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Question - 6 box long-term potential? (Old content) (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 25, 2020
This mostly adresses the ones who've played a long while and gotten far ahead with their 6 box, focusing on older expansions until The Broken Mirror or somewhere around that.

Question being:

How far, or at least until which expansion, can a 6-box reasonably go and how much can it clear, including both group and raid content? I've got my group up to level 65 but am unsure if the objective I am focusing on is realistic. I'm specifically aiming to hunt for achievements and clear all group and raid content (at least the ones that aren't too mechanic heavy) and push it as far as I can from expac to expac, until I face a wall with my group where it cannot possibly tackle raids by overleveling the encounters by a few levels and or with a bunch of AAs.

So far I know I can easily tackle classic raids at that level until Planes of Power, where I'll have to push my levels up a bit to keep going. Your answers will help me knowing if this is doable on live (test) or if an Emulated server would fit better overall.

I appreciate all the help and guidance I'm getting here, seriously y'all are awesome. <3
I think you should take all of the group facet out of the equation/question, there isn't anything that comes to mind that a 6-box can't do as far as group progression, on level even (but realistically you start to outlevel expansions naturally as they slowed down level cap increases).

Edit: Some mission achievements require you to be quite flexible in my experience (perhaps there is one I haven't tried that may be more difficult than those I have).
I haven't found a group mission that I couldn't do yet from SoD > RoF. Theres some challenging ones though in era, but once you figure them out they get a lot easier. Some are just buggy though (library in HoT)

Raid wise, the key for you will be outlevelling the content to the point the mechanics become trivial aside from a few DT triggers. During NoS I was able to solo RoF NToV and that was as far as i had gotten. With my group along with me theres probably some raids up to TBm I could pull off.

House of thule and beyond though theres a bunch of mechanics that are tough to box and require multiple people doing different things on a short time span (puzzle boss in SS, resplendant temple, pillars of alra, trial of creation, chapterhouse) and it can be a pain to be 1 guy doing it all. Luckily a lot of these mechnics become a non issue with levels and gear (new chelsith can be tough on tanks in era, but failing emotes wont mean anything in 15-20 more levels)
This mostly adresses the ones who've played a long while and gotten far ahead with their 6 box, focusing on older expansions until The Broken Mirror or somewhere around that.

Question being:

How far, or at least until which expansion, can a 6-box reasonably go and how much can it clear, including both group and raid content? I've got my group up to level 65 but am unsure if the objective I am focusing on is realistic. I'm specifically aiming to hunt for achievements and clear all group and raid content (at least the ones that aren't too mechanic heavy) and push it as far as I can from expac to expac, until I face a wall with my group where it cannot possibly tackle raids by overleveling the encounters by a few levels and or with a bunch of AAs.

So far I know I can easily tackle classic raids at that level until Planes of Power, where I'll have to push my levels up a bit to keep going. Your answers will help me knowing if this is doable on live (test) or if an Emulated server would fit better overall.

I appreciate all the help and guidance I'm getting here, seriously y'all are awesome. <3
A solid 6-box can pretty much do all group content with ease. As mentioned, some of the group mission achievements might be challenging, but doable. As your group continues to grow, you'll find yourself being able to single group some raid targets as well.
It depends how fast you want it. I agree I wouldn't worry about raids but you can do all the group content in the game.
If you are on a free trade server like FV it might go a little faster because of your easy access to raid armor. You can buy up to NoS T1 usually in the bazaar. It varies but that is where the armor tops out. Weapons I've seen and purchased LST1 rarely in the bazaar but it tops out there.

And with a new expansion coming that means you may see NoS T2 in the bazaar by December. You can do any group content in LS easily with a tank in NoS T2. And the new Xpac shouldn't be much different. Last Xpac was levels this one will be gear.

If you are on a standard server it will be harder. Some people like the challenge. I don't. LoL I've been there and done that. I want the best gear and the highest levels I can get now.
Heck, can do any LS content easily with ToL T1 and auto-grant AA. I've done it and didn't break a sweat. LS is a super weak expansion, good for catching up on AA/Gear and/or swapping out your group composition, which is what I"m currently doing as I'm tried of it at this point...no, not using persona :)

To the OP, I am going to go against the grain a bit here, since min/max type players are everywhere and I'm not one of those, so take this with a grain of salt. If you want a team that can do all of that, use a warrior and cleric. You can then stack whatever you want around those 2, but with those 2, you can pull of things that the other tank/healer combos simply can not. There really isn't a need to max/min for DPS, simply because you will run out of mobs even with only 2 DPS in a group. I haven't bothered with doing it in a few years now, but I 6 boxed raid content up until RoF, in order to get the class weapon for my bard using a group of bard/war/druid/beast/mage/paladin. It wasn't too tough, and I could handle a lot of mechanics with that crew with a bit of practice. However, one and done became the name of the game for that nonsense..hahaha. That experience is why I ended up swapping in a cleric though, it made life a LOT easier as now I can be up to 3 expansions out of spec for gear, and just jump into the current expansion without any issue on my war/clr combo. I don't see the other tanks doing that with their SHM or DRU healers.
Question - 6 box long-term potential? (Old content)

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