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CWTNFish.mac (1 Viewer) 1.25

Oct 13, 2020
|** Fish.mac - Updated by Chatwiththisname 12/30/2017 **|
| All bags should remain open while the macro is in use.
| Custom sub routine to open all your bags.
| Uses Brell's Fishin' Pole to summon a new pole if yours breaks.
| Uses Endless Worms to summon new bait if you run out.
| If no Fishing Pole and no Brell's Fishin' Pole ~ Will inform you that you need a new pole.
| If no bait and no Endless Worms ~ Will inform you that you are out and end the macro.
| Type /stats
| to get a statistics output to MQ2Window
| Settings:
| Verbose ~ Output a bunch of crap to MQ2 Window
| Destroy ~ Destroy Sandals and Daggers
| getDrunk ~ Uses Brell's Fishin' Pole to summon ale and drink it to get drunk
| reportSummoning ~ If true it will report to MQ2Window every time Fish.mac summons an item.
| This can cause a lot of spam if getDrunk is TRUE
| Email: [email protected] if the macro becomes unusable.

Accepting requests for additions to this macro. The macro was custom coded by myself.
Considering an INI approach if it grows much larger

PM/Email/Post suggestions/requests/bugs for my attention.

If you appreciate my work and want to help support me you can donate to me directly at http://paypal.me/chatwiththisname
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line 44 = /declare getDrunk bool outer TRUE

also it says
| settings : getDrunk ~ Uses Brell's Fishin' Pole to summon ale and drink it to get drunk
in the .mac header
i deleted the post krawdad replied because while i attended the derek zoolander center for kids who can't read good, i didn't graduate.
This is in game 5 line can be run by any gaming device. it will fish and forage. The bandolier action is because of pole breaking. Just save one with with pole equipped and bring a few extra.
1/bandolier Activate #
2 /doability #
4/doability #
Any way to have the program with with Hargar Brand Fishing Pail ? This summons 55 bait out of thin air (no need for fresh fish like Anizok) - so I do not have/use Anizok's bait dispenser.

You can click it from inventory.
Is the fishing pail in there? from frostfell? I had the bone rod but it didn't like it, told me I needed a pole in primary hand.

Bone Rod works, just didn't work when I first ran it, for whatever reason..
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I've attached a lightly hacked version of this mac, if anyone is interested. I added support for Bookworms (foraged from PoK) as well as Hargar Brand Fishing Pail.

Because Hargar's Pail has a 15min cooldown, I decided to have the macro attempt to summon bait after every attempt at fishing.

What I do is stock up on cheap vendor bait and put that towards the back of my inventory. Hargar's Bait will autoinventory in front of the cheap bait. This way, I use Hargar's Bait while I have some (for the +Fishing skill) and then fall back on using the cheap bait. A similar setup should be obtainable with Hargar's Pail + Anizok's Bait Dispenser.

It's working well. I get an error message if the backpacks are closed when it tries to click Hargar's Pail, but it doesn't break the macro. I'm sure it could actually be handled, but meh.


  • ModdedCWTNFish.mac
    12.3 KB · Views: 11
ChatWithThisName updated CWTNFish.mac by Chatwiththisname with a new update entry:

Updated by ChatWithThisName 12/2/2020

Added Hargar Brand Fishing Pail - MOTD mod, remodded again by me.
Added consideration for Bookworms - MOTD mod.
Restructured a lot of the logic. Equipping fishing poles code is tons clearer.
Changed /stats alias to be a bind.
Removed MQ2Cast dependency for items in favor of /useitem
Changed the code to reflect the name change to CWTNFish.mac
Removed the requirement to have the bags open.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Nice macro. Got to the point where he went to make the bait and got window 'pack10' not open
Anizok's Bait Dispenser in bottom right slot
after this happens there is a few fresh fish in there and unclickable.
I pick up the pack empty and and run again, same thing happens.

only opens the bag with the fresh fish in it, never see the transfer of fish to the dispenser.

ok had /return right after Sub OpenAllContainers
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Line 187 has a syntax error
/while (!${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Equal[The Bone Rod]}) {

should be
/while (!${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Equal[The Bone Rod]}) {
Ancient Fishing Pole Unbreakable

Add Ancient Fishing Pole:
|Try using Ancient rod.
    /if (${FindItemCount[=Ancient Fishing Pole]}) {
        /while (!${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Equal[Ancient Fishing Pole]}) {
            /if (!${FindItemCount[=Ancient Fishing Pole]}) {
            /call GrabItem "Ancient Fishing Pole" "left"
            /delay 2s ${Cursor.ID}
            /nomodkey /itemnotify mainhand leftmouseup
            /delay 1s ${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Equal[Ancient Fishing Pole]}
            /delay 5
            /delay 1s !${Cursor.ID}
        /if (${Me.Inventory[mainhand].Name.Equal[Ancient Fishing Pole]}) /return
For the bait issue. So the code below worked when it was fresh fish in the container, but anything else it would loop trading items. This seem to fix that issue.
Sub MakeBait
    /call OpenAllContainers
    /delay 5
    /call GrabItem "Fresh Fish" "left"
    /delay 1s ${Cursor.ID}
    /itemnotify in pack10 1 leftmouseup
    /delay 5 !${Cursor.ID}
    /combine pack10
    /delay 1s ${Cursor.ID}
    /if (!${Cursor.Name.Equal[Homemade bait]}) {
        /call ContainerCleanup
    /if (${Cursor.Name.Equal[Homemade bait]}) {
    /keypress CLOSE_INV_BAGS

Sub ContainerCleanup
    /echo \aySomething is in your container, removing items from container.
    /delay 1
    /nomodkey /shiftkey /itemnotify in pack10 1 leftmouseup
    /while (${Cursor.ID}) {
        /delay 2
    /nomodkey /shiftkey /itemnotify in pack10 2 leftmouseup
    /while (${Cursor.ID}) {
        /delay 2
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Noticed I was catching a lot of Fish Scales but in the stats it said 0 and got added to the caughtCount. I also add Fresh Fish to the count cause I was bored. :)

Counter for the fish scales seem to get bypassed to caughtcount:
/if (${Cursor.Name.NotEqual[Fish Scales]} && !${Cursor.Name.Equal[Summoned: Ale]} && !${Cursor.Name.Equal[Rusty Dagger]} && !${Cursor.Name.Equal[Tattered Cloth Sandal]} && !${Cursor.Name.Equal[Fish Scales]}) {
        /echo \ag[CWTNFish.mac]\aw Caught ${Cursor.Name}
        /varcalc caughtCount ${caughtCount} + 1
        /delay 5
    } else /if (${Cursor.Name.Equal[Fish Scales]}) {
        /echo \ag[CWTNFish.mac]\aw Caught ${Cursor.Name}
        /varcalc scalesCount ${scalesCount} + 1
        /delay 5


  • Untitled.png
    28.9 KB · Views: 36
cannonballdex updated CWTNFish.mac by Chatwiththisname with a new update entry:

Added some features you can disable in the settings

| Added GM Alert - Edit the action you want to take in the Sub GMCheck below - Default is to go AFK and end the macro
| Added AFK mode when PC is near - Edit radius, how long to go afk, afk message and group numbers to ignore in settings below
| Added Aggro Mode when getting AGGRO - Edit the action you want to take below under Sub Aggro - Default is to use Bulwark of Many Portals and Gate
| Added Ancient Fishing Pole to Pole List
| Changed the way bait is made if an item is...

Read the rest of this update entry...
cannonballdex updated CWTNFish.mac by Chatwiththisname with a new update entry:

Added some features you can disable in the settings

Sorry named the file wrong. haha

| Added GM Alert - Edit the action you want to take in the Sub GMCheck below - Default is to go AFK and end the macro
| Added AFK mode when PC is near - Edit radius, how long to go afk, afk message and group numbers to ignore in settings below
| Added Aggro Mode when getting AGGRO - Edit the action you want to take below under Sub Aggro - Default is to use Bulwark of Many Portals and Gate
| Added Ancient Fishing Pole to Pole List
| Changed the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
cannonballdex updated CWTNFish.mac by Chatwiththisname with a new update entry:

Added some features you can disable in the settings

| Added GM Alert - Edit the action you want to take in the Sub GMCheck below - Default is to go AFK and end the macro
| Added AFK mode when PC is near - Edit radius, how long to go afk, afk message and group numbers to ignore in settings below
| Added Aggro Mode when getting AGGRO - Edit the action you want to take below under Sub Aggro - Default is to use Bulwark of Many Portals and Gate
| Added Ancient Fishing Pole to Pole List
| Changed the way bait is made if an item is...

Read the rest of this update entry...
You can just leave the "version" blank and it will auto-populate, that way it's consistent and you don't have to remember what year it is or decide if you should yell the month at us or not.
Here is the mod if you are interested in addons. PC alert AFK, AGGRO, GM Alert and more.
I used this all morning with no issues and now every 5 mins it is warning me that I have gone AFK ...can you tell me why this might be happening. I am sitting at my desk doing other work while this is running.
The auto afk feature in EQ options window turned on?
You know, I do not know ....checking ....thank you....let's see if that stops the problem. I think that it was happening because the way the Macro was written. I had a group come and stand right behind me pulling FAT RATS to my piece of the ice. Bastageges!!!

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