it looks good.

This is the LEM I was using (in case I screwed anything up - as I'm no expert!):


local mq = require('mq')

-- Do not edit this if condition
if not package.loaded['events'] then
print('This script is intended to be imported to Lua Event Manager (LEM). Try "\a-t/Lua run lem\a-x"')

local function on_load()
-- Perform any initial setup here when the event is loaded.

---@return boolean @Returns true if the action should fire, otherwise false.
local function condition()
-- Implement the condition to evaluate here.
local my_tank = mq.TLO.Group.MainTank()
local my_name = mq.TLO.Me.CleanName()
local me_class = mq.TLO.Me.Class.ShortName()
local is_priest = {SHM=true, DRU=true, CLR=true}

if my_name ~= my_tank then
while (mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() or mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')()) do
if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() then
mq.cmd('/boxr pause')
mq.cmd('/nav spawn Punishment')
mq.cmd('/dgt I need to do Penance!')
while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == false do
while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == true do
if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() then
mq.cmd('/dgt I did Penance!')
if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
mq.cmd('/boxr pause')
mq.cmd('/nav spawn Cleansing')
mq.cmd('/dgt I am unclean - off to purify')
while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == false do
while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() do
if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
mq.cmd('/dgt I am purified!')
mq.cmd('/boxr unpause')

local function action()
-- Implement the action to perform here.

return {onload=on_load, condfunc=condition, actionfunc=action}
Question - Impenitent and Impure (High Priest) RELIABLY?

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