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Contest April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl 75. (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004
Congrats to last month's winners!

"This could be your new wizard"

This month's contest is brought to you by:

  • Level 105 100% into 105
  • AA; 13840 with 105 banked
  • Every spell purchased! 101-104 all rank II
  • equipped with : Cotf Rares, Bruma, Magister Knife and Magister Wrap
  • wearing TDS t1 and t2 gear, mostly t2
  • Nice mount for medding!
  • 500,000 plat!
  • Everything else that a ToonsByRaz comes with and more....

To win this toon, we just want to know one thing:

How did you get to level 75?

To enter, just answer the above question, or have an on-topic discussion. Example:

I got to level 75 by grinding it out in Dragonscale Hills, using this guide.

Prize List:
  • 105 Wizard (max AA, geared, TBM) for one grand prize winner. (as decided by judges) Courtesy of ToonsByRaz
  • One Krono for the runner-up. (as decided by judges) Courtesy of www.AlmarsGuides.com
  • TWO KRONO for one lucky winner. (as decided by /random, as are the rest)
  • One Krono for one lucky winner.
  • Avatar change (from redcent shop)
  • Color username (from redcent shop)
  • 1 Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend. Enjoy MQ2 compiles, the internet's largest collection of macros, private strategies, and a great community.

All winners are decided by a live in-game /random event, except the wizard account which will go to the judge's favorite post in this thread. "Favorite" may mean the most efficient strategy, but it may also mean the funniest, the most depressing, or the most interesting. Just make sure you enter, all entries are eligible for Krono and other prizes!

No purchase necessary. No more entries after April 30th, 11:59 PM PST. The grand prize (105 wizard) will be awarded by a panel of judges (mods/admins) to their favorite post in this thread or on facebook.
Drawing for remaining prizes will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
One reply only, please. Multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't get it to you.
Posting with multiple accounts, or screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

By the way, check out our FB page:
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OMG That looks amazing! I want one!

Seriously though people, Get involved! Now is the time to post how you get to 75! Or at least make the judges laugh!
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Let's see, every character I have had over level 75+ was bought. Somehow I never leveled one that far.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Awesome contest, thanks Raz.

My path varies by goal and group, but historically I'm a sucker for leveling up grouped in old school zones if I can find some people. I've done this a few times in slightly different paths throughout my EQ life. Here is one of my favorite examples:

~1-10 - Tutorial is really good these days. Leave with a full set of gear that you can survive in a for 20-30 levels.
~10-15 - Blackburrow
~15-25 - SolA is a great zone I think is overlooked in favor of the other classics like Lguk
~25-35 - Crypt of Dalnir is really fun, never got much chance to hunt here current because no one did, but its exp is insane and I love the challenge
~35-45 - Mines of Nurga or Kaesora. The revamp of Nurga is OK, still really like it, though I preferred the old. One of my fondest memories was leveling a necro pre-revamp solo fear-kiting whole rooms indoors.
~45-55 - Sebilis. Can't beat it for fun, some of the most fun times I've ever had in this zone. First pulling on my Druid main during the era, then later boxing my chanter.
~55-60 - Dragon Necropolis is a really fun zone, and I love challenge.
~60-68 - PoTactics. Another less hunted area with plenty of challenge and rarely explored areas.
~68-75 - Sverag, Stronghold of Rage is fun, always changing, and has some solid loot.

Throw in a new LDONs and such and you are good to go!
My favourite way to level to 75 is...

I do http://www.redguides.com/community/...n-less-than-20-minutes?highlight=Lichen+Creep to level 52 (I use a 105 paladin to do the quest, goes very fast)

from 52-60 I go to ponightmare and ds kill hobgoblins. Alternatively you can just do the lichen creep thing three times but there's a 6 hour lockout.

60-85 (I know you guys said 75 but....)

You can use a level 85 SK to do this set kill pull range to 1000 in kiss
Go to fort mech,
Setup at the bottom set of elevators in the center on the main floor.

You can choose to use a healer merc but I didn't need one I survived over night.

" But Toric is my heroic sk going to level and eventually get to the point where he cant group with a new group of 60's after doing this a couple of times?"

Yes, delete your SK and make another heroic SK.
Step 1 Log into your account.
Step 2 Pick server.
Step 3 Loads Character select screen on the server of your choosing.
Step 4 Pick a Race an Class of your liking.
Step 5 Click on EQ button Click Add Fund Put in your credit card info an purchase 2500 Coin.*Note if your all access u get discount!!
Step 6 Purchase a Heroic Character an skip past 75 cuz who wants to die to dddamge???
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

By pressing that heroic character button @ login
How did you get to level 75?

I am WAY old school. I got to 75 the old fashioned way... I killed my way there by hand! So... 2 part answer.

Part 2: the new way!

1-10 = Tutorial to break in the toon
10-25ish = Unrest
25ish-46ish = Guk
46ish-65ish = PoP zones
65ish-75ish = DSH/LP

Part one, the hitting 75 the first time around. The long version =P

Life started out as a dorf cleric... so Butcherblock Mountains. Being the first truely 3d MMORPG, I had picked up a spanking new Pentium P4 Gateway, with a Voodoo2. I had a nice mancave in the basement, with good insulation so... Boston Accoustics sound system with low lighting... mini fridge... crash couch... and a job working me 10-12 hours on nightshift. So, after I got home at 3am ish.... the forest was uber cool. I think I spent 2 weeks just getting to level 5, mostly from checking out stuff and chatting with old guildies who were moving to the game. Only thing to fear was... those damn skunks! Damn disease DoT was evil....

Adventuring out a bit I started in on making patchwork armor, and rat sandwiches... cause hey.. who doesn't like rat? Being a cleric means of course everyone loves you. Never had an issue finding groups. Eventually made my way into Unrest. First experience with "TRAIN TO ZONE!!" yeh gawds and little fishes...so of course my guildies and I, being the helpful dudes we were, would wreck the trains as they went by. "Root! Mez! Kill!" Sometimes we win, others... not so much. But, fun was had by all, and I got to learn tricks to my class. This was back when you could effectively use "Blind" and "yo-yo kite" a mob.

Occasionally ventured out to other places, but Unrest was my primary living quarters for many months. Stayed till 35ish... when I could pull up the most evil boss mob in the zone... killing her with a "/ooc BOOM! Down goes the hag!"

Moved residence over to Guk. At release, there were really only 2 zones anyone 35+ spent time in... Guk and Sol B. Guk was a huge dungeon... lots of places to venture forth in.. lots of things to camp so even with 75+ folks in, there was room to camp something (long as the uber "I'm a raider so none of the rest of you matter" dicks stayed out) There was the occasional camel-wang-lover who tried to training folks off camps... but the RTA generally blacklisted such folks hard enough they soon found themselves guildless/friendless/unable to to jack in the game. This was back when reputations mattered. I mostly stayed on the undead side cause... come on! Cleric!. Matter of fact I usually pulled for the group and did CC. With root+stun you could effectively lock down most adds, even if you had to do it via chain stunning.

After hitting max level I made a necro. Uber powerhouse of a class. Back when there was no level limit on lifetaps, teams of us level 5-12ish necros would hunt sand giants in Oasis of Marr... kiting for all we was worth till one of the other necros finally lifetap aggroed it off you. Or circling just so they could med/lich up enough mana to do more damage... (SG to tower 1!) this was my first experience in abusing levitation and game geometry....being able to use the valleys/hills to gain some distance between me and the mob. Eventually... fear kiting! Which could prove to be as dangerous as it was awesome. Was also an excellent tool for discouraging dicks trying to take over your camp (Hey dude... I been here for hours! oh.. don't care... hey isn't that your pull running over there towards those other mobs?.. don't mind me.. I am just gonna FD here and watch) So on top of guild buffer and resser... I got to also do camp steal busting =D Which also lead into... GM negotiator...ugh...but it generally worked out since apparently.. once you become a diseased-camel-wang-lover.. you just can't restrain yourself even with a GM standing right there... heh.

"KUNARK!!! ROH ROH ROH! Holy crap these zones are freakin HUGE!" Kunark was EQX2 awesome. LOTS more room to spread out means a lot less issues with trains/camp stealers. New cool zones with DRIDERS! Ranks swell... guilds get huge...raids happening daily for the joining. RTA kicking it big time. And now we can have Epics! Dude.... how epic! heh.

I switch back to main playing my cleric, and like most folks, spent a lot of time in Karnor (5 billion trains served!) leveling up to 55ish before poking around Chardok and Seb. Seb turned out to be more enjoyable, with the raid dude WAY down there... not interfering with the group folks so much. And.. you had to know your sheet to even be IN the zone. Wankers didn't get the help needed for the key (woot!) By now... I had gotten another computer and an account with for the wife ... who played for a week and said "Meh..." So I transfered my necro over to her account. Also by now a friend of moved on.. and gave me one of his accounts.. druid bot! So now I had 3 accounts.... time to discover winEQ. So now I had a necro... pet...cleric to keep it healed.. and a druid to succor us out if needed. Rock on!

Helped the guild out with various other zones... learned to have fun using necro Charm in Chardok (Back when you could refresh charm indefinitely) for some sweet XPing. By then... it was time to get Epiced. ork had slowed down and I was layed off for a while.. so I spent 1 month waiting my turn for the Skyfire spawn for Cleric epic. The guild helped... since you had to be ingame to be in line....I kept all 3 accounts up and only dropped the cleric to he stayed "live" with someone at the keyboard while I slept.

2 thing happened around this time... First, just before hand Bots (Blood of the Spider... or Brotherhood... tired so I forget off hand which came first) tried to muscle in on a Plane of Fear raid that another guild was doing. The guild was having a hard time breaking in....and was CRing in a corner. BotS showed up and basically told em "you just aint moving fast enough...let us help" and proceeded to chain pull the zone OVER the top of the CR groups. They , of course , called a GM. For what ever reason... the GM showed up with out invulnerability on... and so BotS trained and killed the GM. o.0 Serverwise annoucnement " THE GUILD LEADER FOR BOTS WILL CONTACT ME NOW!!"...5 minutes later... that guild was disbanded the GM retaining leadership (this could not be reformed.) They already had a recruiter/lowbie guild called Spiderlings....and reformed later with a different name but same acronym.

Second...Spirit of Tunare also decided "might makes right". While the dude in front of me at the Skyfire part of cleric epic was forming up his attack force.. SoT ported in a raid force and stole the kill. "Oops, were you there?!? we didnt see the rampant /ooc /shout /tells you were doing until after the kill" To which the RTA blacklisted the entire guild. A week later... the guild was disbanded since no one wearing that tag could do jack...no one would group... no raid target would not be taken by any/every other guild, heck they got trained on sight. --sigh-- good ol days...

and... taken that as far as I want to go with out some indication you want a novel written.

I ought to mention.. I am never in a hurry to level new toons. They change drastically across the levels. I played most of them at once time or another, so I tend to take my time relearning the basics of X class... getting plugins/macros set up...testing new abilities and new theories on usefulness...ect ect. Basically , learning how to actually play the toon above and beyond "macro on...minimal usefullness obtained... okay time for a smoke" I also tend to do them in batches... 2-5 at a time, leaving room for various protector toons to join their group and keep them alive.

So my favorite way may look wonky to other folks... it is what works for me =D
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i recently Started a druid During the 170% Exp event -

while i never really pay attention to the strategies that people post i believe i should more often because

While doing this task posted by Varkeshan - http://www.redguides.com/community/...n-less-than-20-minutes?highlight=lichen+creep

I was able to level my druid 1-53 probably less then 15 minutes , my next journey allowed me to take a look at razkle's posts where he has been afk grinding lately which took me to here --- http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/37522-PL-Guide-59-75-EasyMode-Dragonscale-Hills

i Took my Ranger and Shrouded him down to be able to Group with my druid - i afk'ed here probably 2 days ? 3 days ? off and on to 75 then , Guess what suprise suprise i was able to find another post by raz , where he showed another spot for us to take advantage of his afking - here at ---- http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/35007-Get-to-the-Beach-Powerleveling-75-100

my druid is 100 % into 100 and working on aa's now to catch him up before i use auto grant to max his aa's out , believe it or not raz's idea's are actually freaking awsome. he posts alot of good information people should take more advantage of.

thanks raz for the information that you have allowed our community in a hole to gather... much appreciated sir

I've PL'd well over 50 characters to 75+ using Damage Shield PL'ing and have it down to a science. Any class can use PBAE potions (Oil of Fennin Ro, buyable from Zordak Ragefire in SolB) that come out to 250pp a cast, which even though is completely trivial amounts of plat I've come to use the least amount of charges I can.

I won't go over a full DS PL guide but will list my zone and method to getting 1-75 in an hour. I normally do this with a 100 group geared SK and either a 100 mage or 100 bard for more DS. If using Mage/Bard you can make it very fast by using Lesson or XP potion and camping the PL'd character in and out while wrangling the pull together.

It's important that you use a charge after you gain every 3+ levels during a pull to make sure you hit the higher level mobs in the pull that resisted your first few casts.

1-25 Crescent Reach.
-Start with a big pull of all the spiders, drakes, fungus and lions in cave. Use 2-3 charges to kill the whole pull, which will put you around level 12-13. Then do a huge pull of all the gnolls and undead further north, including undead in building and cave. This will cause the zone to start lagging out but it's momentary. You'll end up using 6-8 charges to hit everything. Once everything is dead you'll be around level 23-25.

25-42 Castle Mistmoore
-One GIANT pull of the entire zone. Yes, the entire zone at once. I start at entrance, take everything to the fake wall entrance and then work my way through castle pulling every room, then go out the front to get those and take the pull to zone in where the PL character is waiting. For this pull you'll need to use 8-10 charges, but once you're done you will be at least level 40. Sometimes up to 43-44 if you were good with resists.

42-65 Crypt of Nadox
-Start at the lava entrance and pull the living trolls around the camp fire and those caves (but NOT across bridge yet) and use 3-4 charges for that, which will get you to 43-45. Once done with that pull go across bridge and do one massive, massive, zone lagging pull of all the luggalds and undead trolls across the bridge. If you do it in one pull you will end up needing to use 8-10 charges and it will take you to 62-65.

65-70 Crypt of Decay

-Pull all of the death knight wing (slight zone lag), this pull will need 4-5 charges and will take you to 68. Once done with that pull, pull all the rats you want, if you pull the entire wing it will be HUGE zone lag, but will take you to 70 while using 3 charges.

70-75 Plane of Fire (if you are NOT using Oil of Fennin Ro OR a fire PBAE because they will completely resist it)
-Pull all the mobs around zone in and fire mephit island (which will cause significant zone lag) and it will get you to 70's. If not using any XP increase you may need to pull the second field to get to 75.

OR Dragonscale Hills
(if you ARE using Oil or fire based PBAE)
-Pull the farm, snakes, lions and clockworks. Use the biggest gear as a wall to help you with knockback. This will get you to 70's but if not using XP increase you may need to do the pull twice to get to 75.
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I use an SK with two mages for Damage shields. I also put the aged left eye Xygoz in primary slot (http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=32983) so i don't Repo. Use lots of AOE hate. I normally PL with a bard or wiz in the alts group for PB AE.

I start at Crescent Reach and make a train and then PB ae and then sit on SK so i get hit and they take me to 25

The great divide - Pull the whole Tizmak Caverns

pick a pop zone

Sunderock Springs
Make Large trains

Plane of Fire
Make a train. Choo Choo
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

The fastest way in my years of experience would be as follow:

Lichen Creep, with a high level toon to level 46-52.

After that, go into Plane of Knowledge and do the Quest from Destrea, you can save Lessons on your boxes while you pull, and its the easiest way of not having to wait for respawns.

If I didn't use Lichen, I would do Crescent 1-20, Moors 20-30, Stonehive 30-35, Acrylia 35(minimum level to AE agro the first floor) to above 53, Plane of Hate until 58, Crypt of Decay until 63, then Undershore until 70.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Well, before the recent quest changes I would do this:

1 - 20-ish: Bone quest
20-ish to upper-40's/low-50's: Blightfire/Goru Mesa
low 50's until 55 - Plane of Justice
55+ Crypt of Decay
And as soon as PoFire opens I'd take my dude there

It's been a really long time since I've had to do this.... last time I leveled a toon from scratch was to get a gnome tinker to lvl 50, so obviously that was quick. I also used a $5.00 heroic toon to move some rare equipment from Zek to my home server. I'm thinking about leveling a Wizzy or Druid, though, to add to my box team. Right now I run with a cleric + cleric merc. My DPS is still decent because the other toons aren't slouches, but I feel like another DPS toon would make quick work of most anything. I recently modified my MQ2Bot healer lineup to include quicker casting heals at the front, so now my tank (SK) rarely gets below 60%.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

well if i am power leveling , depending on class i will either pbae or use oil of fen Ro
log on the SK (100+will do ) , maybe 95 if you geared really well.

Cresent Reach- one or two good pulls with a SK tanking. close to level 20
20-30ish - Brightfire Moors just grab a bunch rats snaakes gnolls ect usually one pull.
30-45 - Brightfire Moors skeleton in the NW corner insanely fast repop. ( found it also a good place to level a shroud if you want , just shroud to 35 grab some oil of fenro sk tanking and once very like 2 to 3 mins can pull like 20-30 skeletons shroud levels fast there, usually about 3 oils , 12 charges per shroud level)
45-75 Hatchery instance in pok .
75-85 old bloodfields ( swarming with SK) or the grounds ( but usually kinda packed there).
85-95 Valley of Lunanyn , SK will usually tank 6-12 at once , or use a ranger and Vine Leach /Headshot them.
95+ Brother Island good xp but camped quite a bit , alternative 4th gate with 105 ranger and Headshot the dark elves there.

no power level
1-10 tutorial - can get some good starting gear there
10-20 Cresent Reach - just run around and kill some nice quests as well to get some more gear if you need.
20-40 Britefire Moors - lots of quest to do and when you can handle it the skeleton at the tower in the north west corner have a insanely fast repop.
40-50 Goru'Kar Mesa - armor quest line to do and lot of easy kills, just stay away from the giants and ring snakes they hit very hard compaored to most of the other zone.
usually will start with bears wolves and spiders , when the become too easy head west and take on the griffons/ undead.
50-65 planes ..... depending on what is camped ... i will try plane of fire first, hall of honor is good xp as is bastion of Thunder, Crypt of Decay is a good spot as well.
65-70 Dragonshade Hills is good at the farm camp , can get 3 kill quest near there as well
70-75 Looping plains is good .. you can do a kill worgs quest for an extra boost.

but reading these above posts there is a fast way to 50th, doing kill tasks in Lichen Creep as posted by Varkeshan I will have to check that out
I tried the Oil of Fennin Ro method of PBAE for PL'ing, but the issue I ran into was even if I clicked the damn thing 4-5 times per massive pull, a TON of resists meant that I got less experience per pull than if I just used a shroud with throw stone ability and a macro to hit all the mobs with 1pt of damage. Each pull took longer with the throw stone/shroud thing, but I got more experience faster because I was getting exp for every mob.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

1~10 or so in the tutorial so that I'm fully geared.

~11-20~ in South Ro doing the quest The Great Caiman issue given by Dimwicket Middifoodle

~20 through mid to late 60's LDoN's where I can get some of the things like dodge augs

~on to 75 running the dailies from Teak and Creator in DoN
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

I would do bonechips until about 20 then switch to Lichen Creep until mid 50s. Then I would head to wall of slaughter and DS kill the whole zone with my SK until around 75. After that I usually just put them in my normal kiss-assist group leeching exp.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

use a high level bard to train mobs and play only dmg shield songs /sit. Group your new toon with a new lvl bard and play the lvl 2 bard ae song on the mobs that were trained. you will level to 80+ in a couple of hours. The only delay is running out of mobs or traveling to the next zone(s).
There are some great guides here! Wish I had more thanks to give!

1-51 The three LC tasks- Takes me about an hour because I wait for the crab things to respawn three times.
51-53ish-DS Pincussion PL in Hatching a Plan with either a heroic SK with gear upgraded to rustic or a heroic SK sacrificed to level 80. One of the lowbies must have an AE damage spell for this.
53-57 Lowbies group with level 80 heroic SK. Sk slaughters everything - usually flipping instances with Hatching a Plan.
57-70 Lowbies group with level 85 heroic SK. SK slaughters everything - usually flipping instances with hatching a plan or heading to Wall of slaughter and killing the floating jelliies. Bonus points for getting the WoS daily,
70ish Buy first set of spells and run the cskillup.mac for the casters or melees dual a pet on /pet hold in the grand guild hall.
70-95 Lowbies grouped in with one of my level 100 FTP farm teams.
95-100 Either on their own as a group or put into storage.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

The FASTEST and EASIEST way would be to let Raz do it.....

Myself, well, I take lowly lvl 1 with cleric merc to FOB,
kill in newb area in front of pit till lvl 4-5,
kill in pit till 10ish, go to tower of kurn till 20ish,
then outside tower till 30ish.
At this point I go to Great Divide, into the shardwurm lair and kill shardwurms till 45ish.
Then I go to Natimbi till about 65ish,
At that point i group with my 95ers and each to 75+....
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Basically what everyone else says with one exception...

0 - 60ish: Lichen Creep. (do the quest, camp, do again in 6 hours)

60-75: Reverse Damage shield in WoS which is a hotzone. I give my baby toon a low AE damage spell or potion and if I can, temp, and a rune to absorb any rampage damage

I follow these steps on my mage:

1. Suspend pet or make sure he's on GHOLD
2. Put a healer merc on passive
3. Click off all DS from me (including illusionary spikes) AND THE HEALER
4. Pull the top right (NE) half of the zone back to the cubbie in the wall.
5. Put healer on Reactive
6. Cast group DS spell

The cleric will get aggro for healing, and the DS will tear through the mobs. Have your baby toon run out there and hit with AE when they get about 60% health then run back to his cubbie.

When the mobs are dead, repeat steps 2 and 3 for pulling the top left (NW) part of the zone.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

Wow, I must say that I am fairly disappointed with most of the posts in this thread.
Here is the most fun way to get to level 75, and if done right one of the quickest.

1. Pick a class you think you will like to play.
2. Pick a server with a good population.
3. Log on and start LFG right away.
4. Group with anyone and everyone who wants to play.
5. Have fun grouping and playing with others.
6. Join a guild so you can have even more people on your friends list.
7. What? What just happened? Oh, were you so busy playing EQ and making friends you forgot to notice....... DING 75.

P.S. Exp and leveling is a byproduct of playing and having fun. Now equip that weapon, invite a friend and find out what Norath can hold for you!
7. What? What just happened? Oh, were you so busy playing EQ and making friends you forgot to notice....... DING 75.

Lol. Very nice, but the only EQ people I care to chat with are the cool folks here at Redguides!
Wow, I must say that I am fairly disappointed with most of the posts in this thread.
Here is the most fun way to get to level 75, and if done right one of the quickest.

1. Pick a class you think you will like to play.
2. Pick a server with a good population.
3. Log on and start LFG right away.
4. Group with anyone and everyone who wants to play.
5. Have fun grouping and playing with others.
6. Join a guild so you can have even more people on your friends list.
7. What? What just happened? Oh, were you so busy playing EQ and making friends you forgot to notice....... DING 75.

P.S. Exp and leveling is a byproduct of playing and having fun. Now equip that weapon, invite a friend and find out what Norath can hold for you!

Most of all the people here im assuming read the post from redbot and read it as followed

To enter, just answer the above question, or have an on-topic discussion. Example:

I got to level 75 by grinding it out in Dragonscale Hills, using this guide. <----------- And took the using the guide meaning how did you level using what from what ? not original way , hell original way is boring and out dated were all here to cheat and see how much we can do !
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

We encourage people to interact, not to attack or flame each other. To grow as a community. To share information. The whole point of "how did you get to 75" is to see how people in current content get there, so we can all grow or at least laugh with each other!
I used to sell characters all the time about 2 a month for a couple years, but I grew to start not liking Everquest but here is how I would do it two ways:

Fastest Way with PL
  • 1-55 Undershore Swarm / DS kill all mobs around portal till about 55-60 (About 1-2 hours typically)
  • 55-74 Walls of Slaughter Swarm / DS Kill all mobs north of wall till 74 (~2 hours about) Note: Exp slows around 70 but you can stay till 74
  • 75-85 Grounds Swarm / DS kill any of the camps (My fav has always been bees or frogs) Note: This is good til about 90, but at 85 you can group with your 105's and get fantastic EXP in current content.
  • 85-105 Current Content Durr! you can group with your powerhouses and just reap the rewards.

Now all said, you can max a character in about a month or quicker if you really want to dedicate yourself, but now for my guide on the fast / fun way I level on a server with nothing.

No PL duo or molo Leveling to 75
  • 1-20 Crescent Reach and work your way to Skeleton camp and this is good to about 20
  • 20-44 Brightfire Moors start with entry rats and work to treants
  • 44-60 Goru`kar Mesa start with spiders then Giants and Centaurs
  • 60-75 Walls of Slaughter You might have a rough time at 60 but its doable starting at zone then working to the north post 66.
  • Optional 20-75 LDoN is actually really fun break from WoS and other undesirable zones and the Exp is pretty solid as well.

I've leveled well over 50 toons to max level in the past 16 years, but everyone has there favorite spots. The thing that I stress to players is play where you enjoy. Screw the exp and money makers for Everquest, it just isn't worth it. I love EQ and its community, but if you just follow a guide for fastest exp you will burn out. That is why I gave the fastest way and then the way I typically play these days ;)

Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

When I came back in 2014 I did bone chips with a heroic to level up chanter and a couple wizards, bought a pl to 100 for a heroic tank and then found spots to grind until group was all at least 90. From there I followed various guides on this site to level and gear them up. Once they got max aa and decent gear I became addicted to alts.
Re: April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl

at 75 you can group with 105s that why we did the 1-75 for this contest
The best way to level to 75 is to come to this post!!! I win. Send me a PM on how to pick up my new Wizard!

- - - Updated - - -

But seriously.....
Lichen tasks, bone chips during lockout, lichen tasks, bone chips......
Step 0: Load VeryVanilla and EQBCS

Step 1a: Create 1-71 new characters I am wanting to level
Step 1b: Log those characters in world and meetup with the port bitch (aka gimp wizzie15)
Step 1c: Port to wizard bind at task giver in Lichen Creep
Step 1d: Port gimpwizzie16 to PoK or other nearby area to my 105 ranger or zerker
Step 1e: Port high level melee toon to gimpwizzie16's bind point
Step 1f: Form high level into group (1-5 toons being leveled) or raid (6-71 toons being leveled)
Step 2a: Request all 3 of the lichen tasks, my melee characters all have a hotkey setup as follows:
/bcaa //target Xanathan Foxheart
/bcaa //say kill them
/bcaa //say thin them out
/bcaa //say up for it

/bcg //target Xanathan Foxheart
/bcg //say kill them
/bcg //say thin them out
/bcg //say up for it

Step 3: Leave all toons being pld at the quest giver, go slaughter the poor innocent critters of LC to close out all three tasks
Step 4: Press hotkey on high level melee toon (2 forms LC-Raid-Finish (/bcaa //hail) and LC-Grp-Finish (/bcg //hail))
Step 5a: If powerleveling a group, drop main character and port to plane of knowledge with gimpwizzie 15. Port ranger to Pok with translocate.
Step 5b: If powerleveling more than a group, camp out all characters and wait 6 hours to repeat Step 2, 3 and 4 repeat this process until characters are all level 60+). When characters are 60+, move to step 7.

Steps 6-8 are done in groups of 1-6 toons being pld all in the same group.

Step 6(Level 52-55): Head to PoI for 1-2 pulls using PBAE or Oil of Fennin. Ranger picks up grp, builds agro then after ae turns on all DS
Step 7(Level 55-62): Move to CoDecay and pull swarms of helpless rats and knights to their doom, use PBAE or Oil of Fennon. Ranger picks up grp, builds agro then after ae turns on all DS
Step 8 (62-75): Move to Sunderrock springs and followed by direwind. Pull swarms of mobs with ranger to their death and obliteration (Mount up on the ranger prior to pulling to avoid push effects). PBAE or Oil of Fennin mobs until most have been hit. Enable rangers swarm of doom. At this point I usually also add a bard, druid or mage+cleric to help speed up the process time.

Alternative for Levels 59-75 AFK: Park plees in grp with level 85 toon in either OGH, DH, or alternative location slaughtering mobs (See general concept guide here: http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/37522-PL-Guide-59-75-EasyMode-Dragonscale-Hills).

Step 9: Load in Gimpwizzie17 and chuckle mercilessly as you watch experience fly by at the beach 1.0 (http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/35007-Get-to-the-Beach-Powerleveling-75-100) or beach 2.0 (http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php/37529-AFK-Exp-AA-Chelsith-Reborn-beach-75). I normally split a group of 5 pld characters between the two locations along with War/wiz/clr (Beach 1.0) and War/Dru/Wiz/Wiz (Beach 2.0).
i've taken more than a few the heroic way although if i'm not doing that

most grinding is done with a 1-3 man pl crew, Cleric Druid Enchanter. pl team in one group, pl'd toon(s) solo or grouped with themselves. PL group also handles transport and set's up campfires as needed. Shaman and Mage campfire in as needed for additional buffage and pet toys if/when needed.

toon(s) being pl'd running kissassist in hunter mode, pl crew following in chase mode, kissassist INI set up for pl to buff and heal, DPS set to snare, debuff and DS/reverseDS, generally this part is all done on afk autopilot, occasional i'l just sit and watch.
1-10ish s ro for orcs.
east and south Karena to 20-25ish, Gnolls.

i used to do 1-20ish upper guk, first at the heart spiders till they bore me (5-10) and then everyone parked at the Croc camp, and enchanter pulls to group.. this is a bit slower and requires more work , also more downtime as we tend to kill stuff too quickly and have to wait for respawns

Lower Guk to 40-45. for this we typically set up at the AM camp and we change to PL'd group running kissassist in tank/assist mode. PL group continues normal routine except Enchanter switches to pulling, enchanter pauses KA, pulls a swarm back to the camp, unpauses and goes in AE mez mode, pl group slaughters. will typically bring in a mage and have them chill at the campfire for COH as needed. if pling casters i'll bring in an 85 necro that runs a custom macro to pump mana. we pull everything nonstop from Lord to Frenzied and if that's not enough i'll pull the rest of the dead side.

at 45 we move on to Nadox for undead trolls and or Luggalds, bonus here ac/hp aug and tribute fodder

at 60 we move to Halls of Honor, left at the first intersection, and set up outside the far corner courtyard, PL team goes back to sitting at the camp on assist mode, pl'd group's MA goes to puller mode. if you position right you can pull all the hallway wanderers from 3 directions as well as the courtyard, little downtime and 25 ish different spawns in the rotation depending on when some of the wanderers pass. lots of vendor trash and trade skill drops, as well as another ac/hp aug. this camp can run on automatic and have left them running for 20 hours or so at a time with no problem. would leave them up longer but must share the PC with my wife and sadly EQ will NOT run in the background with fallout or Skyrim. this camp can take you to 75, even 80 but it starts to slow way down past about 72

70ish i move to Loping Plains, typically using enchanter to pull again, about 75ish i'll start hitting Bloodmoon keep.
beyond that toons get plugged into the regular grind group or taken to House of Thule then the Library for a bit and then on to a camp in Sanctum, typically running clear to 100 here.

granted this may not be the fastest way, but it's all zones i know far too well, and i have fun :) granted starting to run out of toons to pl... and they do tend to get expensive as i'll do some gear shopping at certain stages
Contest April Contest: Win a 105 WIZ w/ max AA, rares. Tell us your favorite way to lvl 75.
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