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Patch - Feb 2025 Update (Live 19th?, Test 4th/25th?) (1 Viewer)


Taco Giver
Aug 19, 2020
February 4, 2025

*** Items ***

- Fixed an issue that was preventing augments acquired from Tides of Time from socketing into items they otherwise should have.
- Fixed an unintentional error that stripped the spell from the item Spell: Teleport.
- Adjusted chest drops in The Outer Brood missions to include a wider variety of type 5 augments.
- The Outer Brood weapon damage augments should no longer have decreasing stats after converting to their Reactive or Harmonious versions.
- Argent Whirligig Flyer Control Device should now have a levitation effect.
- Acolyte's Assaulting Fire, Casting Fire, and Defending Fire of the Harbinger augments have received spell damage increases.
- Updated most familiar-summoning items to also cast pet illusions.
- Arrows equipped in the ammo slot that are unusable by the character are no longer effective and the character is out of ammo.
- Merchants now include deity restrictions when you ask them to 'show only items I can use'.
- Archetype - Sympathetic Amplification - Several spell-triggered magical effects from equipped weapons and augments were missed in the initial introduction of this AA. They've now been updated to both receive the benefits of this AA and no longer trigger from other proc effects or twincast.
- Adjusted the luck range of newly created group and raid tradeskill items from The Outer Brood.
- The Modified Aureate Spanner's Perform "Maintenance" description now displays without error.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Improved the performance of the Tradeskill Depot.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Tides of Time: Players can no longer place a banner or campfire in the tower.
- Tides of Time: Miacallie Herlsas and the clockwork artificer now only spawn during the Anniversary event.
- Tides of Time: The repaired keys and clockwork artificer now only offer their tasks during the Anniversary event.
- Year of Darkpaw collections now run as part of the Anniversary event.
- Tides of Time: The tower key quests are now offered during the Anniversary event.
- Theater of Eternity quests The Bigger the Door and We Have to Go Back! have changed how their items are dropped and who can loot them. Now they will drop if anyone in the group (and in the zone) that gets the kill credit is on the task and has the item needed for the step (Attuned Crystal Vial or Empty Aureate Supply Pouch). Also, only a person with the required item can loot the items for the quest.
- Reduced the damage on the spells cast by most rare/named NPCs in The Outer Brood. Many were cut in half or more. A few had their durations reduced. Even fewer were altered so that their effects would work (mostly changed from instant to having a duration so effects like movement slow could have time to work). Over all, the spell damage output from these NPCs will be a lot lower.
- The Control Room mission reset is better now. The mystic will return on reset, along with the pillars.
- Purification and penance in the High Priest mission in The Outer Brood will no longer give experience for evolving items.
- Chasing What's Not Real: Can now be run during the Anniversary event.
- Chasing Madness: Can now be run during the Anniversary event.
- Reflections of You: Can now be run during the Anniversary event.
- Inner Turmoil: Can now be run during the Anniversary event.

*** Spells ***

- You will now automatically dismount when changing personas.
- Improved the effectiveness of all Convergence spells from The Outer Brood.

*** AA ***

- Fixed a bug where AAs that should be shared between personas weren't always sharing.
- Enchanter - Updated the Class AA, Eldritch Rune, with 3 new ranks available at levels 121-125, increasing max damage absorption to 490k at max rank.
- Enchanter - Updated the Class AA, Glyph Spray, with 3 new ranks available at levels 121-125, increasing max spell and DoT damage absorption to 175k and max DoT damage absorption per hit to 13.5k at max rank.
- Enchanter - Updated the Class AA, Reactive Rune, ranks 19-21 and added 3 new ranks available at levels 121-125, increasing max melee damage absorption to 108k with a 51k min hit and max spell damage absorption to 105k with a 49.5k min hit at max rank.
- Enchanter - Updated the Class AA, Rune of Banishment, ranks 5-8 and added 2 new ranks available at levels 122 and 125, increasing max melee damage absorption to 249k at max rank.
- Enchanter - Updated the Class AA, Veil of Mindshadow, ranks 29-32 and added 2 new ranks available at levels 122 and 125, increasing max melee damage absorption to 464k at max rank.

*** Overseer ***

- Changed the order of the Laurion's Song Overseer collection reward items.
- Added Laurion's Song tradeskill components to the Overseer rewards.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Evolving Server Ruleset Skill Bonus now works as intended.
- Vaniki now uses the originally intended new spell resist system.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Changed the description of the Unpurged achievement in the Herald of the Outer Brood to match the reality needed to complete it. It now reads: Don't remove any of the defenses from the scalewrought guardians.
- Removed outdated information from the Help document covering Evolving Items.
- Fixed an issue that reset guild access permissions to default values upon a world server restart.

*** UI ***

- Clicking on an Achievement component's name while holding certain key combinations will now search in various windows similar to clicking on an item's icon.
- - CTRL+ALT will search using the Find Item window.
- - SHIFT+CTRL will search using the Bazaar Search window.
- - SHIFT+ALT will search using the Barter Search window.
- Hotbuttons that link to an item that moved between a key ring and the inventory will find the item if it still exists.
- Updated cursor item links from Key Rings to be able to be auto equipped or used to start a trade.
- When a single targeted buff fails due to being blocked by a target player or player pet, a message will now display saying so.
- Fixed an issue that prevented chat tell windows' operations after too many were opened.
- The Claim Window can now be sorted numerically by clicking on the Feature Count column.
- Hotbuttons should no longer disappear when moving items to or from a key ring.
- Fixed a bug where the scrollbar in windows using the new UI engine could be dragged outside its bounds.

- The EverQuest Team

Last edited: Today at 1:41 PM
- Archetype - Sympathetic Amplification - Several spell-triggered magical effects from equipped weapons and augments were missed in the initial introduction of this AA. They've now been updated to both receive the benefits of this AA and no longer trigger from other proc effects or twincast

hmmm is this good or bad
- Archetype - Sympathetic Amplification - Several spell-triggered magical effects from equipped weapons and augments were missed in the initial introduction of this AA. They've now been updated to both receive the benefits of this AA and no longer trigger from other proc effects or twincast

hmmm is this good or bad
was wondering myself, think it ties into - Acolyte's Assaulting Fire, Casting Fire, and Defending Fire of the Harbinger augments have received spell damage increases. though...
They also fixed:

*** Items ***

- The Outer Brood weapon damage augments should no longer have decreasing stats after converting to their Reactive or Harmonious versions.
- Argent Whirligig Flyer Control Device should now have a levitation effect.
- Acolyte's Assaulting Fire, Casting Fire, and Defending Fire of the Harbinger augments have received spell damage increases.
New to the test server - Been enjoying it so far. With the recent patch, it looks like Macroquest will need an update. Do patches that break MQ happen often on test?
New to the test server - Been enjoying it so far. With the recent patch, it looks like Macroquest will need an update. Do patches that break MQ happen often on test?
What to expect on patch days?
When eq patches MQ has to be rebuilt. (you also have to patch EQ --- this way you avoid "Version Mismatch" issues)

once mq is built RG can build - we now have an automated system that rebuilds RG as soon as it is updated - which means our previous method of "let's give it a quick test" is no longer there, and sometimes there ends up being another smaller patch later to correct if something got missed - so re-check on patch days if you are having issues.

eq could change literally anything and it would require the way MQ interacts with that portion of EQ to be completely reworked. It is normally just offsets, sometimes struct changes --- with the large changes eq has been making over the past few months (updates and backend improvements) there are more things than just offset changes that are happening, so it can certainly be a lot of work for the devs.

Curious when Very Vanilla will be updated?
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MacroQuest for Live servers:
MacroQuest for Test server

EQ patches go like this: (in theory)
2nd* tue/wed = test "real" patch
3rd* wed = live patch
4th* tue/wed = test "true up

the tue over the wed is a more recent thing (I suspect klanderso has more to do with that, and having time to ensure working stuff before the weekend and upset people - klanderso is pretty awesome)
* holidays subject to cause shifts in days or even week

test is notorious for being like "oops we forgot the 'dont crash plz' file, gotta patch again", or "woops we added +1 to crashing, we meant -1", so "on paper" it is double the patches, but very frequently ends up being more than double the work (i imagine, I'm not doing the work - I'd love to learn enough at some point to help facilitate doing so, however)

Mq itself is open source and by volunteer(s) - RG which builds and distributes that is obviously paid for.
If you wanted to show your appreciation to the MQ devs for their volunteer work:

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Patch - Feb 2025 Update (Live 19th?, Test 4th/25th?)

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