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Problem - "Follow me" does not work 99.9% of the time! Halp (1 Viewer)

Mar 20, 2022
I'm recently back using RG after a couple years and trying to slowly build my way back up to where I was and I'm hitting some snags right out of the gate.

First being the "Come To Me", "Follow Me", and "Mimic Me" buttons that automatically attach to your group window.

"Come To Me" works great, "Mimic Me" works wonderful, "Follow Me" does not really work for me at all. I remember from a couple years ago all of them worked very smoothly. The problem is they like to just stay very far away from me I think. Is there some setting I'm missing? Or is this just how it works and you should keep clipping "Come To Me" over and over again? It seems like a much less responsive version of a regular Social macro you can create yourself. Very janky, sometimes running my driver through the party a few times can get them going again, they are very slow (i'm not talking about movement speed, I mean responsiveness).

No VPN or anything like that running. Any help is greatly appreciated. Attachment is me clicking "Follow Me" while in the middle of my army, then running backwards 100 distance, they'll take a few steps forward stop, and then running back and forth to the party trying to get them to follow again usually is fruitless. Clicking "Come To Me" will get them all moving like champions though, but find it not great to have keep spam clicking that button.


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Maybe I'm an idjut but that looks to me like you just doubleclicked the button?

I'm trying to think if there is something out there that turns afollow off.

What automation (if any) are you using?
I did click the button, ran around a bit trying to get the army to follow me...seems they don't want to even budge until you are 200 distance away, but I guess i'm getting out of range? so I have to run back try to get them to start moving again.
Then I clicked the button off after I can only take so much :) In the window it just shows me clicking the button twice, because I'm not doing any automation other than trying to get my army to follow my main.

Only thing I think of is they wait to start following until i'm far away, so they'll take like 5 steps then stop again, then why I run back to them they are confused and don't know what to do.

My work around is to run where I need to go and just spam "Come To Me", but I feel like "Follow Me" should be used, and that I did use it in the past.

just using MQ+VeryVanilla.
I did click the button, ran around a bit trying to get the army to follow me...seems they don't want to even budge until you are 200 distance away, but I guess i'm getting out of range? so I have to run back try to get them to start moving again.
Then I clicked the button off after I can only take so much :) In the window it just shows me clicking the button twice, because I'm not doing any automation other than trying to get my army to follow my main.

Only thing I think of is they wait to start following until i'm far away, so they'll take like 5 steps then stop again, then why I run back to them they are confused and don't know what to do.

My work around is to run where I need to go and just spam "Come To Me", but I feel like "Follow Me" should be used, and that I did use it in the past.

just using MQ+VeryVanilla.
Maybe check the MQ2AdvPath.ini file and see if there's something crazy/weird in there?
Thanks for the replies all. This is a just a brand new army, levels 10s with just bare bones everything as I just reinstalled RG/VV etc. No levitations, I'll check the background frames and MQ2AdvPath ini but again this is a fresh install on a new computer I don't think anything hinky should be going on :) Its possible I still had something like KissAssist or RGmercs rolling a few times while trying "Follow Me" but certainly not everytime, so I'm not sure its any automation tool like that.

The problem is this the same as this old thread: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/follow-me-not-working.69620/

However he was using the EQBCSS stuff and turning off dannet was what they did to fix it? I'm just using out the box dannet, but same problem. Another thing thats baffling is they won't even take those few steps before stopping until i'm like 200 yards away.

Still my work around is just spamming "Come To Me" but this isn't sustainable. I'll most any updates, thanks again all! :D
Thanks for the replies all. This is a just a brand new army, levels 10s with just bare bones everything as I just reinstalled RG/VV etc. No levitations, I'll check the background frames and MQ2AdvPath ini but again this is a fresh install on a new computer I don't think anything hinky should be going on :) Its possible I still had something like KissAssist or RGmercs rolling a few times while trying "Follow Me" but certainly not everytime, so I'm not sure its any automation tool like that.

The problem is this the same as this old thread: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/follow-me-not-working.69620/

However he was using the EQBCSS stuff and turning off dannet was what they did to fix it? I'm just using out the box dannet, but same problem. Another thing thats baffling is they won't even take those few steps before stopping until i'm like 200 yards away.

Still my work around is just spamming "Come To Me" but this isn't sustainable. I'll most any updates, thanks again all! :D
In the meanwhile you can use aq1's chase lua (has command line options you can broadcast), while you troubleshoot (chase is generally preferred over afollow anyways). Definitely a good idea to fix the issue however, as the afollow button works great for running off cliffs/etc.
Here is a shot in the dark. Have you d/led and updated all your nav mesh's?
Yes I did. I did it the manual way, downloading them from mqmesh and putting them into mq->resources->mq2nav. The mesh updater from the launcher wasn't working.

After trying some things, I think they are following now....sort of? But they stay so far away from my driver, is there any way to fix this? Again, they won't even start following me until i'm about 200 distance away, give or take, and they want to maintain this 175-225 distance area, and they will almost certainly get caught on something or stop following.

I think we all like to have our armies just, following along with us right? 🫣


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Here is a shot in the dark. Have you d/led and updated all your nav mesh's?
Yes I did!
In the meanwhile you can use aq1's chase lua (has command line options you can broadcast), while you troubleshoot (chase is generally preferred over afollow anyways). Definitely a good idea to fix the issue however, as the afollow button works great for running off cliffs/etc.
This works great! Will use this in the mean time like you suggested.
Hey, if you are working and happy, that's all good. Personally, I'm still curious about this, as it isn't normal behavior at all.
are you getting any kind of message output from mq2advpath in your other dudes windows?
Have you issued any conflicting afollow commands, or does the issue persist if you manually enter the command to follow someone? (also note that /follow will actually send /afollow with mq2advpath loaded). Edit: /afollow off is how to manually cancel the command if you aren't using the follow me button toggle.

If it was happening to me I would likely start playing around with one character and testing, rather than trying to figure this out from a driver broadcasting a command.
Hey, if you are working and happy, that's all good. Personally, I'm still curious about this, as it isn't normal behavior at all.
are you getting any kind of message output from mq2advpath in your other dudes windows?
Have you issued any conflicting afollow commands, or does the issue persist if you manually enter the command to follow someone? (also note that /follow will actually send /afollow with mq2advpath loaded). Edit: /afollow off is how to manually cancel the command if you aren't using the follow me button toggle.

If it was happening to me I would likely start playing around with one character and testing, rather than trying to figure this out from a driver broadcasting a command.
On my other dudes, they'll get the message is as you would expect after I hit the "Follow Me":

[MQ2AdvPath] Following <name>

After much testing, they do follow, but they won't move within 200 distance of me. So if I ran across the zone they'll follow, 200 paces behind, if I had to far ahead and it becomes like 300 distance then they stop following. This is what causes the troubles. It's like there is a radius setting or something strange.

Does that make sense? In comparison, RGMercs /chaseon keeps much tighter, 50 distance and when I stop running they'll run all the way to me. As I learn more about how all this works maybe I'll be able to explain it better as well.

Edit: even though I updated mesh, maybe its still a mesh thing. I'll have to try a couple zones to see if it works better.
There are any number of reasons for /afollow to act weird.

First, to explain how /afollow works in comparison to the other movement tools (at least as I understand it). /afollow tries to replicate the exact movements of the target. So if you zig around a tree, all followers will zig around the tree rather than dumbly trying to navigate directly to you. This works by tracing the leaders steps at some short interval, and replaying those steps on the follower. The exception is when the /afollow command is issued. There are no steps recorded and instead the followers immediately try to straight-line to the leaders initial position in order to start following the steps. They can often get stuck when doing this, if there are obstructions in the way.

As mentioned, if the background frame rate on the followers is too low, then they will not be updating the trace properly and they will start behaving very strangely. I believe by default (as you say you are set up), the foreground frame rate is unlimited and the background is 0 or something like. Strongly recommended to set up the MQ framelimiter. But if not, then set foreground to something in the 30-60 range and background to 15-30 minimum if your PC can handle it. Setting the background only doesn't work effectively if the foreground is unlimited as the background toons will be starved of time anyway.

Then there is /nav or Chase. This will have the toons navigate (using the mesh) to the location. Chase mode in the automations (KA, RG) issues a /nav command to the leaders position when the distance exceeds a threshold (the chase distance). Low background frame rates can also mess with this. /nav and /afollow do not get along. It is recommended that if you are going to use /afollow that you pause any automation tools so that chase commands are not issued.

None of the above (except maybe chase distance) directly explains your exact issue, as described, but you can start to see what issues might arise from using chase and /afollow. They will try to follow you out of camp, then start navigating via the mesh to follow you, or return to camp if set. Yo-yo-ing all over.

/afollow is a special case tool that is most useful to make the team follow you through tricky spaces (tower ramps) or across breaks in the mech like water or cliffs. Just make sure to turn off chase before enabling and then remember to turn it back on when you get through the problem area.
I am seeing issues where come to me / follow me stop working after zoning. all meshes are updated. Currently come to me stopped working. on all zones. I had to completely log off all toons, update everything here again just to zone, and it stopped working again.

[NAV} No Navigation Path currently active
Note that it works on some toons, but not all. (I have 2x EQ directories running at the same time.)
I am seeing issues where come to me / follow me stop working after zoning. all meshes are updated. Currently come to me stopped working. on all zones. I had to completely log off all toons, update everything here again just to zone, and it stopped working again.

[NAV} No Navigation Path currently active
Note that it works on some toons, but not all. (I have 2x EQ directories running at the same time.)
You need more details for someone to help.

If you have to update MQ (or reinstall your current version) and meshes, that points to something on your computer messing with the files, like virus software.
You need more details for someone to help.

If you have to update MQ (or reinstall your current version) and meshes, that points to something on your computer messing with the files, like virus software.
No AV or even Defender enabled.

It works fine after initial logon. then about an hour in it will start breaking. One PC, 2x EQ install folders (Exact copies). 1x MQ install. 7 toons. I can do a Come to Me for some but not all when it starts breaking. Then after a bit of zoning, it will start to work again. It's like it get's out of sync.
No AV or even Defender enabled.

It works fine after initial logon. then about an hour in it will start breaking. One PC, 2x EQ install folders (Exact copies). 1x MQ install. 7 toons. I can do a Come to Me for some but not all when it starts breaking. Then after a bit of zoning, it will start to work again. It's like it get's out of sync.
Make sure you have set up the built-in MQ frame limiter before you attempt to troubleshoot this any further. If it is intermittent, it sounds like performance issues.
Problem - "Follow me" does not work 99.9% of the time! Halp

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