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Question - 23rd Anniversary Quests/Mission (1 Viewer)


I <3 SKs *kissy face*
Jun 16, 2019
Hey guys,

Haven’t logged on since December. What are the rewards for the new anniversary quests/mission? Has anyone done them yet?
To do the new Mission, you need to do a solo task first (Death Finds a Way). The task consists mainly of picking up a ground spawn in shar val, talking to a lot of ghosts, and killing some very gray gnolls in jaggedpine forest. Once you've completed it, you can request the Beyond Espoir mission from Krastoraab Puremane (same guy who gives the solo task) and he'll send you / your group into the Deep where you get to fight forms of each of the spirits you talk to.

The mobs in the mission are paper thin for some reason (2mill hp for the trash? very low. The 'boss' types have a bit more, but feel like a regular mob more than a boss, maybe even less than a regular mob), I haven't tested but guild consensus was you could probably solo/molo the mission without a group if you're wearing tradeskill / 120 group gear.

The rewards are gear that's about the same as tradeskill or 120 group gear itself, like within a few points / a couple hundred hp either way on the pieces I've seen so far. Not bad stuff, not amazing either, for the risk it's pretty good reward though.

Watch out for:
1. Shar Val guards give faction hits when they kill themselves attacking you, go around invis if you're an iksar or the like if you care (you can do the whole task invis, doesn't hurt anything).
2. The giant chasm in the middle of the deep... if you fall in, the exit is to the north on the left / west side.
3. The wait for the ground spawn for the solo task, it's a 6minute spawn ( I think) and our server was super polite and lined up waiting for it, but there was absolutely a line.

There are achievements for beating the 'bosses' in the mission in certain ways matching the lore they speak about - the 'death' one rewards you with an achievement if you defeat them while 'dying' (under 50% health) and the life one gives an achievement if you kill it while it's healing add is up (which I didn't even see... they died too quick... not bragging, they all just go down fast, seriously wonder if the hp level is a bug, I got no achievements because everything was dead so fast), the cycle guy rewards you if you get hit by each of his area attacks, and the last boss talks about 'balance' (but they don't give an achievement so not sure what the point was there), circles appeared around him and I thought about moving into them... but he died before I could move.

Anyway - other than it being very fast / semi easy... it's a nice little mission with a decent (not overwhelming, but decent) reward.

If you're raid geared, you can probably skip it, but if you're still getting your last ossified ores or working your way through mob drops then it might give you something you can use, either way it's something most players should be able to do.
There is a "hidden" reward you can get right before finishing the Beyond Espoir mission.

Just zone back into shar vahl and give the beak to Sineb (the spectral wolf, *NOT* the one inside the deep instance) and he will give you the "Fungal Shrieker Spore" familiar, which has the same stats as the Ice Bound Ulthork from CoV. So, aside from the familiar illusion which sucks IMO, a pretty worthless reward (unless your toons are like 110 still and don't have the ulthork/blood bag). know some of you people are die hard critter collectors though....

Level 1 clicky req on the familiar, but you need the beak, which is no drop, and you need a taskadd for the mission which has a minimum level req of probably like 100 or so. I wanted a lvl 1 toon with that buff.
Is there loot other than the neck. This is a very underwhelming set of things to do. I keep reading references about other loot but the only one I've seen explicitly named is the neck. I wouldn't expect more at all, but am confused about the implication that there is.
Is there loot other than the neck. This is a very underwhelming set of things to do. I keep reading references about other loot but the only one I've seen explicitly named is the neck. I wouldn't expect more at all, but am confused about the implication that there is.

Haven’t run the missions yet since I’m in raid gear but my understanding is multiple non-vis items that are better than TOL group gear.
There is a "hidden" reward you can get right before finishing the Beyond Espoir mission.

Just zone back into shar vahl and give the beak to Sineb (the spectral wolf, *NOT* the one inside the deep instance) and he will give you the "Fungal Shrieker Spore" familiar, which has the same stats as the Ice Bound Ulthork from CoV. So, aside from the familiar illusion which sucks IMO, a pretty worthless reward (unless your toons are like 110 still and don't have the ulthork/blood bag). know some of you people are die hard critter collectors though....

Level 1 clicky req on the familiar, but you need the beak, which is no drop, and you need a taskadd for the mission which has a minimum level req of probably like 100 or so. I wanted a lvl 1 toon with that buff.
Thats actually a lot better than what f2p accounts will get for a while.
Is there loot other than the neck. This is a very underwhelming set of things to do. I keep reading references about other loot but the only one I've seen explicitly named is the neck. I wouldn't expect more at all, but am confused about the implication that there is.
Looks like the loot is neck and back. So far I have seen:

Deteriorating Silk Wrap - tank cloak
Furry Feathered Cloak - melee cloak
Collar of Infinite Struggle - melee neck
Locket of the Disciples - caster neck
Shroud of Unending Cycles - caster cloak

there was also a tank neck but I don't remember the name of it... Unfortunately I don't have the links for the un-auged items but all are about 5AC 100hp/mana/end better than the ToL T3 versions.

Edit: Tank neck is Pendant of Repetitiousness
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There is a "hidden" reward you can get right before finishing the Beyond Espoir mission.

Just zone back into shar vahl and give the beak to Sineb (the spectral wolf, *NOT* the one inside the deep instance) and he will give you the "Fungal Shrieker Spore" familiar, which has the same stats as the Ice Bound Ulthork from CoV. So, aside from the familiar illusion which sucks IMO, a pretty worthless reward (unless your toons are like 110 still and don't have the ulthork/blood bag). know some of you people are die hard critter collectors though....

Level 1 clicky req on the familiar, but you need the beak, which is no drop, and you need a taskadd for the mission which has a minimum level req of probably like 100 or so. I wanted a lvl 1 toon with that buff.
Question - 23rd Anniversary Quests/Mission

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