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Question - BCT for more than 1 toon in a line of a hotkey? (1 Viewer)

Dec 31, 2014
Is there a way to broadcast /bct to more than 1 toon in a line of a hotkey? For reference, I am wanting to do this manually, and not via a macro or Lua.

For example, let's just say I have a group of six toons named Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, but I ONLY want Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie to cast spell gem 1 (this is just a random example...it could be to have the 3 toons cast spell, say a text, do a disc, whatever).

I know I can do /bct Alpha //cast 1

Is there a way to do something to the effect of /bct Alpha Bravo Charlie //cast 1?

I know I can do a /bct on different lines of a hotkey, but I am trying to only do it on 1 line of a hotkey, if possible.

***I can't do /bcg or /bcga since I am wanting only certain toons to receive the /bct***

Thanks ahead of time!
you can make each toon join a set amount of channels

for example your spellcasters could just join caster then you just do /bct caster //cast 1

on you cour casters you'd do /bccmd channels caster

then they joined that channel

if you wish them to be part of more channels, just add more channels to the list you give the command

/bccmd channels caster, raid, cleric

would make him join those 3 channels

if you leave out a channel of the list he removes from that channel
you can make each toon join a set amount of channels

for example your spellcasters could just join caster then you just do /bct caster //cast 1

on you cour casters you'd do /bccmd channels caster

then they joined that channel

if you wish them to be part of more channels, just add more channels to the list you give the command

/bccmd channels caster, raid, cleric

would make him join those 3 channels

if you leave out a channel of the list he removes from that channel
When you say channels, what kind of channel are you referring to exactly? I know that is a dumb question, but I really am not sure lol.
you would make a channel named "caster" do that command on every toon you want in it. Dannet is much easier. It automatically has chann

you would make a channel named "caster" do that command on every toon you want in it. Dannet is much easier. It automatically has channels made.
Looks like I need to figure out how to make some channels then! The only channels I know about are chat channels. Thanks! I will research that!
eqbc has its own channels, i posted the information on how to set up a channel or multiple channels on a toon

/bccmd channels caster, raid, cleric

3 channels joined, caster, raid and cleric

these are only in eqbc, not in game.
So it's
/bcmd channels your channel name
Is all that's required to make a channel
/bcmd channels RobsNukes

And I would just add the toons I wanted to RobsNukes where I can send a command to cast spell gem 3 as you showed in your first post Kaen and my nukes would fly. Right?
As Sic suggested, strongly recommended to use Dannet over EQBC. Not saying this is related or anything, but I have been free from the recent ban waves and I have not used eqbc in years. Unlike most of my friends that always used it, and they are all banned. Again, may not be related, but once you learn and get used to Dannet, it is far superior to eqbc IMHO.
Question - BCT for more than 1 toon in a line of a hotkey?

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