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IRL - Howdy folks! (1 Viewer)


Jul 14, 2016
Howdy folks, just wanted to say Hola to everyone. I took a longer-than-usual EQ hiatus, and was away for nearly 2 years.. I feel like I didn't "miss" much on the EQ side, but I am pretty certain I am miles behind on the MQ front!! I had also wiped my EQ and MQ folders in the time I was gone (drive/pc loss), so I am in the painful process of rebuilding my UI and hotkeys. It'll be a good (re)learning experience though!

Couple quick questions, if you would indulge an old man!

What is the best tool for cross-client communication these days? I was looking at the plugin list, and it doesn't look like Dannet was updated in over a year.. When I last left, I was using that, having moved over from EQBC, but perhaps there is something new and fancier now?

What do you guys use for your toon automation? Is Kiss still a thing? I think Chat's plugins had a few released, but I do see the infamous BARD is real now!

Any other newer *must-have* tools? Outside the usual suspects, like nav, the guild-clicky stuff, and overseer? My goal is to just box a group, no real focus on hardcore TS'ing or anything like that for now..

dannet is good and is preferred unless you have funky network topo or running a billion clients
the fu-fu option is CWTN for all classes. they just work. otherwise for multiclass support RG Mercs Lua is superb and Kiss is still humming along too, ganking trash and tankin' named

pretty much all point solutions and QOL items are with Lua and specifically Imgui, including
** magellan for travel
** buttonmaster for lots of configurable buttons
** LEM , Lua event manager (a one stop replacement for MQ2Events and MQ2React functionality)
** lootly as a replacement for MQ2Autoloot
** hunterhud for named farming
** TCN for tradeskilling

check out
mq2groundspawns for collectibles
Welcome back to EQ!

Bruce Willis Party GIF by IFC
IRL - Howdy folks!

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